АИ #49 (128)
Статьи журнала АИ #49 (128)
Actual problems of translation of literary texts

Actual problems of translation of literary texts


Филология, иностранные языки, журналистика

Ключевые слова

literary translation
text interpretation
stable expressions
language and cultural barriers

Аннотация статьи

Text translation in general can be defined as the creation of an equivalent text in another language based on the original text in one language, equivalent to the original in a communicative sense. The linguistic and cultural barriers that arise when interpreting the original text by the translator are considered. The main translation problems include: the specifics of translating stable expressions; the problem of translating wordplay; cultural differences, while the main task of the translator is to eliminate the problems that arise.

Текст статьи

The relevance of the research topic is due to a steady interest in the problems of understanding the author's idea and adequate transmission of the meaning of a foreign text, functioning both in fiction and in real life. The study of the peculiarities and difficulties of translation is conducted in philology in different directions: phraseological, idiomatic, word-formation, lexicological, lexicographic, stylistic, etc. Translation is an important auxiliary tool that ensures that the language fulfills its communicative function in cases when people express their thoughts in different languages. The possibilities of translation are reflected in the peculiarities of the translation of literary texts with their characteristic expressiveness and specific functions.

Language is the most important means of communication between people with each other. Speech communication is carried out both orally and in writing. People who speak the same language can communicate with each other without any problems, but this is problematic for people who speak different languages. Translation plays an important role in solving such problems. The significance of the translation will remain at a high level for many years. Literary works written in the same language, any scientific invention, their translation and changes in translation cause two opposing opinions among scientists. Some experts say that the translation of words from one language to another cannot express the feelings and the main goal of the author. On the contrary, others say that a perfect language can express the whole meaning of any creativity written in another language [1, p. 1675].

Each sign has two plans (the plan of expression and the plan of content), the essence of translation is the change of elements (the plan of expression), and the plan of content remains unchanged. One of the main difficulties of translation is that the meaning of the text is not lost, but only a small number of the meanings of its elements change. The meaning of the text consists of words (characterized by their denotative and connotative meanings and stylistic citation), the syntactic meaning of sentences and utterances, suprasegmental elements, lexico-semantic connections between words and phrases. The difficulties of translating literary texts include: an abundance of expressive means and concepts, a high emotional load, the use of outdated expressions and archaisms, a large number of stylistic techniques. The translator of literary texts has to face many difficulties. When translating a literary text, a literal translation is not assumed. It is necessary to have enough imagination and creativity to convey the whole meaning, colors, emotions and effects of a literary text, which makes it understandable and easily perceived by the reader.

Literary translation is the majority of the described functional styles. This is the most mobile and creative approach. Special difficulties arise when the source language and the recipient language belong to other cultures. Methods of information design in artistic translation: 1) Epithets – reproduced as structural and semantic features (simple and complex adjectives; the degree of normative semantic agreement with a certain word); 2) Comparisons – reproduced structural features, stylistic coloring of vocabulary; 3) Metaphors – reproduced in accordance with the description of the structure and semantic relationship between the graphic and subject plan; 4) Author's neologisms – word-formation models of a similar model that was used by the author are reproduced, the semantic components of the word and stylistic coloring are preserved. 5) Phonetic, morphemic, lexical, syntax and leitmotives of repetitions are repeated by the author while preserving the components and principles of repetition at the language level; 6) Irony – primarily reproduced with the principle of contrast of impact; 7) "Talking" names and toponyms – reproduced with the reservation of semantic "talking" names and typical word-formation model in the original language and exotic for the target language.

The translation of a work of art is not just a literal translation of the text, and often the artistic translation of the text may not coincide with the original, since the main task of such a translation is that the translation means for native speakers of the target language the same thing that the original statement meant for native speakers of their language [2. p 98]. Consequently, the translator puts on paper his vision, understanding of the literary text. After analyzing the translation and comparing the results with the original text, it is possible to determine the level, artistic taste, breadth of the writer's horizons and features of the translator's worldview.

Consequently, the translator puts on paper his vision, understanding of the literary text. After analyzing the translation and comparing the results with the original text, it is possible to determine the level, artistic taste, breadth of the writer's horizons and features of the translator's worldview. During the initial analysis of the features of the translation of a literary text, the following number of problems that all translators face can be identified:

  • the specifics of translating stable expressions;
  • the problem of translating wordplay;
  • the need to take into account cultural differences.

The specifics of translating stable expressions are not as complicated as it may seem at first glance. Using a dictionary of stable phrases and phrases of speech, as well as a dictionary of synonyms, you can easily find the most suitable translation.

The problem of translating wordplay is one of the most interesting moments in literary translation – this is when the translated text has a humorous or ironic background. It is necessary to have a special skill to manage to keep the wordplay that the author implies. Mostly wordplay is based on the ambiguity of the word. Sometimes it happens that the meanings of the played word in the original and the translation coincide, allowing you to preserve the meaning and principle of the wordplay. The problem is that language coincidences in wordplay are extremely rare [3. p. 183].

The translator of literary texts must not only masterfully speak a foreign language, he must also be an expert in the culture of the country in which the original text was written. It is difficult to translate texts of another era, or culture, without appropriate knowledge. For example, consider the popular ways of describing female beauty in different cultures.

Artistic translation of works is a long and laborious process, which is a kind of challenge for any translator, since it requires not only an exceptional level of knowledge of two languages, but also their culture. At the same time, for one reason or another, it is not always possible to transmit all the information that the original carries. The exact and closest translation to the text of the language of the heroes of the work as part of the author's plan and features of reflecting the character and personality of the characters of the work. In the course of the study, the main problems of literary text translation were identified, which consist in the difficulties of translating idioms, puns and expressive phrases reflecting the national mentality. A distinctive feature of literary translations is that they convey not only the meaning of the original text, but also, due to their specificity, the peculiarities of the translator's perception. In general, the essence of this process can be defined as an attempt to eliminate the linguistic and intercultural barrier between the author and the reader, passing the original text through the «prism of perception» of the translator.

Список литературы

  1. Rashidova A.F. About some difficulties of literary translation. A young scientist. No. 11, 2015, – pp. 1675- 1676
  2. Komissarov, V. N. Translation theory (linguistic aspects): textbook. Moscow : Higher School, 1990. 253 p.
  3. Kuprin, A. I. Junker. Moscow : Eksmo-Press, 2007. p. 1-78.
  4. Komissarov, V. N. Translation theory (linguistic aspects): textbook. Moscow : Higher School, 1990. 253 p.



Шагимолдина М. О. Actual problems of translation of literary texts // Актуальные исследования. 2022. №49 (128). Ч.I.С. 88-90. URL: https://apni.ru/article/5150-actual-problems-of-translation-of-literary-te

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