Psychological method for teaching reading and communication by copying with difficulties


Педагогика и психология

Ключевые слова

status of foreign language
criteria of development
essential materials
sufficient practice
teaching methods and techniques
targeted research and development methods

Аннотация статьи

The system of effective testing of those learning, training, coaching, schooling and educating students in the process of introducing into the scheme of teaching is to develop and improve the quality of all stages and levels of teaching. It is a good contribution to personal intellectual, professional, social and cultural development of those involved for the demands of modern society and individual needs.

Текст статьи

“The Losers are always looking for the Guilty. And champions only beat themselves”

“The more democratic a society is, the smarter and “deeper” a person is, the greater the aspect should be placed not on external social, but on internal personal control”

“Because on the Lord’s great love we are not consumed for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness”
(Lamentations 3:22.23)

The process of teaching is constantly renewed one, including new methods of teaching the main aspects of the English language. It means introduction of innovative developments, effective for using teachers and students’ creative findings as well in the common process of creative communication. Teaching reading is extremely important in the whole assimilation of all urgent methods and habits for successful reading on the material of any material methods habits and process. Each stage of it is filled with learning – teaching information, meaning individual support and reading learning technologies for assimilation’ intensification and the main reading rules’ facilitation.

Let us denote some main positions everybody leaning “how to read” must know. They are: aim, purpose, goal, object, target, intention. The students must know what do they want to get from reading, by reading, what for reading. The students learn a lot of new words in accordance with one main word explaining the whole process of reading’ learning. So, “aim” implies a clear definition of that a student hopes to do and a direction of his effort to its attainment; “purpose” implies more settled determination or more resolution than “intention”. “Goal” is object of efforts and ambition. It implies struggle and sufferings without complaining of hardships at attainment of it; “object applies to an end, a person or thing to which action, feeling or thought are directed; “target” has the meaning “an object to be aimed at in shooting”. It may be defined as “objective” (set for savings, production, etc.; “intention” stresses the clearly defined will to do or make something, directing the mind towards doing something [1, p.54].

Means of individual support and interesting technologies of intensification of “common reading”, wide cognitive and research activities not only of students, but scientific and pedagogical workers, having attention to reading of the materials, they give for school and University researching (reading, firstly).

If excellent reading becomes a base of high level of possessing the foreign language, a real student’ communication is the response one gets. There are many publications about communication work, and the most interesting are those open what makes communication work well. It is well known, that the flow between two people, or many people whereby each can understand the other’s feelings and motives is empathy. The participants of the communicative event, sphere or space form the link and openness between them all, and it also called “rapport”. We mean friendliness; we have things in common;” they listen to my problems and tell me about theirs’; they don’t put me down; they understand me” [2, p.43].

As far as teachers are concerned, they may use “Indicative independence test- research agenda for the students” for teaching them reading. In practice it is a great amount of vocabulary as terms of any kind, idioms, professional terminology, poetic ones, dialogue and monologue’ schemes for a real practice of communication, models of special grammatical schemes and instructions for different spheres of communication, writing skills, listening skills and so on.

The pedagogical experiment on the “Testing issue” showed good results on all the concrete goals as tasks declared. They were: Targeted research on class and independent ways in link to demonstrate benefits of bringing together reasons for the present emphases on vocabulary, creating a sense of need for a word, list of habits-skills “What to do about the list on the textbook page”, showing the meaning of words in different situations, drawing attention to meaning before drilling words, inspiration in dealing with dictionaries, including ideographic ones.

 We consider the most important the spheres of taking into account while teaching reading the students of different levels of preparation. The main task was to read the text from the position of personal student’ development plans and activities through beginning discussion, debate and inviting links with suggested starting points of self-learning. Everyone must have formal points in personal views’ reporting in seeing the final result as “level of personal development and those involved in a team professional perfection. Students’ personal (then group-team) plans as “understanding reading” as strategies in using discussion forums to start and carry forward debate on intellectual, professional, psychological, artistic, learning English links with a view to consensus-building. It is very important to choose texts on a wide range of choice, including all spheres of life- professional, educational, personal, social, emotional and so on. Such texts are extremely useful for supporting rational and alive regime of independent learning in direction of repeating professional terms, ordinary vocabulary, technical and humanitarian definitions, compound expressions and idioms. Some of them may be productive and interesting at the first stage of the long reading-testing process. They are: 1. Write a dialogue that could introduce a guessing game in which the players use words for nature, army, political and economical debates, family life, living values, personal qualities, peace and war, art gallery, theatre and cinema. 2. Write a series of commands that would require students to understand the following words: hand, head, face, ear, neck, back, foot (feet). 3. Write a very simple description of a real patient in a clinic, a real teacher in a University, a real mother in a family and an imaginary visitor from another planet. Then write instructions how to use the description for the possible picture-drawing activity (especially you have a talent of an artist).

When we say about difficulties in the process of communication while collective reading, we mean conflict clues, such as violence, a sure sign of crisis; tension, that distorts one’s perception or another person and most of what they do; misunderstanding. It means making false assumptions about a situation, because of unclear communication or lack of rapport; incidents; discomfort – “Is there something I could do now about this”? So, reading will be effective if the participants of communication, taking part not only in discussion after, but in individual reading of a new text before, lean coping with difficult emotions in others. Knowing about it makes the very situation of communication positive and effective, and the process of reading not only interesting, but fruitful from the position of acquisition a new experience of life.

The main positions must be taking into account and described by a teacher in a detail in order to explain not only meaning of the communication aim, but the importance of detailed approach to each word and sentence for understanding reading as a key to understanding the personal development [3, p.190]. They are:

  • Respect the communication of feelings;
  • Be tolerant when others discharge emotions;
  • Reward behavior you want;
  • Disengage from power struggles;
  • Don’t retaliate;
  • Avoid nagging and criticism [2, p.100].

Psych formed optimistic, innovative, effective, psychologically right teaching as a core of guaranteed effective reading teaching-learning process.

“Remember that the method is awareness-of-process. Reflect. Be still” (The Tao of Leadership).

Список литературы

  1. Митусова О.А. Английский для аспирантов – Ростов на Дону, 2003, 54 с.
  2. Cornelius H., Shoshana S. Faire. Everyone can win. How to resolve conflict. Australia, 1996, p.43-100.
  3. Azarenkova M.I. Psychological method for peace-education in multicultural sustainable world. Экспериментальные и теоретические исследования в современной науке: проблемы, пути решения. г. Ростов-на-Дону, 2018, с.190.



Азаренкова М. И. Psychological method for teaching reading and communication by copying with difficulties // Тенденции и приоритеты развития социально-гуманитарных наук : сборник научных трудов по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции 30 марта 2022г. Белгород : ООО Агентство перспективных научных исследований (АПНИ), 2022. С. 61-63. URL:

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