About experience skills in scientific speech and research work for establishment in future profession


Педагогика и психология

Ключевые слова

public speech
scientific (research) work
relevant levels of the tasks being solved
individual approach of a researcher
ability to a stable communication
the demanded levels of material’ possession

Аннотация статьи

The article describes some rational and effective methods of identifying purpose and key-problem of the public speech’ presentation and research work’ scheme on a scientific work’ writing, having been approbated in the course of the pedagogical experiment at the technical university.

Текст статьи

“Group work touches the existential anxiety of our times” – says The Tao of Leadership. With each day in our modern changeable world, overloaded with contradictions and difficulties in understanding it’s changes communicative environment of the world becomes more and more important as the very educational world sphere from the position of new vision of the education as a whole. The teachers, being excellent professionals in the sphere of their qualification, have ethical qualities. Due to teaching foreign language It means to build integrity in their multicultural groups through working-out study-programs and using all traditional and newest informative methods in teaching.

When we say about forming skills in scientific speech and research work for establishment for future profession we take into account, that the modern educational system proposes the reasonable modern students should adapt themselves to the world, not to themselves.

Taking into account experience skills in scientific speech we are going to teach our students, we ask our students about their “creativity to be communicative and wise”. The questions may be like these:

  1. Be able to explain different types of thinking over your life situations and explain which you prefer.
  2. Describe your attitude towards life in it’s difficulties and differences.
  3. Define extrovert or introvert you and understand which type of personality applies to you.
  4.  Understand whole-brain-thinking and your own relationship to the concept of optimism and pessimism, positive thinking and negative thinking.
  5. Explore your own personality traits, thoughts and feelings (positive and negative) [1, c.265].

Such approach to understanding of the students’ group gives opportunity to know as much as it possible about such important personality’s traits, influencing evidently the course and resulting stage of the student’s public speech. We mean such items as: predictable or not behavior and experience; a mental and psychological level of influencing by advertising, media, family-relations; personal possibility or impossibility to formulate rules for achieving desirable objectives; having among desirable objectives some these as main ones: prosperity, freedom, peace from unfavorable conditions, success for oneself as the individual, the group, the nation and the world.

Not all students may estimate and appreciate their own nature’s intellect and emotional resources. And compare them with well-known human resources at all. The mental work of everybody comes to adaptation in the space of existence student’s group, sport team, art group, participants of a scientific conference, business or military sphere, family. In multicultural auditorium very effective are such themes for working out as “Museums of the World”, “Wonders of Nature”, “The Nation’s Great Inventions”, “100 Famous People”, “My Native Country“, “The Miracles of the World”, “The Future of the Mankind” and so on [2, c.33]. The Indian wisdom as the motto of those ready to become good listeners and good lectors, may be very useful in real practice of their presenting:” Your conscience is a good friend, Listen to it more often”.

In order to get more effective educational space for understanding all the tasks of useful conditions for successful public speech in intellectual contents it may be useful to explain in concrete examples’ situations all these phrases and discuss it with students due to different problems they denote on their own. The phrases are like these ones;

  1. The problem here to be studied…
  2. I shall dwell upon the problem of…
  3. Here we need to consider the problem of…
  4. We are facing the problem…
  5. The question raises all sorts of problem…
  6. The current interest in the problem lies in…
  7. The problem arises in connection with…
  8. The problem which is setting is…
  9. Thus the core of the problem is…
  10. The problem posed here is…
  11. We turn our attention to a new and more urgent problem.

There are different pedagogical and methodological methods teaching productive public speaking the educators can use: role-plays, case-methods, seminars, students‘ conferences, testing, workshops, etc., but the result is to be checked and analyzed through definite phrases, obligatory for all variants of tasks, tests and questions. They look like:

  1. We shall examine the relations between…
  2. It would be instructive to examine in detail…from the point of view of…
  3. At the discussion is…
  4. The report should introduce you to the ideas and directions of…
  5. We shall make a thorough study of…
  6. In the study of special problems are never isolated from general problems which may help to…
  7. The study of …raises several interesting problems of a general nature.
  8. It requires a detailed study of…
  9. It requires a direct study of…
  10. This is achieved by comprehensive study of…
  11. In connection with the study of various phenomena it is necessary to…
  12. We hope that some aspects of the present studies will help to make…more widely known [3, c.10, 14].

As far as a research work is concerned, the theme may be actual and urgent for researching from the point of view pure science and learning usefulness. That is why one must have a written scientific plan of your research work. Being periodically reviewed and renewed due to new opened items of information gotten and used, it will be vital to the success.

Each plan is individual, but there are some common rules for writing it for the sake of achieving the final defined goals of investigation, being potential benefits of drawing up a research work plan as a whole.

Let us mention some the most productive advice concerning the plan of the research work, being discussed with our students in the course of pedagogical experiment in oral and written forms:

  • The plan gives you a path to follow and helps make the future findings you what it to be as a scientific forecast;
  • For scientific purposes, having a research plan improves your situation with defining the necessary circle of a scientific sphere of investigating including scientific literature, fiction, media sources, technical passports, graphical tables and so on. The very that approach to a scientific work can help you obtain ready insight into your problem from a well-done scientific plan;
  • The correct plan can serve as a basis of orientation for new ideas about your own vision of the have already been solved levels of the problem chosen by you for research investigation;
  • By doing and reviewing a research plan, you develop practice in thinking about your work in depth – existed scientific approaches and findings, their comparative value, positive and negative consequences of introduction in practice, the contribution in science, economy and social sphere, etc., due to existed scientific investigations and works, competitive conditions, potential and real scientific products introducing areas, methods of promotion and so on.

As the students operate on a daily basis they have a research strategy that fits the research product's style and scientific expertise. We can observe that the students should analyze the abstract of one personal “life-map” and prove, how the characteristics mentioned can be logically connected with scientific investigation from the position of pure and exact definitions of those positive and negative reals and approaches in the process of making decisions and scientific solutions of any kind. It is important to mention the significance of the tests, different in content and levels of understanding and solving. The witty quality of tests is in its prolonged ability for learners to repeat their experience on a new level and stage, to discover the advantages of all the course-book units. The communication itself is activity of groups, less or more being united by concrete tasks, aims and goals of communication, cooperation and integration, more or less being reflected in questionnaires of different levels of complication [4, c.95]. We know that one of the rules of a research work writing is Preparing the Proposal, as a scientific idea, as finding. And one more important condition for success in common work: “I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself” (Lone Man (Isna-La-Wica) Teton Sioux warrior.; “Put your heart, mind, intellect, and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.” (Sivananda Saraswati, spiritual leader).

Список литературы

  1. Azarenkova M.I. Language learning and teaching interacting with multicultural educational groups – Материалы 5 Всероссийской научно-практической конференции 22 апреля 2022 г. - Психолого-педагогические и языковые аспекты современности : Теория, Методология, Практика – Ростов-на-Дону-2022, 265 с.
  2. Virginia Evans-Lynda Edwards. Key. Workbook. Upstream.EU,2004, c.33.
  3. Щавелева Е.Н. How to make a scientific speech. Кнорусб Москва, 2016, с.10, 14.
  4. Azarenkova M.I. Self-evaluation questionnaires as pedagogical and psychological method for educational and personal stability. (Pedagogical experiment) – Международный научный журнал «Актуальные исследования» №24(27), 2020, С.95.
  5. Кэтрин и Росс Петрас. 367 законов и правил жизни от великих мира сего. Москва, 2010, 213 с.



Азаренкова М. И. About experience skills in scientific speech and research work for establishment in future profession // Стратегия развития социально-гуманитарных наук в современном мире : сборник научных трудов по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции 28 декабря 2022г. Белгород : ООО Агентство перспективных научных исследований (АПНИ), 2022. С. 55-58. URL: https://apni.ru/article/5164-about-experience-skills-in-scientific-speech

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