Productive variants of penetrating through dialogues in English teaching (on practice Material for Reading and Speaking on Everyday Topics)


Педагогика и психология

Ключевые слова

the material volume needed
a good level of learning
ability to get rid of errors in speech immediately
influent speech
ability to form a stable communication
comparative levels of learning and repeating the material

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The article describes some effective methods with texts for reading and speaking on the base of firm comparative levels’ using for the sake of qualitative learning process having been approbated in pedagogical experiment.

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«Success comes in cans. Failure comes in cants»

Unknown author

Today the theme of communication as a whole, as a process of penetrating through thoughts and feelings, emotions unspoked wishes and desires to be fully understood from the side of the communicator – becomes one of the most important means of cooperation in all spheres of communication – educational, social, professional, artistic, scientific. As a result – more and more needs of those involved in the process connection and interaction become the first in the list of our society’s demands. Among them – obligatory operation in the professional sphere the skills and habits of high level, being they natural as talents or required as professional teaching-training-schooling- coaching result. Of course, we all are product of family, educational and upbringing environment, our close community and common society’ influence, but the levels of our educational standards and personal formation are different. Remaining unique, we all affect those close to us, positively or negatively, adding something improving the lives of the others or throwing it away. Only teachers together with parents can form a psychologically comfortable and happy zone as a sphere for taught, trained, coached, schooled, interested in sustainable development of physical structure, mental high level, emotional stability and natural abilities being ready due to the teachers efforts reorganized and developed to talents. In previous article we have already described some essential moments connected with conversational topics reading, translating and speaking, and make up our mind to repeat it in connection with our task to make more effective the process of the dialogs’ possessing.

When we say about social English and English for Specific Purposes communication described in different educational, psychological and art sources , we take into account some appropriate levels of penetrating through them as scales of overall language proficiency. Full details of English Reading and Speaking levels can be in rather detailed Material for Reading and Speaking on Everyday Topics. While our experiment we paid especial attention to choice of approaches to the very task of effective teaching-learning of fluent understanding and communicational skills. The practice of the whole process began with denoting the words and terms, characterizing the core and the plot of each topic for reading and discussion. We started with the individual qualities (characteristics, features) of a person (individual). We consider rational to add such topics under headlines as: Cinema, Travelling by Sea, Air and Train, Everyday services, Shopping, Hotel, Radio and Television, Telephone and Post office.

The format and volume of this article does not allow us to describe in details all possible variants of dialogues with detailed description of each phrase and explanation the most expressive and logically correct among them. But we may pay attention to some words and expressions describing the notions as a whole. The very notions are a complex of the core situational phrases being mentioned more or less in all dialogues on common conversational themes. They may be like constitution, form, torso, musculature, skeleton; physical and psychiatric condition, emotionality and temperament, aethetical norms of behavior culture , character and reputation, kindness and humanity , intellect and reliability, family history, genetic lines, position in a society, manners of communication, forms of communication, level of verbal communication and spheres of activity.

Comprehension exercises are very effective means of preparing the qualified and interesting dialogue. The stages of the work, for example, are like these:

1. Questions on the text.

2. Give the reasons why people like to keep their money in the saving bank.

3. Say why different people may have different opinions on keeping money in the saving bank.

4. Imagine you are going to deposit (put in) or withdraw a certain sum of money from your account. Make up a short dialogue on your own: a) with a clerk; b) with your friend.

5. Questions on the topic: “Do you like to receive letters? Are you a good correspondent?”; “On what occasions do we send greetings telegrams and postcards?”, “Can we buy stamps anywhere else than a post office? Can we get them out of machines in book form? Why are stamps perforated?”

6. Talking points. “Stamps teach history and geography, art and technology. What do you think about it”; Say why old stamps become really valuable (precious) and cost nowadays much more than their original value?; Keeping money in a saving bank helps you realize some of your plans (e.g. go on a trip, buy something, etc.); What is your opinion about it?; Registered letters and insured parcels are seldom lost or taken to the wrong address. Do you agree with it?; Our post officers order us a wide choice of stamps and postcards. ; Writing letters is a real art.; Many young married couples have a joint banking account, from each either husband or wife can withdraw money. What is your opinion of such an arrangement?

In the course of experiment the students got different variants of describing the main positions of the text on the leading topics as:” My family”, “My parents”, “About myself”, “My friend”, “My relatives and myself”. The students got a big block of phrases they were to put into the topics in accordance with the headline of the texts supposed for speaking and discussing. We are sure that detailed description of the examples for reading, translating and speaking in the process of communication may be useful and fruitful in different forms of examination of the understanding and communication level. While our experiment we did it in role plays, conferences, brainstorm and case-methods’ lessons. The students were active and greatly interested in learning by heart a lot of new constructions and words, enriching a lot their oral speech.

The training in speaking in this way helps the students to penetrate through manners and emotional rules of communication, argumentation, context, demagogy, detailed, expression, hyperbole, expression of communication in real situations, possessing right pronunciation, intonation, the richness of the language itself.

At any time and any situation the communication was very interesting on theme, ventilation, emotional situation, mannerliness in each report and presentation.

While using different forms of teaching-learning in the process of correct and fruitful communication we have opportunity of defining the level of gotten new knowledge in accordance with the Comparable levels of communications’ examinations of different kind.

Coping well with complex language situations let us possibility of wide using of words, connected with adapted situational communication due to personal understanding it and the unique manner of a personal presentation while speaking. We took into account a very interesting point of view belonging Joubert: “Those who never retract their opinions love themselves more than they love the truth”. It seems interesting and correct to our students, penetrating through the dialogues; structure with persistence and interest.

Having a full command of the language, this approach helps our students to be real communicators, knowing “What to say”, “How to say” and “Why to say” in order to enrich the existence of all those communicating for the sake of maintenance the common sense of our living. We always must “respect the opinions of others even if I disagree with them” (Lehman).

Список литературы

  1. Matyushkina-Guerke T.I., Kuzmichyova T.N., Ivanova L.L. An advanced Book for Aural/Oral Work/Moscow, 1983.
  2. Azarenkova M.I. Some general statements concerning constructive approaches to spoken and written skills while teaching English. Развитие современного социально-гуманитарного знания: отечественный и зарубежный опыт. Белгород, 2018.



Азаренкова М. И. Productive variants of penetrating through dialogues in English teaching (on practice Material for Reading and Speaking on Everyday Topics) // Современные социально-гуманитарные исследования: теоретико-методологические и прикладные аспекты : сборник научных трудов по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции 30 ноября 2019г. :в 2-х ч. Белгород : ООО Агентство перспективных научных исследований (АПНИ), 2019. Часть II.С. 9-11. URL:

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