
Педагогика и психология

Ключевые слова

workshop on ethics education
motivation to examine further the importance of empathy
basic ideas
intercultural learning implies
breaking down barriers
promoting open mindedness
identifying the purposes and methods of teaching for the sake of Future
teaching and impact
learning and impact
the method promoting participants’ creativity
critical thinking

Аннотация статьи

The article describes some English teaching and communication ‘effective methods and approaches in an educational process as an instrument to compare, estimate and enhance the world dimension in education. Traditional Russian system of teaching-learning, added with new technologies including advancing methods in a process and recognizing “A Leading Teacher’s role is a corner stone of fundamental knowledge of those taught is defined as a fundamental base of intellectual and emotional personality’ stability in a world oriented to a sustainable development.

Текст статьи

«Education is better safeguard of liberty than a standing army»
Edward Everett, 1794-1865, American Unitarian clergyman, orator, and statesman
«I feel the responsibility of the occasion. Responsibility is proportionate to opportunity»
Woodrow Wilson, ibid.

Asked how he would teach business students: «For the final exam, I would take an Internet company and say, «How much is this worth?»
 And anybody that gave me an answer I would flunk»
Warren Buffet, investor

«All knowledge resolves itself into probability»
David Hume, 1711-1776, Scottish philosopher

«It is not given to human beings to have such talent that they can just know everything about everything all the time. But it is given to human beings who work hard at it – who look and sift the world for a mispriced bet – that they can occasionally find one. And the wise ones bet heavily when the world offers them that opportunity. They bet big when they have odds. And the rest of the time, they don’t. It’s just that simple»
Charles Munger, long -time friend and partner of Warren Buffett, ibid.

«A person is pronounced great when he can face a difficult situation with readiness to wise activity, patience and kindness»
«There will always be the opportunity to learn for those who desire it»

When we say about workshop of any kind, we mean a collective work, useful and effective by definition and oriented to optimization of educational process through optimizing and coloring the very process of communication as a tool and method of understandable and fruitful cooperation. When we deal with multicultural group of students, involved in the process of mental and psychological interaction, we as teachers, are responsible for the very process of organizing and going it maximally productive and interesting, using all possible possibilities of the very communication on the base of all opportunities, given by common sense and professional vision of the Workshops’ building constructing. The first main idea, the base of all rational group actions in the space of multicultural workshop is Ethics, and in accordance, the term “Workshop” is worked out on Ethic Education structure. What does it mean?

It is a scientific and practical recommendation for teachers and students how to teach, learn and live together effectively and happily in all planned and unplanned situations of our life. Teaching English is a fruitful space for such a process realization with maximally positive results and creative ideas complex for the prolonged communication in different spheres of professional and routine

Saying about Workshop we mean China, Japan, Azerbaidjan, Georgia, Armenia, Bashkortostan, the Sakha-Republic Yakutia and so on developing the resource pack, as «a fruit of cooperation by people of many different religions and cultures», [1, p. 188] not only in universal scale, but limited by students’ groups as well. This theme was widely described in Russian and foreign scientific literature as a great theoretical and practical experience of those involved in happy opportunities for learning about each other. The teachers of the world took part in many conferences on the theme” Workshop resource pack” as representatives of Changing world structural process forming”: Russia, Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom, the USA, Bulgaria, Poland, Finland, Norway, Nepal, India, Spain, Argentina, Bashkortostan. They collected information about resource pack in the course of listening and delivering lectures, arranging the testing workshops and organizing role-plays of different kind with the students from multicultural world [2, p.7; p.14-23; p.186-191].

The resource pack was immeasurably enriched by the teachers input, contributed to a flexible yet structural resource. For modern teachers, taking into account competence obligatory demands for future professionals-specialists such experience as flexible structural resource’ scheme, system and process’ stages means pedagogical educational findings’ complex that keeps a global focus, encouraging at the same time local implementation.

We have a lot of test- workshop with detailed description of content and process of controlling. The experiences gained in each workshop were incorporated into the final version: inputs from facilitators; suggestions by adults who attended parallel meetings; the learning from children and young people, pupils and students; the recommendations from experts in education, ethics and interfaith learning. All people participating in Workshop on Ethics Education construction shared discoveries they made during the workshop process in pedagogical experiments and in the course of studies and cultural practice [3, p. 188].

The process may be built in such stages deserve to be mentioned.

  1. The first one is Growing the Workshop as an idea and a driver of pedagogical and upbringing process;
  2.  The second one is structuring process of starting the Workshop building as event being effective lucky opportunity rather than necessity;
  3. Denoting factors that stimulate all skills being planned as necessary in the course of Workshop constructing: methods of teaching-learning English, testing the level of possessing, forms of communication in English, psychological skills of communication, correct planning of groups’ activity in communication, denoting concrete tasks at the stages of the process and methods of proving the key-problem of preventing conflicts and effective making -up decisions in the process of correctly and scientifically organized the communicative work at all stages of experiment.
  4. A Focus on Micro communicative findings, important factors that influence active small groups’ work, strength of ambition matters in public speech art of the participants, greater emphasis on personality of each participant of the Workshop action;
  5. Rounds of speeches, where all participants are winners in the course of common communicative and learning problems successful solving.

As one of the most effective approach to the experiment happened to be a case-study and some kind of role- plays with its’ elements, the students were offered: 1. Case study analysis; 2. Make -up summary National and intercultural context of the study.

In accordance with the first item the students defined:

a) what strategies ensured the growth of Intercultural Workshop building;

b) which factors influencing growth of Workshop unity in communication, based on students’ dialogues and monologues in English;

c) what communicative factors were taken into account and resulted in the startup growth of uniting;

d) What lessons can students and a startuper learn from Workshop case developing and establishing as a base of qualified learning English in a qualified situations and sphere of communication.

Estimating the methodical approaches to a process of teaching English let us stress the most important among the others and enlist them as a plan structure, having attention to teachers as well as students:

  1. Identify the main points in every stage and aspects of” Workshop building “stages under common name (title) “National and world context of communication on the base of unity and mutial understanding”;
  2. Entitle paragraphs of the oral and written work;
  3. Summarize the main point using key words, equally important and urgent for all nations, nationalities and minorities meaning in communication;
  4. Evaluate the national context for personality’ development and establishment in Russia.
  5. All groups involved in Workshop building process demonstrated respect, empathy and responsibility in communication, being focused on the value of responsibility. Through discussions and role -plays in a frame of case studies the students and teachers realized their ability to respond to injustices and meet the needs of their countries and the whole world in common task “not leave our future

“Omnes, quantum potes, juva.” (Всем, сколько можешь, помогай);

“Par in parem imperium non habet” (Равный над равным власти не имеет). “De actu et visu” (По опыту и наблюдениям).

Список литературы

  1. Learning to live together. An Intercultural and Interfaith Programme for Ethics Education. – Geneva, 2008, c. 188. М.И. Азаренкова. Военный и общество: грани взаимодействия. Military and society: facets of interaction. Учебное пособие. Петергоф, 2020, 149 с.
  2. Azarenkova M.I. Annual meeting in Kostroma International Teacher Post. – Kopenhagen, 2008, c.7: Topic for academic year/ International Teacher Post, Kopenhagen, 2013, C.14-23. Psychological method for Peace-Education in Multicultural Sustainable World / Экспериментальные и теоретические исследования в современной науке: проблемы, пути решения. Материалы конференции. – Ростов-на-Дону, 2018. С. 186-191.
  3. Learning to live together / Geneva, 2008. C.188.



Азаренкова М. И. Some thoughts about workshop on ethics education // Обеспечение глобальной конкурентоспособности науки и образования : сборник научных трудов по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции 12 апреля 2021г. Белгород : ООО Агентство перспективных научных исследований (АПНИ), 2021. С. 58-61. URL: https://apni.ru/article/2198-some-thoughts-about-workshop-on-ethics-educat

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