АИ #52 (234)
Статьи журнала АИ #52 (234)
Исследование путей перехода на отечественное программное обеспечение при организ...

Исследование путей перехода на отечественное программное обеспечение при организации защиты данных в облачных информационных хранилищах

Научный руководитель


Информационные технологии

Ключевые слова

отечественное ПО
защита данных
облачные информационные хранилища

Аннотация статьи

В современных условиях усиливающих требований к информационной безопасности в России вопрос перехода на отечественное программное обеспечение становится все более актуальным. Это особенно важно при защите данных, хранимых в облачных информационных хранилищах, где риски несанкционированного доступа и утечек данных возрастают. Настоящая статья посвящена исследованию возможностей перехода на отечественное программное обеспечение для обеспечения защиты данных в облачных системах. В работе анализируются преимущества и недостатки существующих российских решений, рассматриваются сценарии перехода на суверенные технологии, а также оцениваются их перспективы для российского рынка.

Текст статьи

Cloud technologies have become an integral part of modern IT infrastructure. They are used not only in private companies, but also in government agencies for data storage and processing. Due to the growing threat of data leakages and international sanctions restricting access to foreign technologies, Russian organizations are beginning to look for ways to reduce dependence on foreign software and to implement domestic solutions [1, p. 256]. Protecting data in cloud storage using domestic software is becoming an important element of security strategy. This is especially relevant in light of the Russian legal requirements, in particular the Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, where data processing and protection regulations are established [2].

Current challenges and opportunities of moving to domestic software

The use of foreign cloud storages poses significant risks for Russian organizations. International sanctions may result in blocked access to foreign platforms or software jeopardizing data security and system performance. In addition, foreign developers may not comply with Russian information security standards posing an additional threat to data privacy. These factors force Russian organizations to use domestic software.

Hence, Russian market offers several solutions that can be used to protect data in cloud storages. Proposal is the Alt Linux operating system which was developed in Russia and supports a wide range of data security tools. Another solution is the MoyOffice application package which allows to work with documents in cloud environments and includes built-in encryption and data protection mechanisms. It’s also worth noting such system as ViPNet which provide secure data exchange and secure storage in network infrastructures.

However, the introduction of domestic software faces a number of difficulties. Firstly, Russian analogs cannot yet fully compete with global leaders in terms of functionality and scalability. Secondly, transition to domestic solutions requires significant investments both at the implementation stage and in the process of personnel training. Nevertheless, the key advantage of domestic software is its compliance with Russian security standards. This fact is especially important for governmental organizations and companies dealing with confidential information.

Transition opportunities analysis

One of the main scenarios for transitioning to domestic software is the complete replacement of all foreign solutions with Russian ones. This strategy ensures maximum data security as organizations completely eliminate dependence on foreign vendors. However, this approach requires significant costs and may be difficult to implement in large companies operating systems where foreign software is used.

A more flexible option is a partial transition, when critical data is protected by domestic software, while less important systems continue to run on foreign platforms [3, p. 232]. This approach allows to reduce implementation costs and minimize risks associated with possible blocking of foreign services. For example, solutions like ViPNet can be used to protect particularly sensitive data, while popular cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure can be used for less critical systems [4, p. 120].

There is an opportunity to integrate domestic data protection tools into foreign platforms for organizations that cannot opt out to international cloud services. This approach allows organizations to retain access to global cloud standards while ensuring data protection using Russian solutions. For example, use of domestic software for data encryption in cloud storage of international companies will help avoid leakage and meet the requirements of Russian regulators.

Advantages and disadvantages of domestic software

Use of domestic software in cloud systems has its advantages, but it also raises certain challenges. On the one hand, it provides greater independence from foreign technologies and minimizes risks associated with sanctions or restrictions on the use of foreign platforms. In addition, domestic developments take into account the specifics of Russian legislation and regulations in the field of information protection. This fact makes them particularly attractive for governmental organizations and companies working with critical infrastructure.

On the other hand, Russian solutions are often inferior to world analogues in terms of their performance, scalability and functionality. Many companies using cloud technologies face problems of domestic software integration into existing systems and it requires additional costs and time. There is also a risk that Russian solutions may not receive sufficient support in the long run making it difficult to use them in large-scale projects.

The transition to domestic software for data protection in cloud storages is an important step to ensure security and independence of Russian IT infrastructure. Despite the existing limitations, domestic developments offer enough solutions to minimize risks associated with the use of foreign technologies. However, transition process requires careful preparation and analysis, especially in the context of integration with existing systems and user support. In the long term, the use of domestic software will allow Russian organizations to strengthen their information security and create more independent and secure information environment.

Список литературы

  1. Лащевски Т. Облачные архитектуры: разработка устойчивых и экономичных облачных приложений. М.: ЛитРес, 2022. 320 с.
  2. Шувалова М. Импортозамещение в сфере IT // ГАРАНТ.РУ. URL: https://www.garant.ru/article/1542142/?ysclid=m4red2rfxu633235657 (дата обращения 18.12.2024).
  3. Ньюман С. Создание микросервисов. СПб.: Питер, 2016. 304 с.
  4. Хрусталева Е.Ю. Облачные технологии 1С: Предприятия: Практическое руководство для внедрения облачных решений с использованием отечественного программного обеспечения. М.: ЛитРес, 2021. 256 с.



Сафонов В. А. Исследование путей перехода на отечественное программное обеспечение при организации защиты данных в облачных информационных хранилищах // Актуальные исследования. 2024. №52 (234). Ч.I.С. 63-65. URL: https://apni.ru/article/10903-issledovanie-putej-perehoda-na-otechestvennoe-programmnoe-obespechenie-pri-organizacii-zashity-dannyh-v-oblachnyh-informacionnyh-hranilishah

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