
Педагогика и психология

Ключевые слова

learning center
methods and forms of teaching
practical skills
labor market
approaches to competence in real activity

Аннотация статьи

Learning centers plays a great role in organizing effective teaching activity as scientifically organized process, oriented to competent education, being in demand of modern world. The detailed structural scheme was approbated while teaching - leaning the English language with the students groups of different level of preparation and showed good results.

Текст статьи

This is nothing new.
This way of living and leading groups is easy to understand.
It is easy to do. But not many leaders understand this approach.
Very few use it in their work.

Frankly, it is too simple and ancient to attract much attention.
As a rule, the greatest interest goes to the greatest novelty.
The wise leader, sticking to the simple principle or how everything happens,
does nothing new or original.

The wise leader appeals to a very few followers, to those who recognize
that traditional wisdom is a treasure which often lies hidden beneath an ordinary appearance
The TAO of Leadership

Teaching as one of the methods and forms of education and upbringing those interested in prolonged development is of the great importance of establishment for human society as a whole. It may be expressed in solving global issues, not less. Some of them, such as climate change, clean drinking water, clean and safe energy, poverty and many others may become the main themes for discussion in class, student auditorium, conferences, global workshops and so on. Teaching is the very work fully corresponding to the requirements of scientific works, being connected with new school-college-University programs, having practical skills that answer the timely needs in relevant labor markets.

Let us, for example, describe clerical assistant – job description’ examples of duties:

  • Type letters, memorandums, purchase orders, ditto masters, or other material from oral direction, rough drafts, copy, notes, or transcribing machine recordings.
  • Prepare offset ditto masters and mimeograph stencils.
  • Typing speed must not be less than 45 words per minute from clear copy.
  • Collect and account for money received and maintain simple budgetary control records for department to which assigned.
  • Sort and file documents and records according to predetermined classification, maintaining alphabetical, index, and cross-reference files.
  • Mail out letters, forms and applications, receive and distribute incoming and outgoing mail.
  • Assist in ordering and maintaining adequate stocks of office supplies [1, p.11].

Some scientists and teachers consider it is necessary to reform existing humanitarian and engineering and technology education in order to do it more close to real needs and demands of a modern global society. New approaches may play an important catalytic role in the improvement of education trough presenting a new vision for it.

Well-known the UNESCO’s Four Pillars are addressed on the highest level, being a strategic instrument to planning and deployment of educational programs. The key-idea is what and how to prepare students for “Learning to Know”, “Learning to Be”, “Learning to Live Together”, “Learning to do”.

In the line of instruments-tools in search of the most effective approaches to the solving problem, Conversation and Discussion are to be the most effective and rational ones. When we say about discussion, we take into account, that in a discussion we usually talk about one subject or topic, and in a conversation we go from one subject to another. The purpose of a conversation is usually quite general, when a conversation is a way of exchanging ideas with a result- sharing of experiences with other people.

If our aim, goal and purpose is to make our communication active and rational, we are to follow the next scheme of our common work:

  1. The topics are of interest to everyone.
  2. The language used is appropriate to the situation and the people involved.
  3. An effort is made to draw everyone into the exchanging of talk.
  4. There is a friendly, give- and- take spirit.
  5. One person talks at a time, and interruptions are courteous and sensible.
  6. Everyone listens to the person speaking, out of respect for the person and for what he says.
  7. Disagreement with someone else is expressed tactfully and courteously.
  8. No one tries to do all the talking.
  9. Gossip about other people is avoided.
  10. Jokes or stories told are always in good taste [2, p.107].

The role of teachers organizing discussion or conversation is unique and especial. They are responsible for organizational support for the needs assessment process. It may be described in such a way: “…When a group of people or a team are truly involved and participating, … they look ahead and conceive of their role in time and space in such a manner that includes what they see themselves doing in relation to the project. They usually attempt to interject their own pet theories and questions… At the very least there’s usually a rather heated discussion to work out the details, whether they be of an administrative nature or concern the ideas embodied in the design...’ [3, p.33].

Technical analysis of intellectual communication may be effective in the process of analytical understanding and discussion of the truths, having attention to different spheres of people’s real practical activity. So, we supposed the students should read, discuss and stress the most important ideas having the core sense of any activity- humanitarian or technical. It was a part of case-study role plays. Beginning with the interpretation of the Louis Pasteur 1822-1895, French biochemist phrase “Chance favors the prepared mind” the students had to read and explain he common truly truths (not less!), concerning the key- question of the role-play, oriented to habits and skills of constructing the body of intellectual analysis of any problem.

The text looked like: “There are essentially two ways of analyzing investments: fundamental analysis and technical analysis. With the former, investors try to calculate the value of an asset, comparing the present value of the likely future cash flows with the current price. With the latter, they focus exclusively on the asset’s price data, asking what its past price behavior indicates about its likely future price behavior. Market strategists believe that history tends to repeat itself. They make price predictions on the basis of published data, looking for patterns and correlations, assessing trends, support and resistance levels. The true objective of technical analysis is to determine whether or not the ingredients of a healthy bull market are present – and to watch out for possible warning flags before a major decline or bear strikes. – from the Ultimate Investor” [4, p.304].

A detailed discussion of common group work on the text proposed and individual students’ contribution to forming a final resume on the text help the teachers to estimate the level of the so called “useful rational understanding” of those taught. The purposes of testing appeared to be very useful for the whole process of teaching, independently from another program’ stages and items. It appeared possible:

  • to measure language proficiency regardless of any language courses that the students may have followed;
  • to discover how far students have achieved the objectives of a course of study;
  • to diagnose students’ strengths and weaknesses, to identify what they know and what they do not know;
  • to assist placement of students by identifying the stage or part of teaching program most appropriate to their ability [5, p.7].

Let us look at the UNESCO’ doctrine on the theme, producing some effects. UNESCO ‘doctrine plays a great role in formation of sustainable approaches to happy parenting and teaching as using the best moral, aesthetic and intellectual findings of quality parenting in effective competent and positively professional organized teaching for happy learning of those taught in circumstances of our changing world, overloaded contradictions. The main UNESCO’ ideas on the theme are:

  1. Education and Upbringing in close connection for personal sustainability- the sphere, where common tasks meet. UNESCO documents describe these tasks from the point of view urgent demands of the societies. They are: a) Why International intercultural communication is in demand? B) What can we learn from each other? C). What have we achieved so far, what are the lessons learnt?
  2. Advancing Sustainable Lifestyles and responsible methods of upbringing in Family, School, then-College and University – through parenting and teaching activity of responsibility and reliability.

It no matters at all what nationality is our original one. The people of different nationalities come into our life through their culture, history, religion, literature, national habits and traditions.

In accordance to speaking and writing as a presentation of abilities and competence in the foreign language using, the teachers reminded about simplicity in choosing the list of words connected with the topic being discussed.

  • Once you have thought of some relevant ideas, you need to organize them;
  • If you produce an answer that presents a list of ideas without development, you will lose marks;
  • Decide which of the ideas in your list are “key” ideas;
  • Think how many of the key –ideas you could cover in 250 words;
  • Discuss what order you think the ideas should go in;
  • Select some supporting points for each key idea from your list;
  • Think about your own experience and consider if you have any further supporting points to add;
  • Suggest some suitable connectives;
  • Think about a final point.

The most important issues for development of this theme of learning – teaching English in a context of common modern educational programs of different countries, proved the effectiveness for students [6, p.351].

There are different ways of finding information: individually, in pairs and in groups absolutely approved in different situations of communication, oriented to intellectual and emotional understanding of all involved.

In a conclusion let us remind the words of Benjamin Graham, value investor: “The fact that other people agree or disagree with you makes you neither right or wrong. You will be right if your facts and reasoning are correct”.

Список литературы

  1. Connecticut competency system. Apprasal / Placement Inventory. 1992, p.11.
  2. The English Language. New York, 1962, p.107.
  3. Training in organizations. Irwin L.Goldstein. California, 1992, p.33.
  4. Ultimate investment quotations. Dean Le Baron and Romesh Vaitilingam with Marilin Pitchford – Oxford, 1999, p.304.
  5. Testing for Language Teachers. Arthur Hughes, - Cambridge University press, 1994, p.7.
  6. Азаренкова М.И. Повышение эффективности обучения языкам путем использования ролевых игр – в научном альманахе «Языки и культуры в эпоху глобализации: особенности функционирования, перспективы развития и взаимодействия» - г. Москва, 2019, С.351.



Азаренкова М. И. Learning centers as teachers work’ organizing for competent approach // Развитие личности и общества: экономические, политико-правовые и культурные аспекты : сборник научных трудов по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции 28 декабря 2021г. Белгород : ООО Агентство перспективных научных исследований (АПНИ), 2021. С. 77-80. URL: https://apni.ru/article/3490-learning-centers-as-teachers-work-organizing

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