Identifying purpose and methods in preparing to do research in English teaching


Педагогика и психология

Ключевые слова

scientific (research) work
relevant levels of the tasks being solved
individual approach of a re-searcher
ability to a stable communication setting while writing the work
the defined levels of material’ possession for systematization of scientific findings in the course of the demanded theme investigation

Аннотация статьи

The article describes some rational and effective methods of identifying purpose and key-problem of the research work at the preliminary and going-on process of writing the scientific work, having been approbated in the course of the pedagogical experience at the technical institution.

Текст статьи

“How well do you adapt to new education (military and engineering science sphere learning and training) and service environment? What is the most difficult thing for you in the process of adaptation?”

My question to my students

It is well known that change is only constant in this world, unless one knows what science sphere you are going to be in, or you are in, you will not be able to adjust to stay even in the global science. Not less. That is why you must have a written scientific plan of your research work. Being periodically reviewed and renewed due to new opened items of information gotten and used, it will be vital to the success.

Each plan is individual, but there are some common rules for writing it for the sake of achieving the final defined goals of investigation, being potential benefits of drawing up a research work plan as a whole.

Let us mention some the most productive advice concerning the plan of the research work:

  • The plan gives you a path to follow and helps make the future findings you what it to be as a scientific forecast;
  • For scientific purposes, having a research plan improves your situation with defining the necessary circle of a scientific sphere of investigating including scientific literature, fiction, media sources, technical passports, graphical tables and so on. The very that approach to a scientific work can help you obtain ready insight into your problem from a well-done scientific plan;
  • The correct plan can serve as a basis of orientation for new ideas about your own vision of the have already been solved levels of the problem chosen by you for research investigation;
  • By doing and reviewing a research plan , you develop practice in thinking about your work in depth – existed scientific approaches and findings, their comparative value, positive and negative consequences of introduction in practice, the contribution in science, economy and social sphere , etc., due to existed scientific investigations and works, competitive conditions, potential and real scientific products introducing areas, methods of promotion and so on.

As you operate on a daily basis you have a research strategy that fits the research products style and scientific expertise.

As you usually deal with a huge volume of literature and scientific sources your plan should contain the information you would like to know about your own work , what is expected of them, what is your own background, in what a way your new observations and findings can be included in the scientific zone of the existed research as your individual ones.

The practice shows the productivity of the plans’ using. It is a real guideline for a researcher. It commits to a research paper the rational and effective road map by which the process of investigating the new facts and analyzing the known ones will reach the goals you have established for it.

While working on the theme you must remember the motto, helping you constantly: «Penetrate through achievable objectives taking small steps to success. You need to have a sense of achievement to stay motivated»

Because we say about effectiveness of investigation of those taught in their future profession, we are to connect the necessity of knowing how to make a research while studying- learning with all stages your own forming as a professional and analyzing it from the position od a science of personality characterizing. So, we can offer that the students should analyze the abstract of one personal “life-map” and prove, how the characteristics mentioned can be logically connected with scientific investigation from the position of pure and exact definitions of those positive and negative reals and approaches in the process of making decisions and scientific solutions of any kind. This one is one of the proposed for analyzing: “In an ideal world you would like to be able to offer everyone a job. But it’s a very competitive world and if you can survive these knocks early on when you are still a teenager, the chances are you have picked the wrong profession. But if you believe in yourself and you can cope with these setbacks, it is worth auditioning over and over again. Sometimes people wait years before they get through an audition and there are no guarantees that you’ll succeed in this business.

One of the rules of a research work writing is Preparing the Proposal, as a scientific idea, finding. It means to be familiar with other research, to have a clear understanding of the steps necessary to complete any research project, to be motivated and have the drive to get through all the steps in the research work firstly as a project.

All these rules are directly and closely connected with the plan we tried to describe in details already, but the importance of the main idea declared at the beginning of our article deserves to be repeated again and again. So, we say about reading through someone else’s research proposal or proposals. It may be, unfortunately, that those started to write something new, have no image in their mind of what the finished research proposal should look like, what are the headings that have been used, do the other proposals seem clear? Those experienced offer some proposal useful, rational and extremely productive for those involved in the sphere of research work as a project writing. They look like these and proved their effectiveness in a real practice:

  • It seems to me I can suggest that I know the subject area:
  • I can model my proposal after one of the ones that I have seen;
  • I can readily find a proposal or two to look at;
  • I can ask my adviser to see some in order to estimate, value and compare with those existed;
  • My proposal has a comprehensive review of the literature included;
  • I have photocopy the relevant article or section;
  • My proposal is good because it consists of the first three chapters of the research work;
  • I am ready to focus my research very specifically, that means not to have my research cover too broad an area. I am ready to be able to do the project if it is narrowly defined;
  • I am ready to include a title of my proposal (as finding, as a relevant conception).

Resuming the mentioned information we make stress again importance of a real scientific plan as a working engine of a going-on process of research work – project on its way to success. «We can always take responsibility for our own actions! It is very important – developing critical thinking».

Список литературы

  1. Митусова О.А. Английский для аспирантов. Экономические специальности. Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2003.
  2. Азаренкова М.И. Военный. Профессия и Призвание. СПб.: Петергоф, 2016.
  3. http: www.Learner



Азаренкова М. И. Identifying purpose and methods in preparing to do research in English teaching // Человек, экономика, общество: грани взаимодействия : сборник научных трудов по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции 28 декабря 2019г. Белгород : ООО Агентство перспективных научных исследований (АПНИ), 2019. URL:

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