Upbringing values creation in intercultural communication teaching


Педагогика и психология

Ключевые слова

upbringing values creation
intercultural communication teaching
creativity in action
prolonged professional development
quality parenting
culture of thinking
moral and emotional development

Аннотация статьи

The article discusses some basic properties of procedures of searching for and identifying effective flexible approaches to learning English in intercultural communication teaching. The advantages of the approach chosen’ let those teaching and taught in an effective practice of communication to shape foreign language communicative competence in different possible situations of discussing and making solutions. Some rational methods of upbringing’ teaching have been discussed from the position of new scientific view to the process of high education a modern world.

Текст статьи

«I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart»
Anna Frank

«The giving of love and mercy to others is also a form of charity. Balance is the real foundation of a blistful life. Keep this always in mind and your present and future will always remain bright. Morality and Virtue are more precious than gems; They give satisfaction to man; Endear him to his Creator and to the public. Why not be instrumental in solving the problems of others instead of being a problem yourself? Self-control will give you unlimited control. Humility makes the heart honest, big and clean; It enables one to be cooperative»
Indian Wisdom

Practice proved that only practice makes perfect. The meaning of upbringing values creating in the process of parenting and learning is more than simply evidently. A great experience of teachers – educators involved in theoretical methods and real practice of talented teaching combined with effective upbringing contains different forms of communication, united by the idea of unity, – teachers and students, children and parents, children and adults. Universal wisdom teaches us “We all are children in the face of Eternity”. It is the beginning of the witty way to perfection in the search of upbringing values creation. It is the very way having no the end of it. Being different, it is always good, as multicultural auditorium of those upbrought and taught, – in a family, at school, at the University, then demanded in a society. Fruitful communication depends on correct analysis of the English language needs of students and teachers for the sake of sustainable development of professionals and personalities in close integration of the mental, psychological and cultural approaches to those trained in the situation of teaching and upbringing. Every minute of communication in the process of teaching-learning is a minute of constant prolonged upbringing process. “Being behaved “means be able to learn to communicate in order to overcome misunderstanding, to build approaches, clear and correct items of activity [1, p.351]. The results of some pedagogical experiments proved the importance of family relations, oriented to preventing misunderstanding and conflicts as basic and common demands to all progressive societies- both a tiny family and a great socium. A special attention is paid to material presented to students while teaching-learning English in order to help them be more independent and productive in the approach to the right solving of the communicative problem itself. It is coordination among History, Languages, Literature, Earth Science, etc. As far as teachers is concerned, knowledge in psychology influenced greatly upon emphases of the evaluation standards of all information aspects studying.

Upbringing values influence greatly the process of learning as a whole and teaching English especially, flowing through minds of people, supporting the ideas of international cooperation of teachers in approaching to qualified learning with the help of happy parenting skills and habits’ using.

The very idea is not a newest one. Let us look at the UNESCO’ doctrine on the theme, producing some effects. UNESCO ‘doctrine plays a great role in formation of sustainable approaches to happy parenting and teaching as using the best moral, aesthetic and intellectual findings of quality parenting in effective competent and positively professional organized teaching for happy learning of those taught in circumstances of our changing world, overloaded contradictions. The main UNESCO’ ideas on the theme are:

  1. Education and Upbringing in close connection for personal sustainability- the sphere, where common tasks meet. UNESCO documents describe these tasks from the point of view urgent demands of the societies. They are: a) Why International intercultural communication is in demand? B) What can we learn from each other? C). What have we achieved so far, what are the lessons learnt?
  2. Advancing Sustainable Lifestyles and responsible methods of upbringing in Family, School, then-College and University – through parenting and teaching activity of responsibility and reliability. Accordingly, the first point of this direction will be as this one: Where do we want to go from here? [2, p.243].

It no matters at all what nationality is our original one. Thinking hard about all the people in our life, not only about kids, spouses, parents, siblings – all make specific and general demands on us. The people of different nationalities come into our life through their culture, history, religion, literature, national habits and traditions. Our “so much in common” – the main living values as family, children and their education for a happy future – self-realization for the sake of the closest ones and Motherland, proud memories about died and so on.

The more teachers appreciate the upbringing values, methods of realization, tools of positive influence the students, the more close they become to them, sharing wisdom of communication practice on the base of responsibility and reliability as the main items of communication, as insight. Confucius said ever: “Five things constitute perfect virtue: gravity, earnestness, sincerity and kindness”. In our conditions of living nobody can continue to be a silent observer.

In the process of pedagogical experiment the students have been preparing for enough time to define their own possibilities, ideas and “family habits”, that can be useful in intercultural communication. It meant to express yourself clearly and organize your ideas about it carefully, giving some examples to support their points.

 Case-study method in a role-play is a very effective for teaching a foreign language in non-language higher educational institutions. Speaking and writing is demanding, the both form in different volume of application have been used in the experiment. The students were to find at least 250 words concerning the theme “Intercultural communication”. They were supposed to propose the titles of short speech on the topic and discuss them from the position of common sense and relevant demand. One they had their purposes clearly in mind, they should start speaking and writing. A great attention was paid to Introduction of the students’ speeches, because it gave teachers as examiners their first impression of the students speaking and writing abilities. One of the most important things the students needed to do in their introduction was to define what they understood by the task. The teachers stated how the students intended to approach it.

In accordance to speaking and writing as a presentation of abilities and competence in the foreign language using, the teachers reminded about simplicity in choosing the list of words connected with the topic being discussed. The “Key task” of the teachers announced for students was organized as a “Project’ Program” and sounded as the researchers – teachers M.Ivanjva. E.Kuznetsova and I.Lebedeva proposed should be done:

Once you have thought of some relevant ideas, you need to organize them;

  • If you produce an answer that presents a list of ideas without development, you will lose marks;
  • Decide which of the ideas in your list are “key” ideas;
  • Think how many of the key – ideas you could cover in 250 words;
  • Discuss what order you think the ideas should go in;
  • Select some supporting points for each key idea from your list;
  • Think about your own experience and consider if you have any further supporting points to add;
  • Suggest some suitable connectives;
  • Think about a final point.

The most important issues for development of this theme of learning – teaching English in a context of common modern educational programs of different countries are the items of a project oriented to competent level of learning the generation of information epoch. That is why one of the rational approaches is to define the aspects of the whole teacher’s plan to let all those interested to involve it in their real practice intercultural communication of a high level. It looks like supposed by V. Zykova and approbated by teachers in different counties and approved.

The work on a project included the following steps [3, p.26]:

  1. preparatory (getting acquainted with the topic “Upbringing values creation in Intercultural communication teaching” and definition of the project structure);
  2. project development (gathering information, its analysis and preparation for the project presentation);
  3. presentation of the project and summing-up.

Let us come back again to reminding having mentioned already: our world is full of contradictions and need very effective tools, means and methods of communication to understand each other in a peaceful way, preventing conflicts and requiring fruitful understanding for the sake of sustainable development of the world and its peoples. In such conditions and under such circumstances finding interesting, scientifically correct and truly demanded is very important.

There are different ways of finding information: individually, in pairs and in groups.

The information must be full enough to be in accordance with demands declared, because on the base of it the consideration of the project level may be defined and estimated. They are: 1. importance of a problem; 2. correctness of communication between the project participants; 3. character of communication between the project participants; 4. the level and quality of activity of every participant; 5. Good knowledge of the problem and the use of the knowledge of the other subjects.

In a conclusion let us remind the words of TAO wisdom, proving the organizing to our work’s approach as correct from the position “We consider to be right. It means the core can be seen”. And, as a resume: “Learn to lead in a nourishing manner. Learn to lead without being possessive. Learn to do helpful without taking the credit. Learn to lead without coercion”. And that is the very what UPBRINGING VALUES CREATION IN INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION TEACHING means for our educational sphere and competence’ demands.

Список литературы

  1. Азаренкова М.И. Повышение эффективности обучения языкам путем использования ролевых игр – в научном альманахе «Языки и культуры в эпоху глобализации: особенности функционирования, перспективы развития и взаимодействия» - г. Москва, 2019, с.351.
  2. Азаренкова М.И.Teaching intercultural communication in theory and practice of upbringing values creation – в сборнике материалов Международного форума специалистов по вопросам защиты прав и интересов детей – г.Уфа, с.243.
  3. Zykova V. Project work in teaching professional communication - Spelta Newsletter, 2002, p.26.



Азаренкова М. И. Upbringing values creation in intercultural communication teaching // Гуманитарные и общественные науки: проблемы, теория, практика : сборник научных трудов по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции 29 июля 2021г. Белгород : ООО Агентство перспективных научных исследований (АПНИ), 2021. С. 31-36. URL: https://apni.ru/article/2736-upbringing-values-creation-in-intercultural

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