АИ #16 (19)
Статьи журнала АИ #16 (19)
Importance of in-service teacher education for building a teaching «metric syste...

Importance of in-service teacher education for building a teaching «metric system» forms


Образование, педагогика

Ключевые слова

teachers’ workshop
mental law
making deci-sions
teaching forms
innovative educational program

Аннотация статьи

In-service teacher education may be interpreted as “productive support of an approach” to correct pedagogical activity in different situations of teaching and upbringing. The very this approach is appropriate and modern for our century requirements. With all expectations and needs of the digital world it is necessary to take into account that productive forms of teachers’ workshop are to be represented sufficiently. Clarifying essential concepts is a demand of intellectual teaching modernity.

Текст статьи

“Usus efficacissimus rerum omnium magister est”
(Плиний Старший)

“Verba docent, exempla trahunt” (Слова поучают, примеры увлекают)

“Unusquisque sua noverit ire via” («Пусть каждый умеет идти своим путем»
(Пожелание Проперция)

For all of us, teachers , this is a very demanding time. We have to look at all things around us carefully and attentively. We have to analyze where we are and what is happening – in a society, within it, around it, in common activity for the sake of common aims- goals achieving and inside personal individuality, responsible for oneself and influence the whole society. We have to analyze where we are going as teachers, the main communicants, tutors, educators, trainers, schoolers, moderators, parents- as we move forward to a new society. What for? To anticipate it. It is a great demand of modernity- responsibility for those taught in a new world. The very life is probing teachers’ professional potential and personal performance. The very fact, this is further proof, that the teachers are convinced leaders. The teachers’ confidence comes from knowing that what they are doing is right and necessary, for individuals as well for society, overloaded with different problems, expecting the solving or transportation into the category of future findings… The witty solutions of teachers while educating those learned at school, college, University work out the strong foundation for bearing the burden of any kind society’ problems. The teachers’ mission is to compare our own educational reform (process, sphere, territory, space, approach, etc.) to the universal educational matrix of the world. First of all we take into account the development tasks of our own educational reform, accomplishing all inner problems successfully and effectively, being optimists and professionals. In their approach to innovative vision of modern education the teachers put into real practice the best findings of the very Teacher Education – Policy, Open Educational Resources. Partnership becomes an effective therapy and antidote against all bad influence we notice sometimes in a modern world political presentation. Teachers’ conferences on the problems of modern education for future sustainable intellectual and moral world development are very urgent in modernity. It is relevant and important more than a medium of information about it and communication. It will create a new communicative world of images of teachers in the process of communication. It will allow the development of what will be a decisive stage in building the structure of “metric system forms” of teachers’ practice. Of course, it may be wide using of innovative methodic of New technological systems and its applied materials. But the leading role in teaching as educating intellectual, emotional and moral belongs to A Teacher, presenting and lighting in a real practice of communication all specifications and relations between “alive participants” and “dead instruments” and relations between them.

The main demand to the participants of the process teaching-learning is increased responsibility to oneself and then to people around in the sphere of communication. A real product of it is a positive intellectual and emotional support of the communicants with recognition of the real volume of personal contribution and qualified development in an educational process.

 When we say about prolonged teaching self-education (as well as their students’ necessary!) we mean recognizing the importance of the use of emerging technologies such as cloud computing, e-and m-learning for educational and training purposes. As far as the foreign language teachers is concerned, we take into account the metric system forms of necessary teaching process. In a modern special literature there is a scheme of Monological, Dialogical and Triological Models for In-Service Teacher Education. We mention the most important among them as: [1, p. 170]. 1. Innovative teaching practice is realized voluntarily, being not part of the training process, but is expected to be After the course; 2.Supporting structures ( mentoring) help seek individually ( use of textbooks and web-based information services; 3. Problems are identified and elaborated separately but individual teachers and researches, by teams of teachers and researchers working separately, by teams, including both teachers and researchers; 4. Cognitive tools employed during training promote one’s own professional development process, understanding of researcher’s innovative methods/ content, promote scaffolding through structuring inquirers’ activities to facilitate complex problem-solving; 5.Research and development agendas are identified by the individual in response to need on the job or personal improvement plan, identified by researcher who invite teachers to realize a program designed by the research team, shared objects of activity (innovative teaching practices/ tools) that are identified and developed in the mentored innovation process.

 The innovative approach to teachers’ prolonged self-education in our pedagogical experiment happened to be successful and interesting when the teachers organized a wide discussion on the results of the students’ answers summarizing [2, p. 252]. There were several different question - lists on several texts. We consider all of them deserve to be mentioned in our context, but we describe one as an example. There are all in a structure of activity like this: 1) Read and translate the text. 2) Answer the following questions. 3) Complete the following sentences. 4) Find in the text the facts to prove that: a) Education arose at the dawn of civilization b) Specialized sciences stimulated the development of Language c) There is a direct relationship between language and sciences in solving some problems d) Language is a very broad science. 5) Contradict the following statements, use the phrases: “I think, that’s not so”, “Quite on the contrary”, “I am afraid, that’s wrong”. 6) Divide the text into logical parts. 7) Make up an outline of the text. 8) Speak on the text. 9) Read the text and render its content in Russian: Learners are ardent debators. Language learners keep arguing. 10) Could you enumerate all the language- topics (conversational topics) the learners discuss and argued about? 11) Answer. Do you consider then to be ardent debators? Give your argument. 12) Give Russian equivalents for: (in close connection, in accord with, the laws of cognition, spiritual life, at the dawn of civilization, phenomena of nature, applied knowledge, a complete survey, a particular domain, joint efforts, it should be noted, interpersonal relations, human mind, ardent debators, the bearer of truth, in all manifestation, an embodiment of progress. 13) Reproduce sentences from the text with these word-combinations. Make up your own sentences with them. 14) Give definitions of the following word-combinations: spiritual life, world outlook, phenomena of nature, inquiry, cognition, consciousness, supremacy, paganism, Renaissance. 15) Arrange the words in pairs of synonyms: a) emergence, diverse, inquiry, domain, debate, advanced, consciousness, inception, outlook, ability, existent – and b) field, capability, progressive, appearance, view, beginning, nonexistent, different, dispute, investigation, awareness. 16) Give antonyms for the following words: to disappear, to follow, to lose, to accept, to reject, to close, to hide. 17) Ask your friend: whether Philosophy of Language is an art of science. what problems modern linguists are mainly interested in?; what fields of language learning he is concerned within his theoretical inquiry; what sciences and humanities Language is in account with; what special disciplines he deals with?; what department he is going to specialize in?; who is his scientific advisor?; where he would like to apply his language knowledge. 18) Give derivatives of the following words: legal, complement, integral, restore, apply, speculate, fit, improve, exist, person, surpass, concept. 19) Complete the following sentences. Use your imagination. 20) Speak on the text as if: you were a radical philosopher; you were a conservative; you were an employer. 21) Find the sentences stating the general idea of each paragraph of the text. 22) Summarize the contents of the text. The previous task will be helpful. 23) Agree or disagree with the following statements. 24) Language as the Art of living; Language as public affairs; Language as compromise and consensus; Language as power and distribution of resources. 25) divide the text into logical parts and make up an outline of the text. 26) Translate the text in writing paying attention to … 27) Discussion. Look through the following definitions and answer the question. Isn’t the prescription of values and standards of conduct based on observation and experience? Objective: External to the observer, demonstrable, untained by feelings, values or bias. Nonmative: The prescription of values and standards of conduct; what “should be” rather than “what is”. 28). Explain in your own way the following notions: “empiricism” and “positivism” 29) Sum up the contents of the texts under discussion. 30) Speak on the advantages and disadvantages of (these traditions). 31) Read paragraphs 2 and 3. 32) Divide the text into logical parts and make up an outline of the text. 33) Speak on the text. 34) Compare all presented ideological traditions in accordance with the following points: origin; the core theme; basic demands; major characteristics; main representatives; negative and probably positive features; your personal attitude. 35) It is good to live in a fantasy world now and then: agree strongly; agree somewhat; disagree somewhat; disagree strongly; Grammar exercises for developing translation skills; texts for written translation. 36) Express your own point of view on positive and negative aspects of television in general. 37) Review the letter (as an article) 38) Develop the following situations: you are conducting and interview with an internationally known child psychologist who is sure that TV stereotypes are devasting to young minds. Ask him: if it is possible to become addicted to TV like the drugs or alcohol; what role parents must play in monitoring TV programs; what influence TV exerts on developing minds; what shows are the most dramatic for children; what recommendations he gives for children; why violent episodes are dangerous for children 39) Read, analyze and translate in writing the following sentences.

The problem about teaching as perfection in scientific communication with people of different ages is a very interesting one. Having excited a great deal of discussion, the problem needs a series of new interesting tests had to be carried out and discussed again for endless improving the process of teaching- learning, responsible for sustainable development of the world oriented to common sense mutual understanding of those interested in education for all.

Список литературы

  1. ICT in Teacher Education. Proceedings. St.Petersburg-Russia, 2010, С. 170.
  2. Азаренкова М.И. Индивидуальная траектория личностного роста при вхождении в профессию в условиях обучения в военном вузе // Специальная техника и технологии транспорта», №5(43)б Санкт-Петербург, Петергоф, 2020, С. 252-256.



Азаренкова М. И. Importance of in-service teacher education for building a teaching «metric system» forms // Актуальные исследования. 2020. №16 (19). С. 70-72. URL: https://apni.ru/article/1147-importance-of-in-service-teacher-education

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