АИ #47 (74)
Статьи журнала АИ #47 (74)
Prospects for involving youth of Uzbekistan in innovative activities

Prospects for involving youth of Uzbekistan in innovative activities


Государственное и муниципальное управление

Ключевые слова

youth policy
innovative activity

Аннотация статьи

The article discusses the prospects for involving the youth of Uzbekistan in innovative activities within the framework of the ongoing innovation and youth policy of the country, the maximum inclusion of youth in the transformational processes of an innovative nature.

Текст статьи

In recent years, large-scale work has been carried out in Uzbekistan to identify and make specific practical decisions on the formation and implementation of a strategy for the country's innovative development. “Innovation means the future. If today we begin to build our great future, then we must do it primarily on the basis of innovative ideas and an innovative approach. ... the focus will be on the development of research and innovation activities, mobilization of the necessary financial resources for this, comprehensive support for the participation of gifted youth in this process, creative ideas and developments [1]. Particular attention is paid to the issues of updating the inclusion of young people in the country's innovation process and increasing their innovative activity. This determines the relevance of the study of what is the impetus or obstacle in the active participation of young people in innovative and scientific activities.

Innovation is literally an investment in innovation, investment in the development of new equipment, technology, research [2]. In the dictionary of economic terms, the word "innovation" is interpreted as 1) investment in the economy, providing a change in technology and technology; 2) new technique, technology, which is the result of the achievements of scientific and technological progress. The defining factor of innovation is the development of invention, rationalization, the emergence of major discoveries [3].

Innovation is the use of the results of scientific research and development aimed at improving the process of production, economic, legal and social relations in the field of science, culture, education and other areas of activity [4, p.15]. An innovation means an object introduced into production as a result of a scientific research or a discovery made, qualitatively different from the previous analogue [5, p.5]. The concept of innovation is applied to all innovations in organizational, production and other areas of activity, to any improvements that reduce costs [6, p.13].

And the concept of "innovative activity" is, one might say, a kind of personal resource that allows him, under certain conditions, to manifest himself as a factor of innovative activity.

A prerequisite for the implementation of the innovative properties of youth is the expansion of the innovative capabilities of youth, which means the encouragement of innovation by society and the state support of youth, the creation of the necessary conditions for enhancing their innovative activity. The priority goal of the State Youth Policy implemented in the country is to facilitate the entry of young people into the institutionalization of the life of society, to raise the status of youth in society.

Another effective measure taken by the state in relation to youth is investment in youth as a human resource for social development, the primary tasks of which are to create the necessary conditions for activating the spiritual, intellectual, labor, and innovative potential of the younger generation. This guarantees a prosperous and bright future for the country, given that 60% of the 34 million population of Uzbekistan are young people. This will allow the country not only to increase the likelihood of stable economic growth and employment in the near future, but also to create a solid foundation for the formation of a more productive, innovative, inclusive and stable society in the long term [7, p.67].

The developing countries of the world are betting on young people, as investing in them is a guarantee of a bright future. Large-scale practical work to support the younger generation is being implemented in Uzbekistan. A program to support youth innovative ideas and startups called "Startup Initiatives" is being successfully implemented, helping young people to test their innovative ideas, by creating their own start-up to develop their entrepreneurial potential and allowing for its implementation to find and attract investors for their project [7, p.67].

In areas such as communication of the branches of government, banking, industry, medicine and security, the use of information technology is expanding, which requires an increase in the need for the services of IT specialists. For a decent assessment of work in the name of innovative development, the contests “Young Scientist”, “Progress”, “National Innovative Research” and “Startup Projects” have been established, which help to support and stimulate the owners of innovative intelligence [7, p.68].

Uzbekistan makes every effort and uses all potential opportunities for young people to receive a quality education and create modern, advanced innovative conditions for their becoming full-fledged people. The youth in Uzbekistan is recognized as a promising active stratum of society, capable of ensuring the country's prosperity as a strategic resource of the state.

Actualization of the task of maximum inclusion of youth in the transformational processes of the country of an innovative nature, the optimal use of its intellectual potential is important in determining the growth of the economic, political, social, cultural potential of society, which determines the development of each individual country and the world as a whole.

Thus, on the part of the subjects responsible for the involvement of young people in innovative activities is the implementation of the following mechanisms.

From the side of the state:

  • legal regulation of the involvement of young people in innovative activities;
  • creation of educational standards that stimulate innovative activities of students;
  • providing financial support to young people through a system of grants, personal scholarships, etc.;
  • organizing and holding competitions for projects in the innovation sphere.

From the side of universities:

  • joint participation of students and teachers in the implementation of research work (R&D) in various areas;
  • the inclusion of educational and research work carried out in the classroom and in independent work in the curriculum;
  • organization of the work of scientific circles and interdepartmental working groups;
  • organizing and holding competitions for projects in the innovation sphere;
  • organization of work of centers of scientific and technical creativity and councils of young scientists;
  • carrying out marketing events in the form of conferences and seminars aimed at popularizing innovative activities among students and increasing interest in it among the student environment.

Efforts potential employers in the development of innovation-oriented workforce are to create material incentives for involvement in innovative activities, as well as professional orientation of future graduates.

The subjects of the innovation infrastructure are focused on the organizational and legal and financial support of formed teams or individual researchers [8, p.166].

Список литературы

  1. Message from the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis on December 23, 2017 Source: // http: //dd.gov.uz/ru/news/534
  2. Dictionary of financial terms. 2012. - Source: https://slovar.cc/ekon/fin
  3. Dictionary of economic terms. 2012. - Source: https://slovar.cc/ekon/term
  4. Suvorov, A.P. Innovation management: textbook for universities / Yoshkar Ola: MarSTU, 1999. - 99 p.
  5. Medynsky, V.G. Innovation management: textbook. - M. : INFRA-M, 2005. - 294p.
  6. Minnikhanov, R.N. Innovation management // Official site of the Russian Academy of Education [Electronic resource]. - 2003. - Access mode: www.rae.ru/monographs/112-3766
  7. Yusupova F.Z. Bulletin of Science and Education. - RF: "Problems of Science", 2020. No. 12 (90). Part 3. p.67-68.
  8. Batovrina E.V., Sorokina T.A., Shestoperov A.M. Mechanisms for involving young people in innovative activities in the Union State. - Public administration. Electronic bulletin Issue No. 40. October 2013. 166 p.



Хамроев Ф. Э. Prospects for involving youth of Uzbekistan in innovative activities // Актуальные исследования. 2021. №47 (74). С. 87-89. URL: https://apni.ru/article/3274-prospects-for-involving-youth-of-uzbekistan

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