АИ #36 (115)
Статьи журнала АИ #36 (115)
Improving the effectiveness of management decisions in business

Improving the effectiveness of management decisions in business


Экономика и управление

Ключевые слова

business management
management decisions

Аннотация статьи

The article indicates the effectiveness of managers’ decisions on the example of managing an educational business. The effectiveness of innovative solutions in business also is demonstrated.

Текст статьи

The role of a modern businessmen is much more interesting and large-scale than the sale of goods and services. Information technology and innovation provide a new level of interaction between the service provider and the service recipient, the supplier and the buyer. Rapidly updated information and communication tools and methods of working can provide a new quality of business. However, this requires the ability to effectively and efficiently find new management solutions.

Management decision is an important step, that helps to achieve the goal of the organization. It is the main part of the manager's job. The object of administrative decisions are problems related to the solution of theoretical and practical issues.

The management decision consists of analyzing issues, their importance and ways to solve them. After all, they develop measures on which the decision should be based.

Making decisions is a process of activities of leaders of any level. Their work includes development and goal setting, studying the problems based on received information, selection of measures and finding possible consequences of the decisions, discussion with specialists of various options for solving tasks and selection and formulation of the optimal solutions, acceptance of decisions.

Nowadays, Kazakhstan’s market is in demand for entrepreneurs, who strives for self-realization in different spheres.

Thus, the study of the activity of a private school showed the high efficiency of making administrative decisions. The solution was the organization of a virtual educational environment and making platforms, that allow to contact with parents and students around the clock.

Effective management allows you to forecast and use the budget as productively as possible. The process is happening faster. The availability is opened for wide practical use of the experience. In private school from 2020 to 2021, the income increased by 5%. From 2021 to 2022, the income increased by 20%.

The adopted decisions correspond to the requirements of management decisions:

  • comprehensive validity of decisions (availability of needs and opportunities to meet them);
  • compliance of the decision with the legislation;
  • newly adopted decisions should not contradict existing solutions and duplicate them;
  • making a decision at the moment when it can and should be implemented;
  • availability of resources;
  • clarity and conciseness (inadmissibility of ambiguous interpretation of decisions).

Effective management decisions have led to the possibility of:

  • to be in demand and competitive in the educational services market;
  • transition to a qualitatively new level of training of a specialist who is ready to implement new standards of education.

In conclusion, one of the most important in every company is motivation of employees and customers. Motivation in business management is a comprehensive approach to personnel management aimed at creating motivations, the purpose of which is the productive employees’ performance. The same actions were taken to customers, such as discounts, service packages, hot offers and so on.

The company studies individual needs and wishes of clients. This became a marketing move, that leads to an increase in the flow of customers.

Developing a strategy, where every employee is important, has increased the motivation and quality of employees' work.

The main sustainable result of management decisions was:

  • formation of innovative infrastructure that ensures sustainable development;
  • effectiveness in the educational services market;
  • creating a positive image;
  • demand for services and their continuous improvement.

Список литературы

  1. DeMarco T. Deadline. Project management.
  2. Letunovsky V. Suvorov’s Management.
  3. Rumelt R. Good Strategy, Bad Strategy.
  4. The material of the webinar to the Republican Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Republic of Kazakhstan, February 19, 2021, "Coaching approach in school management".



Kabdylsalykova R.. Improving the effectiveness of management decisions in business // Актуальные исследования. 2022. №36 (115). С. 81-82. URL: https://apni.ru/article/4579-improving-the-effectiveness-of-management-dec

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