

Ключевые слова

effective management
productive lesson
correction of mistakes
use of native language

Аннотация статьи

Online English language teaching reveals hidden problems of educational management. warm–up, the teacher's speaking time in the lesson, correcting mistakes and using the native language are some of those stages of the lesson that are associated with the problems of effective management. Online English language training will be more effective when the problems outlined above are solved.

Текст статьи

New Federal Standarts on General Education make new demands on teaching language process in terms of school. The results of a student must correspond to the needs of modern society, must help him to be independent and responsible for his actions and development [2, 6, 8, 9]. But the situation with pandemic that brought new format of teaching made it difficult to fufil these requirements. Nevertheless the ideas to increase management skills of a modern teacher working online will help to reach the above goals.

Digitalization and informatization of society impose new requirements on teaching foreign languages process [3, 6]. An increasing number of students prefer an electronic learning format that allows them to combine work, study and leisure [3, p. 65]. In this regard, there is a need to manage the process of online learning of foreign languages. An analysis of online lessons conducted by teachers of different levels of training showed that such a learning process requires effective management of the training session.

By effective management of the training session, we mean coordinated management of the educational process within the framework of one training session, aimed at achieving the set of educational, developmental and educational goals, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of the student and forming an appropriate level of internal motivation of the student to learn the language. Each stage of the lesson in the conditions of effective management requires a clear planning of the content, form and calculation of the study time spent on it [4, 5].

Further the detailed consideration the components of the lesson will be presented on which the productivity of online language learning depends to a greater extent: warm-up, completion of the lesson, the teacher's speaking time in the lesson, instructions, error correction, use of the native language.

The first stage of an online lesson, on which the success of not only the lesson itself, but also the effectiveness and the possibility of the entire process of further training depends, is a warm-up. Traditionally, this stage of the lesson is associated with setting goals and objectives. However, the conditions of online learning impose new requirements on this stage. Often, in order to save time or, on the contrary, in order to attract more attention of the student, there is either no warm-up at all, or it is too long. As a result, it is not possible to organize speech training at the proper level, which further prevents the student from being included in the communication process, establishing communicative contact with him and, as a result, leads to the unproductivity of the entire lesson.

Effective warm-up management in this case implies a clear planning of all the questions asked, adaptation of the situation in accordance with the student language level and control of the study time allocated for this stage. Of course, it is inappropriate to abruptly interrupt a student's speech, since a positive communicative attitude is the key to successful language learning [1].

An equally important organizational stage of the online lesson, on which the possibility of all subsequent classes depends, is the completion of the lesson. The biggest problems of this stage are associated with its complete absence caused by lack of time, or vice versa, this stage begins earlier than planned, and the teacher decides to move on to a new topic. As a result, there is no feedback, in the process of which the student must see his achievement and be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills. Both participants in the educational process feel the lack of progress, and the student may feel the indifference of the teacher.

Effective completion of an online lesson is possible only if the study time is planned for it in advance, using the possibility of spare assignments on the topic of the lesson and summarizing the results in a language that the student understands.

The specifics of online learning require teachers to create conditions for greater student involvement in the learning process. As a result, the probability of errors related to the teacher's speaking time in the lesson increases. The teacher begins to speak instead of the student and often in a language that the student does not understand. Thus, there is an impression of a lack of contact between the student and the teacher, there is no effectiveness of the lesson. In such conditions, the student either gets used to being silent and his speech skills do not develop, or the student begins to panic due to a complete misunderstanding of the expediency of the educational process.

To avoid such mistakes, the teacher needs to organize effective interaction with the student, asking and clarifying the degree of student understanding. It is advisable to review your lessons in the record in order to perform a reflexive analysis and timely elimination of errors.

The issue of error correction is always relevant, in terms of online learning, it becomes even more important. To demonstrate interest in the success of the student, the teacher is inclined to correct everything at once [7]. However, it leads to a decrease in the motivation and self-esteem of the student and inhibition in the process of forming speech skills. As a result, the student falls silent, is afraid to speak at all, or starts talking too fast, without giving teacher the opportunity to correct him.

There are several painless and effective methods of error correction [2]. It is very important to praise the student for expressing his own opinion and correct only those mistakes that are made in the material being worked out. It is necessary to give the student the opportunity to find the error himself and try to correct it. It is important to take into account the level of language training, since at a low level there is a high probability that a student will be afraid to speak, and at a high level, motivation will drop. A competent ratio of the need to correct an error and the correct methods of correcting it can neutralize the feeling of dissatisfaction with its commission.

Thus, the above stages of the lesson illustrate the need for effective management of online classes, which directly affects the productivity of the lesson, the formation of internal motivation of the student and, as a result, the possibility of his further education.

Список литературы

  1. Горынина А.А., Простова Д.М, Соснина Н.Г. Техники исправления устных и письменных ошибок в обучении иностранным языкам // Казанский педагогический журнал. – 2017. – №6 (125). – С. 102-104.
  2. Программа «Цифровая экономика Российской Федерации», утвержденная распоряжением Правительства Российской Федерации от 28.07.2017 №1632-р [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://static.government.ru/media/files/9gFM4FHj4PsB79I5v7yLVuPgu4bvR7M0.pdf (дата обращения 15.08.2022)
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  5. Цифровая образовательная среда // Директория онлайн. URL: https://medium.com/direktoria-online/the-digital-learning-environment-f1255d06942a 2017 (дата обращения 25.08.2022)
  6. Prostova D.M. The Model of Teachers’ Digital Culture in the Economic Environment of the Region/D.M. Prostova, N.G. Sosnina, O.L. Sokolova//2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference on Digital Economy (ISCDE 2020. – Atlantis Press. – PP. 46-53.
  7. Sari R. Error Analysis and Error Correction in Foreign Language Teaching, Nigeria: University of Malang. – 2011.
  8. Vincent 2011. Understanding digital culture. London: Sage.
  9. Wilson C., Grizzle A., Tuazon R., Akyempong K., Cheung Chi-Kim. Media and information literacy: curriculum for teachers. UNESCO, 2011.



Соснина Н. Г. Effective management of an online English lesson // Вектор научно-технологического развития России с учетом глобальных трендов : сборник научных трудов по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции 12 сентября 2022г. Белгород : ООО Агентство перспективных научных исследований (АПНИ), 2022. С. 52-54. URL: https://apni.ru/article/4562-effective-management-of-an-online-english-les

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