АИ #14 (17)
Статьи журнала АИ #14 (17)
Conducting educational research in pedagogical experiment

Conducting educational research in pedagogical experiment


Образование, педагогика

Ключевые слова

constructing a paper and pencil performance test
standard scores
norms of actions
types of measurement scales
performing item analysis on the items
different approaches to the estimation of test validity

Аннотация статьи

The article describes procedures of identifying the pedagogical experiment in observation, measurement and managing the experiment in order to optimize the process of possessing professional competencies in foreign language teaching and learning.

Текст статьи

he most efficient means of information exchange in many fields of civil and military society is knowledge of foreign language. As communicative and oriented professional foreign language makes perfect the very fact of communication by intruding in it the elements of personal intellect, emotional paints, cultural sharing and trust. From this point of view knowing foreign language guarantees development in such areas as science, business, technology, humanitarian field of education, mass media, etc. Today the very foreign language (especially English) is the language of international education, literature and music, sport and theatre, history of the countries where the English language is spoken. Due to the language of computer and a wide range of information technologies we are able to penetrate through absolutely necessary nowadays teaching- learning methods of possessing the world professional information even at the early stage of studying at the University. The task is to define correctly the most demanded competences we are to form, and, accordingly, to have formed as professional skills in need of a modern industry and military business.

Every educated person and good specialist may be a creative top-person by definition, if is capable enough to overcome difficulties of professional communication of any kind, solve problems personally and in a team, chose the very right variant of making up decision and imagine the way of prolonged development of him(her)self, a team, a society at last. When learning the foreign language the students learn to recognize and realize all necessary society’s expectations through real highly professional activity, work, performance, labor, if necessary. To make it possible one must come through pedagogical experiment on different disciplines and educational topics in order to learn methodic of communication, integration, cooperation and personal individual presentation as a competent professional in military and civil fields of Russian and foreign society (Sirya, for example).

While carrying out the body and content of a pedagogical experiment, we took into account some main stages, responsible for effective process of the very experiment and its high expected results.

We started with the criterion of the experiment’ exclusiveness. We mean themes and topics of the lessons, compounding the structural system of the whole experiment. This approach is useful. It conveys more information, makes it possible to exclude other subjects or states from consideration that the definition is not intended to cover [1, p.108]. It is very important especially in a military University, when we have to combine and integrate information from special mathematical, technical and humanitarian disciplines in one alive scientifically correct unite, responsible for the programmatic goals of the special disciplines. The second stage is operational definitions and the research process of the experiment, taking into account the students’ opinions and views on the experiment goals. We put into action preliminary diagnostic tests about experiments as an advanced method of learning foreign language. There are some common questions from the up-start period of the scheme’ putting into action: 1. What is a system of experiments aimed at? 2. When does this practice begin in learning foreign language? (your opinion about experiment as all tests or a special system of tests). 3. What are the compulsory experiments? 4. What subjects do you learn while coming through the experiment in English learning? 5. What are advantages and disadvantages of the experiments? (personal, educational, psychological, scientific, emotional, cultural, philosophical). 6.Why do we need use “pedagogical experiment” as means and method of effective English learning? 7. In what areas of the disciplines connected with your future professional practice language experiment may be mostly used and useful? 8. What are the main difficulties for you in learning English in the process of experiment? 9. What do you mean by nondirective and directive teachers conducting the experiment? 10. Do you see your group (course) as a place you enjoy? 11. What research spectrum can you propose effective in the case of language experiment?

Among operational definitions some structural and interpersonal proposals may be taken into account: 1. Identifying the reasons for the use of a control group; 2. Matched- Pair Technique; 3. Matched – Group Technique; 4. Using subjects as the students’ own controls; 5. Appraising the success of the manipulation; 6. Competency test exercises.

In order to specify the questions to be answered in the very beginning of the experiment the teacher identify the general research problems of the whole process, explaining the most important positions of the urgent items to the students involved. So, in the process of participation the students require the full information on the point the questions listed below:

  1. On what does the educational process of LE (language experiment) process focus? (on social manipulation, on use of the mind, more…)
  2. By what learning (teaching) methods is the information communicated?
  3. What are the characteristics of the people who do the educating (status, expected rewards, relation to learners)?
  4. How does the person being educated participate? (are students accepting? defiant? competitive? cooperative?)
  5. What limits the quality and quantity of information a student receives from the teacher? (teaching methods? time? equipment? stereotyping?)
  6. What forms of conduct control (discipline) are used?
  7. What is the relation between the intent and result of the students’ education?
  8. What self-conceptions are reinforced in the students?

The most important thing in the whole structural procedure of the experiment significant is to try to determine -to consider both students’ intentions and their actuality. In a real practice of communication in the frame of experiment it denotes the behavior that took place and reasons and plans behind the behavior. It influences the plot of answers and quality and quantity of the knowledge gotten and owned.

Saying about work in pairs or in a team, we mean information about participants of the experiment. In the prolonged period of preparation to experiment, a teacher has been trying to imaging the cast (plot, context) of the group of participant, collecting the information on the questions:

  • Who were the participants?
  • What was the setting?
  • What were the participants roles?
  • What was intended by participants in the different roles?
  • What was actually done by the participants in the different roles?
  • What were the results or effects?
  • What were the relationships between roles, intentions, behaviors, and effects among the different participants?

Experiment lets the participants to get information about self-language portrait, useful for competent realization in a future professional practice for a good speaker and a good listener, extremely important for a team-work. The students may analyze “Why this happened?” – 1. Did the speaker provide too much information? 2. Were you interested in what the speaker had to say? 3. What other reasons made you miss some of the information?

The teachers’ advice as a proposal-scheme for a productive participation may be like this: “Fall in Experiment. With someone who wants the same as a new experience for personal development; who waits for you as a partner and a friend in a team; someone who helps you and guides you, who is your support, your hope. Fall in an experiment with someone who talks with you after a fight on the problems of the experiment, who wants to be with you in prolonged work on improving your professional habits and skills in a situation of overcoming difficulties and obstacles on the way to a real knowledge.”

It is very important to create creative approach to realizing new projects and rational learning through missing not important aspects of gotten information. The creative problematic tasks are very interesting and contribute a lot to personal mental and emotional development of a personality on the way to perfection. So, the students may be proposed to describe the structure of the experiment and put the key-problem and, accordingly, key-question to the text below, and link it’s importance with the analogies of their own future profession. So, the text for experimental analyzing looks like: “Railroad History. The time will come when people will travel in stages moved by steam engines from one city to another, almost as fast as birds can fly, 15 or 20 miles an hour… A carriage will start from Washington in the morning, the passengers will breakfast at Baltimore, dine at Philadelphia, and sup in New York the same day… Engines will drive boats 10 or 12 miles an hour, and there will be hundreds of steamers running on the Mississippi, as predicted years ago…”.

While creating the scientific approach to a new experiment structure, the students think over Research Methodology, as in special scientific terms may be represented as intellectual frame of communication: 1. Statement of research questions; 2. Situations and problems that led to the questions; 3. Background research and theory that helped refine the questions. 4. Study design: knowledge of setting before researcher’s entry; how initial entry was accomplished; how researcher acquired a feel for the setting; how the researcher’s presence was explained to the participants (whar researcher’s role was); what each cpesific research technique used was (sample, sequence, timing); relations between researcher and setting members (volunteers, paid, willings- roles);problems encountered; their eventual disposition an effect on validity and reliability.5. Presentation of data.6. Conclusion [2, p. 371].

Such approach is very effective in organization of educational space for seeing a real world, overloaded with known and unknown things. While staying in a witty communication process (an experiment, as one of the practical models of creative learning-teaching), the students det opportunity of finding themselves on the way to personal perfection and recognition the perfection of other for the sake of development and professional stability [3, p. 9].

Список литературы

  1. Bruce W. Tuckman. Conducting educational research. The USA, 1994, p.109.
  2. Ted Buchholds. Specifying the questions to be answered.The USA, 1994, p. 371.
  3. Azarenkova M.I. Effective communication with young people in foreign language teaching- a strategic competence of education, - in “Youth in the modern world: problems and perspectives”, the 15th International conference” – Ufa, 2019, C. 9.



Азаренкова М. И. Conducting educational research in pedagogical experiment // Актуальные исследования. 2020. №14 (17). С. 69-71. URL: https://apni.ru/article/1074-conducting-educational-research-in-pedagogic

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