Role playing as useful way of penetrating through competence demands (foreign language pedagogical experiment)


Педагогика и психология

Ключевые слова

role playing
leadership position
to be of value to anyone
the adaptation of the future demands
individual searching for the personal fulfilment of knowledge’s potentials
teachers‘ workshop
making decisions
teaching forms
innovative educational program

Аннотация статьи

In modern education and upbringing of the future professionals role playing as one of the forms of the foreign language teaching may be interpreted as intellectual, emotional and psychological approach to effective penetration through all the other forms, methods and core of the disciplines, integrating in the course of the common educational program of a modern University. Role playing in different forms is able to build up the sphere, spirit and intellectual store of combined students’ and teacher’ s workshop activity, responsible for sufficiency of teaching as well as learning. Role playing is a definite unit denoting process of prolonged getting knowledge in checked up means, methods and forms on productive educational process.

Текст статьи

«The journey of a thousands miles begins with a single step» (Lao Tzu)
«Ad cogitandum et agendum homo natus est» (Для мысли и деяния рожден человек)
«Ad opus!» (К делу! За работу!)
«Acti labores jucundi sunt» (Завершенные дела приятны)
«Aut non tentares, out perfice» (Или вовсе не берись, или доведи до конца)

Pedagogical experiment is one of the most effective forms of educational process from the position of the future adaptation in a professional sphere, in a collective of new communicants in the common process of making decisions by means of combined intellectual, psychological and emotional efforts, oriented to getting expected results at the end of planed and realized process of communication. Role playing is one of the approbated effective methods of learning-teaching, coming down to us as a classic of world learning, being “a single step to a long way to successful education. The very process can be estimated from the core, sounding as “our work is our path”. It is a correct approach, indeed. There are so many obstacles on this path, and role playing effectively contributes to overcoming the obstacles. Role playing influences greatly the organizing comfortable space for all group leaders and all participants, because everyone has opportunity of playing his(her) own role in the role play as a whole process of learning. All participants, involved in a role playing, get opportunity of looking at all things denoting for learning carefully and attentively. They become responsible not only for own actions, results, proposals, answers, questions, findings and losses, but in common activity- for the common aims- goals. Role playing, recognized by participants as a process of personal desirable goals achieving, grows from inside personal individualities demands to understanding the same ones, but for the others and by the others- participants of a whole group. In such a way understanding of role playing in pedagogical experiment means responsibility for oneself for oneself and influence the whole group, involved into experiment [1, p. 191]. Role playing helps the students to analyze where they are junior learners, senior learners, trainers the others in a local group of communicants, tutors, coaches, even teachers- going on constantly on the way to collecting and summarizing some new knowledge, constructing the foundation of a future profession. The very pedagogical experiment and its role playing as one of the methods, imitating life, including its professional sphere, let the students discover their theoretical and first professional potential and personal performance [2, p. 253]. Students like this form of teaching-learning. It is interesting, cognitive and makes sense. The most important result of such approach realization as role playing form partly and pedagogical experiment finally is a big some of theoretical and practical skills. These skills unite professional skills, leadershipskills and the future professionals competent (not less!) way of life. The student teach to recognize their work as their path of professional perfection. The teachers ‘mission in an experiment is to compare our own educational reform (process, sphere, territory, space, approach, etc.) to the universal educational matrix of the world, where role playing as a teaching method proved its effectiveness. First of all we take into account this method as approved by innovative methodic of New technological systems and its applied materials with obligatory recognition of a leading role of a teacher as a center of scientifically pretested and practically to a profession chosen methods of teaching the very role playing process in action, as “a useful way of helping participants to see things from another perspectives” [3, p. 175]. Let us denote some significant moments concerning role playing, responsible for positive and theoretically and practically correct and effective contribution to profession learning at all.

Some of them are:

1. There must be the debriefing for the participants to define what they have learned and to reinforce it before the beginning of the pedagogical experiment as a whole and pole playing lesson (lessons) as a part of it (this can be handled in a discussion, in a reflective moment, or in time for individual writing). The tutors of the role playing (teachers) observe the characters and their possibilities. Abilities and psychological specific features for performance in different aspects of the experiment must be identified for organizing the most effective structure of role playing process.

2. The participants will play the characters in accordance with the tasks and goals of the role playing in different spheres- technical, engineering, ideological, historical, managemental, communicative -commanding – ana all these- in a foreign language space. That is why it is very important for participants to get into their roles for the exercise in order to play the characters in a role playing game well and correct accordingly to the aim of it.

3. The teacher (organizer, organizers) engages the participants in the scenario by describing the setting and the problem. A teacher provides the students with information about the characters, the goals and background information.

4. Each character must not only possess background information, but work out it independently.

5. A teacher define the characters’ goals and declares what happens if the character does not achieve them. That is why a teacher helps work out each character’s background information.

6. A teacher in discussion manner with the students define the objectives in determining what topics should be covered in the exercise. A teacher identifies a problem related to the chosen topics and a setting to the characters, to try to make the setting realistic.

7. Role playing exercises requires preparation and sensitivity in execution, but the work tends to pay off in terms of participants motivation and accomplishment [4, p. 175].

A complex of all plan’s items is very interesting and productive, because role playing is interesting by definition. The participants have opportunity to see themselves in the data-circumstances, ready to solve problems, to share ideas with the communicants, to feel themselves leaders and responsible for the others’ success, to use a variety of skills and so on. One of the most valuable skills having direct attention to a n experiment and role playing is a great possibility for participants to deal with complex problems with no single “right” answer and to use a variety of skills, sometimes unexpected even for themselves.

A real product of such kind of communication is a positive intellectual and emotional support of the communicants with recognition of the real volume of personal contribution and qualified development in an interesting common educational process.

The innovative approach to students’ prolonged self-education in our pedagogical experiment happened to be successful and interesting when the teachers organized a wide discussion on the results of the students’ answers summarizing. Some statements of the pedagogical experiment’s participants appeared following findings as “Language as the Art of living”; “Language as public affairs”; “Language as compromise and consensus”; “Language as power and distribution of resources.” All these resumes of some role playing lessons demonstrate readiness of the learners for effective and rational professional growth in innovative intellectual and behavioral atmosphere of learning without borders (the experiments are widely distributed in educational programs’ realization in many countries Universities) [5, p. 10, 67].

The problem about teaching as perfection in scientific communication with people of different ages is a very interesting one. Having excited a great deal of discussion, the problem needs a series of new interesting tests had to be carried out and discussed again for endless improving the process of teaching- learning, responsible for sustainable development of the world oriented to common sense mutual understanding of those interested in education for all. Role playing is one more test for professional perfection, connected with high motivation and great interest to personal self-realization in all possible spheres of education through communication of a high standard, equal “demand”.

Список литературы

  1. Буянов М.С., Шенбергер А.Ю., Щеглов Е.В. Олимпиады и конкурсы как эффективный инструмент развития образовательного и исследовательского потенциала курсантов // Специальная техника и технологии транспорта. №4(42), часть 2, Санкт-Петербург, Петергоф-2019, С. 191-197.
  2. Азаренкова М.И. Индивидуальная траектория личностного роста при вхождении в профессию в условиях обучения в военном вузе // Специальная техника и технологии транспорта. №4(42), часть 2, Санкт-Петербург, Петергоф, 2020, С.252-256.
  3. Learning to live together. An intercultural and interfaith program for ethics education. Geneva, 2008, p.176.
  4. Learning to live together. An intercultural and interfaith program for ethics education. Geneva, 2008, p.175.
  5. Techniques in teaching vocabulary. Oxford University Press, 1983, p.10, 67.



Азаренкова М. И. Role playing as useful way of penetrating through competence demands (foreign language pedagogical experiment) // Современные исследования в социально-гуманитарной сфере : сборник научных трудов по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции 24 сентября 2020г. Белгород : ООО Агентство перспективных научных исследований (АПНИ), 2020. С. 56-59. URL:

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