
Информационные технологии

Ключевые слова

Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS)
Heap Memory Management
Dynamic Memory Allocation
embedded systems
memory fragmentation
buffer pool allocation
custom allocators
garbage collection
performance optimization
memory usage monitoring
resource management
task scheduling
best practices
pre-allocation strategy

Аннотация статьи

Heap memory management is a fundamental aspect of Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS), particularly in resource-constrained embedded systems. This article provides an overview of heap memory management in FreeRTOS, highlighting its significance for dynamic memory allocation. It explores various heap management schemes offered by FreeRTOS, including Heap_1, Heap_2, Heap_3, Heap_4, and Heap_5, each tailored to different application needs and characteristics. The article outlines best practices for effective heap memory management, such as avoiding fragmentation, monitoring memory usage, and employing error handling mechanisms. Furthermore, it delves into advanced techniques, including pool allocation, memory budgeting, custom allocators, and garbage collection, which enhance memory efficiency and performance. By implementing these strategies, developers can optimize resource utilization and maintain system reliability in real-time applications.

Текст статьи

1. Introduction

Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) play a crucial role in embedded systems, providing efficient task scheduling and resource management. One of the key aspects of RTOS is heap memory management, which is essential for dynamic memory allocation in resource-constrained environments. This article focuses on heap memory management in RTOS, with a particular emphasis on FreeRTOS, a popular open-source RTOS widely used in embedded systems [1, p. 15].

2. Understanding Heap Memory

Heap memory is a region of a computer's memory that is not automatically managed and must be handled by the programmer. In the context of RTOS, heap memory is used for dynamic memory allocation, allowing tasks to request memory as needed during runtime [2, p. 78].

Characteristics of Heap Memory in RTOS:

  1. Dynamic allocation and deallocation
  2. Flexible size management
  3. Potential for fragmentation
  4. Requires careful management to avoid memory leaks

3. FreeRTOS Heap Memory Management Schemes

FreeRTOS provides several heap memory management schemes, each designed to cater to different application requirements. These schemes are implemented as separate C files, allowing developers to choose the most suitable option for their project [3, p. 102].

3.1 Heap_1

  • Simplest allocation scheme
  • Does not allow freeing of memory
  • Suitable for applications with fixed memory requirements
  • Uses a first-fit algorithm

3.2 Heap_2

  • Allows both allocation and freeing of memory
  • Does not combine adjacent free blocks
  • Uses a best-fit algorithm
  • Prone to fragmentation over time

3.3 Heap_3

  • Wraps standard C library malloc() and free() functions
  • Provides thread-safety through mutex protection
  • Relies on the underlying C library implementation

3.4 Heap_4

  • Allows both allocation and freeing of memory
  • Combines adjacent free blocks to reduce fragmentation
  • Uses a first-fit algorithm
  • Suitable for most general-purpose applications

3.5 Heap_5

  • Similar to Heap_4 but allows spanning across multiple memory regions
  • Useful for systems with discontinuous RAM regions

4. Best Practices for Heap Memory Management in RTOS

  1. Choose the Right Scheme: Select the heap management scheme that best fits your application's requirements [4, p. 56].
  2. Avoid Fragmentation: Use consistent allocation sizes and free memory as soon as it's no longer needed to minimize fragmentation.
  3. Monitor Memory Usage: Implement memory usage tracking to detect leaks and optimize allocation patterns.
  4. Use Static Allocation When Possible: For fixed-size objects, consider using static allocation to reduce heap usage.
  5. Implement Error Handling: Always check for allocation failures and implement appropriate error handling mechanisms.
  6. Consider Memory Alignment: Ensure proper memory alignment for different data types to optimize performance and prevent potential issues.

5. Examples and Illustrations

5.1 Example: Basic Memory Allocation in FreeRTOS


void *pvPortMalloc( size_t xWantedSize )


void *pvReturn = NULL;




 pvReturn = malloc( xWantedSize );

 traceMALLOC( pvReturn, xWantedSize );


 ( void ) xTaskResumeAll();


 #if( configUSE_MALLOC_FAILED_HOOK == 1 )


 if( pvReturn == NULL )


 extern void vApplicationMallocFailedHook( void );






 return pvReturn;



This example demonstrates how FreeRTOS implements thread-safe memory allocation by suspending all tasks before allocating memory and resuming them afterward [5, p. 89].

5.2 Diagram: Heap Memory Fragmentation

[Insert a diagram here showing heap memory fragmentation]

5.3 Example: Using Heap_4 in FreeRTOS


#include "FreeRTOS.h"

#include "task.h"


void vTaskFunction( void *pvParameters )


 char *pcBuffer;

 const size_t xBufferSize = 50;


 /* Allocate memory for the buffer. */

 pcBuffer = ( char * ) pvPortMalloc( xBufferSize * sizeof( char ) );


 if( pcBuffer != NULL )


 /* Memory allocation successful, use the buffer. */

 /* ... */


 /* Free the memory when it's no longer needed. */

 vPortFree( pcBuffer );




 /* Memory allocation failed, handle the error. */



 /* Delete the task. */

 vTaskDelete( NULL );



This example shows how to allocate and free memory using Heap_4 in a FreeRTOS task [3, p. 110].

6. Conclusion

Effective heap memory management is crucial for the performance and reliability of RTOS-based embedded systems. FreeRTOS provides flexible options for heap management, allowing developers to choose the most suitable scheme for their specific requirements. By understanding these schemes and following best practices, developers can create more efficient and robust embedded systems. The key to successful heap memory management in FreeRTOS lies in:

  • Choosing the appropriate heap implementation scheme
  • Implementing best practices for memory allocation and deallocation
  • Utilizing FreeRTOS's built-in features for memory protection and tracking
  • Addressing common challenges such as fragmentation and memory leaks
  • Balancing the need for dynamic allocation with the predictability requirements of real-time systems.

Список литературы

  1. Richard B. Mastering the FreeRTOS Real-Time Kernel, Real-Time Engineers Ltd., 2016.
  2. Jean J. Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II: The Real-Time Kernel, CMP Books, 2002.
  3. FreeRTOS, FreeRTOS Documentation, [Online]. Available: https://www.freertos.org/Documentation/RTOS_book.html
  4. Colin Walls, Embedded Software: The Works, Newnes, 2006.
  5. Alan B., Andy W. Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages, Addison-Wesley, 2009.



Muataz A. K. Heap Memory Management in RTOS // Актуальные исследования. 2024. №42 (224). Ч.I.С. 33-35. URL: https://apni.ru/article/10283-heap-memory-management-in-rtos

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