АИ #6 (9)
Статьи журнала АИ #6 (9)
Culture of teaching as a unique mission for a sustainable development world

Culture of teaching as a unique mission for a sustainable development world


Образование, педагогика

Ключевые слова

cultural diversity
a unique source of meaning
pedagogical findings
thoughts and activity controlling
combined efforts
momentum of teaching as a life value

Аннотация статьи

The article is developed to describing some meaningful approaches to cultural teaching process estimation for productive activity of teachers all over the world for the sake of its sustainable development. Personal perfection of teachers as their intellectual, moral and psycholodical stability under circumstances of science, teaching practice, family relations, communication with society discovers their scientific, parenting and sociological mission as a core, goal, aim purpose, reason and hope of coexistence of a society for the sake of future.

Текст статьи

Try not to live as a pretender,

But so to manage your affairs.

 That you are lovely by wide xpances.

And hear the call of future years.

I. Brodskiy


People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances.

The people who get on this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and,

 if they can’t find them, make them.

George Bernard Shaw, 1856-1950, playwriter

When we say about the world at present, we have to recognize its negative and possible features, more or less influencing the very way of living those inhabiting our planet, the life-style and life standards, moral and spiritual values, political and economical vision of the sustainable development of a modern society. Taking into account all positive and negative factors of developing or destructing the any kind of constructions of the present, we have to define the main figure as a creator in the borders of not spiritual but a real human beings’ world. And this figure is A Teacher. Not less. He (she) is motivated and educated only for development, not destroying of anything. It is the weight of evidence, influencing everybody in a direction to usefulness, success, development since early childhood (the first teacher is a parent) and then during the whole life-period.

Our generation penetrate through a new world with unprecedented interreligious and intercultural diversity. Culture of teaching on the road to education is always a kind of discovery [1]. An international team of teachers is a unique group activity opportunity, realizing more than others clearly the modern world needs and demands. Edward E.Hale, American author(1822-1909) brilliantly expressed the very idea: “I am only one, but still I am one; I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do something that I can do.”

The main tool, instrument of interaction, communication and cooperation in the world always being under reconstruction is our native language, our foreign languages. Through their origins and borrowing all languages are linked. We are in need and great demand of languages for understanding and expressing reality. For it each language is a unique source for observing reality now and here, past, present and future of peoples’ coexistence in history, culture, literature, art [2].

Languages are source of emotions and wellsprings of knowledge. Knowing languages means presentation of a personality and a world stability, not less! Languages may help us to build our safety planet area, zone, territory, comfort place for living and creating, or to destroy it without using od great possibilities and opportunities of languages exchanging. A question “Is our planet safe for people?” is the very problem that different nations and countries have been tried to solve or pretend to solve. In the world of contradictions and conflicts we would like to concentrate on the idea of participation through International Communication on the base of Cultural Teaching through transmission of knowledge and information, being of vital importance [3].

The visible difference in the whole definition in historical experience of the countries and culture of people, nations and minorities for the long period of their existence is a great volume om material as description of a vital experience of those involved in civilization process. The languages achieved the internationally agreed development goals as there are so many common features in cultures. Even from the position of the so called» pure definition» the multicultural world declares about necessity of intercultural communication as unique value of mankind existence, unique sphere of personal development and perfection. Political, economical, social, moral, ethic and aesthetic items of our living form a personality as a centre of a progressive leadership, declaring key characteristics - traits. Responsibility, respectability, positive attitudes, honesty, ambition, pride, self-image, neatness, initiative /self-motivation, cooperation, courtesy - pave the road to happiness and perfection of a personality with golden opportunities of international intercultural communication.

From this point of view the very Cultural Teaching has the wonderful power to show all these opportunities to a society, a community, students – youngsters and adult. And to classify it. And to explain it to those interested. Being a teacher is an honor.

A teacher is a conductor not only of education, but a psychologist, sociologist, manager of a comfortable sphere for understanding work tasks and putting them in operation. The very teacher is able to draw attention to student’s personality, emphasizing his individuality, character, talents and abilities, showing his(her) own model of a personal behavior and intellectual presentation. The digital revolution is providing us with new frontiers for innovation, creativity and development. Cultural teaching provides increased access to new definite possibilities for individuals and societies. The both participants (let us call them like this) have the necessary literacies and means to participate in the digital and real spaces having a volume of a professional skills ( students’ or teachers”) as a key to improve the quality of our lives through communication and integration in effective team-work. New habits, skills and possibilities of communication must be effectively shared by all, in all languages, due to the languages themselves on the base of a Cultural Teaching approach.

We discussed effective measures of prevention-denial of drug problem; work, marital, financial ones; anger, physically abusive, poor appearance, loaded with secrets, depressed, high absenteeism from school or work, quilt, embarrassment, hides the alcohol, argues with family member‘s situations. We are sure all these problems being ignored form a base for any conflict starting in a family and completing in a world community.

The biggest advantage was that the information was urgent and spread widely simultaneously in different countries through International Teachers’ Association. Denmark [4]. Special training seminars with teachers and students help to raise educational level as a whole and enrich intellectual possibilities. The forms may be different, but the principles remain common for all. They declared Human rights values, vocational basic skills, values of spiritual and environmental sphere, skills in critical thinking, systems thinking, intergenerational and future’s thinking, strengthens basic and higher level skills which enable people to deal with change, risk and uncertainty, being a tolerant human being. Stretching to a tolerant education due to a combine effort of international teacher’s unity – is a way to the World’s perfectiveness. Cultural education creates the world. Every day Cultural Teaching comes the World back to real treasures of life, surviving – Intellect, Justice, Beauty, Responsibility, Honesty and Peace. The very teachers’ task as the aim and mission is to find the time and momentum to make it happen. Let us take into account: “Do not wait; the time will never be “just right”. Start where you stand and work with whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.” (Napoleon Hill, American motivational writer on wealth.)

Список литературы

  1. Buchholz T. Conducting educational research. The USA, Florida, 1994, p. 368.
  2. Tvardowskiy J. New Poland research. Poland, Warsaw, 2006, n.2, p. 216.
  3. Wade R., Parker J. EFA-ESD Dialogue. Educating for a sustainable world. France, Paris, 2008, p. 5.
  4. Azarenkova M. Unity in teaching. Tolerant leadership in a humanistic world. Denmark, Kopenhagen, International teacher, 2011, n.1.



Азаренкова М. И. Culture of teaching as a unique mission for a sustainable development world // Актуальные исследования. 2020. №6 (9). С. 62-64. URL: https://apni.ru/article/545-culture-of-teaching-as-a-unique-mission

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