Teachers’ view in methodical approach to personal development of the youth in professional practice


Педагогика и психология

Ключевые слова

methodical preparation
personal development
status of foreign language
criteria of development
sufficient practice
teaching methods and techniques
targeted methods of development
professional personality

Аннотация статьи

Teacher’s view in methodical approach to personal development of the students is very important in overloaded with information, new demands and expectations’ society. Methodical preparation of teachers and, logically-students-plays a great role as a key’ core of a real educational and communicative and professional space’ vision educational overcoming theoretical and psychological obstacles of a real communicative space’ vision.

Текст статьи

“We all must face problems, but it is how you face them that counts.
If you have to see, then see the specialties of each other. If you have to leave something, leave weaknesses.
Be just enthusiastic about the success of others, as you are about your own success”
Indian wisdom

Methodical preparation of teachers is extremely important for explaining those involved in the process students and teachers all special features, difficulties and systematical demands in order to overcome all obstacles on the way to perfection in future profession of those taught. Psychology plays a great role in this process. Methodical skills of the teachers help students to develop all the best features in personality in order to reach success in studies. We know that a good, clean minded person sees the good points of others, when a dirty minded person is always looking for dirt… The teachers’ task as mission is to see the best, to carry the best, to penetrate through blocks of discipline not as an a loader simply, but as a real professional leader, a psychologist, a comrade in overcoming difficulties, a parent, if it is necessary. So, some special methodical findings in accordance with special themes in the foreign language program are very effective. The students are to be ready to recognize the truth like this: before they leave their University they need to make up their mind that they are going to stay effective, rational, responsible, reliable and positive and enjoy their profession no matter what come their way [1, p. 58]. First of all, while studying good reading and writing as habits and mastering are necessary good contribution to a wide necessary personal development in intellectual, professional, social and cultural spheres, responsible for personality’ establishment in accordance with the demands of modern society and individual needs.

The main task of teachers and their teachers, professional people in methodical sphere, – is to explain all those interested that they have to decide ahead of time. It means to possess information as knowledge about types of personality as a whole and the same concrete due to their students. The very this approach helps effectively to teach. Let us mention some traits of an effective leader include the following:

  1. Emotional stability. It means to be able to tolerate frustration and stress, being well-adjusted with psychological maturity to deal with any arising problem.
  2. As leaders are often times be competitive, decisive and usually enjoy overcoming obstacles.
  3. They are active, expressive, energetic, optimistic and open to change.
  4. They are often dominated by sense of duty and tend to be very exacting in character.
  5. Social boldness. They are responsible to others and have high emotional stamina,
  6. They are insensible to hardship and are very poised, practical, logical and to the point.
  7. Self-assurance. Being secure and free from guilt they have self-confidence.
  8. Usually they are controlled and very precise I in their social interactions.
  9. High energy. They remain alert and stay focused.
  10. Team orientation. Leaders put a strong emphasis on team work, creating relationship, which fosters team cohesive-ness.
  11. They know how to put yourself in the other person's shoes. It is a key-trait of leaders today.
  12. Having charisma, the leaders are able to arouse strong emotions in people. They motivate people to reach toward a future goal by trying the goal to substantial personal rewards and values.

When we say about personal development of the students, first of all we take into account The Weight of Evidence. First of all, we mean their attention to their future profession as seamen, captains, sailors, mechanical engineers and so on. Everything in our life starts with and in our families, parents’ attention to the choice of their children. It is the truth “What consumes your mind, controls your life, and a positive thinker sees the invisible and feels the intangible, achieving the impossible”. Becoming adult at the first stage, when their son or daughter seems to become very concerned about their future profession [2, p. 88].

So, we could compare a lot of all different letters contexts and define clearly what those interested adults are to do in order to select ‘the right person – A seaman’. We are ready to look in the future and penetrate even through the first course cadets (students). The main measures look like these:

  1. Determining the need to service in the Fleet, to study at the Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, and so on. “Are the skills and talents of those interested in the sea-profession properly understood and utilized? Can your learning and practical training growth support your desire and insurance to become and to be a Sea Man?”
  2. Conducting a through sea service job analysis. “Does a candidate know what are the sea-job’s essential functions and key performance criteria?”
  3. Writing a Sea -man job description and job-service specification for the position based on the job analysis.
  4. Deciding how to form qualified specialist in the Sea service. “What are the cadet’s techniques in learning and training process to be used? What is the time frame or conducting your effective achieving your profession of a Seaman?”
  5. Determining the salary for the position. “Is the salary comparable and proportional with the salaries and responsibilities of other positions inside your country’s society?“

This methodical approach to analyzing process was very effective. We collected and analyzed a fair amount of those interested in Sea profession and resumes (self-estimation, special estimation in comparison and resulting) and then selecting and teaching the most qualified candidates for sea profession for further consideration through learning and training. Then we had a conversation with the most qualified candidates to the military profession for the position of a cadet, and then – a ranked Sea man. The answers were based on the sea job’s description and specification [3, p. 117]. The most meaningful aim is to prepare our students for the kind of English used by and for native speakers. In order to be ready for this reason we try to use less of simplified material which is made easy for the learner. One of the most effective one is the so called “Variants”. The students Keep Talking, forming their Communicative Fluency Activities for Language.” The students like this task – test as a wide space for personal feelings, opinions, ideas, emotions and doubts expression’ for estimating it by a teacher with respect and understanding. It is like this: The students can prepare their own questions and answers. Some more suggestions are like these:

What would happen

If everybody who told a lie turned green?
If people could get a driver license at 14?
If girls had to do military service?
If men were not allowed to become doctors or pilots?
If children over ten were allowed to vote?
If gold was found in your area?
If headmasters had to be elected by teachers and pupils?

What would you do

If you were invited to the Queen’s garden party? Or: If a photograph of yours won first prize at an exhibition? If you got a love letter from somebody you did not know? If you suddenly found out that you could become invisible by eating spinach? If you invited somebody to dinner and they forgot to come? If you forgot you had asked for people to lunch and did not have any food in the house when they arrived? If you could not sleep at night?

As a result, there is a great teacher’ goal. This goal is to focus on fluency and engendering a communicative atmosphere. There are a lot of ways. The teachers and students in common intellectual and educational work try to find their own way among a lot of ways and follow it with confidence.

A wide range of material intended for speakers of English is in demand. The other special aim is to help students become independent and responsible for their own learning, trying to develop their own efforts and habits of study under the witty leading role of their teachers. In practice it is a great amount of vocabulary as terms of any kind, idioms, professional terminology, poetic ones, dialogue and monologue’ schemes for a real practice of communication, models of special grammatical schemes and instructions for different spheres of communication, writing skills, listening skills and so on.

The pedagogical experiment on the “Testing issue” showed good results on all the concrete goals as tasks declared. They were:

Targeted research on class and independent ways in link to demonstrate benefits of bringing together reasons for the present emphases on vocabulary, clarification and social knowledge in situational real and theoretical practice through participation, writing messages, reports, scientific and artistic work, telephone links and so on. The students were successful in research on joint independent learning quality and reporting approaches with materials supported by teachers in different ways of training and educating communication.

The teachers denote this practice as ‘Education for Sustainable Development ‘for all involved in the process of independent establishment of a Personality [4, p. 121].

We consider the most important the spheres of testing like periodical tests as extremely useful for supporting rational and alive regime of independent learning in direction of repeating professional terms, ordinary vocabulary, technical and humanitarian definitions, compound expressions and idioms.

In a short way we’ll introduce some sentences in accordance with different types of tests suggested to be done by students due to the context of the proposed English texts [5, p. 57]. The texts may be different, but the questions may contain the major ideas like these ones: 1. Reading. 2. Listening. 3. Speaking. The aim declared was like this: ‘Try to give more than just basic answers, and give examples to show what you mean; remember that you are being tested on your ability to speak in English, not on your knowledge of specific areas of business (as a core of different professional activities’ context).

The rationally and logically correct organization of independent educational practice becomes a visible result of well-organized process of English teaching in class, when an image of a teacher as a professional becomes a promised model for pretending to be like that mentioned for all those happy independently learning. Our common teachers’ and students’ motto is like this “Do not allow anything to be an obstacle. See everything as a stepping stone to victory” (Indian wisdom again).

Список литературы

  1. Friederike Klippel Keep Talking. Communicative fluency activities for language teaching. – Cambridge, 1984. – 202 с.
  2. Azarenkova M.I. Thinking about writing for personal development. // Сборник научных трудов по материалам международной научно-практической конференции «Особенности современного этапа развития образования и науки», г. Белгород, 2023. – 88 с.
  3. Aзаренкова М.И., Ленько Г.Н. Theory and Practice of Blended Learning – Functional Development of Modern Education. В сборнике «Актуальные вопросы обучения профессионально ориентированному иностранному языку в морском вузе. Проблемы и перспективы». // Материалы II Всероссийской научно-практической конференции. Санкт-Петербург, 2023. – 324 с.
  4. Филоненко В.А., Цыганко Е.Н. Аналитические методы профессиональной коммуникации в процессе подготовки морских специалистов. // Материалы 1 Всероссийской научно-практической конференции «Актуальные вопросы обучения профессионально ориентированному иностранному языку в морском вузе». Санкт-Петербург, 2021. – 172 с.
  5. Azarenkova M.I. About experience skills in scientific speech and research work for establishment in future profession. // В сборнике научных трудов по материалам международной научно-практической конференции. «Стратегия развития социально-гуманитарных наук в современном мире». Белгород, 2022. – 100 с.



Азаренкова М. И. Teachers’ view in methodical approach to personal development of the youth in professional practice // Роль научного знания в развитии общества: перспективы в эпоху цифровых технологий : сборник научных трудов по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции 11 февраля 2025г. Белгород : ООО Агентство перспективных научных исследований (АПНИ), 2025. URL: https://apni.ru/article/11271-teachers-view-in-methodical-approach-to-personal-development-of-the-youth-in-professional-practice

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