Quality of learning in training and education for Arctic shipping


Педагогические науки

Ключевые слова

educational environment
quality education
learning as an area of responsibility
educational opportunities
innovative environment for learning a foreign language
educational technologies

Аннотация статьи

The article discusses the approach to quality training and education as a factor in expanding educational opportunities in the area of responsibility of teaching a foreign language and educating highly professional personnel in the context of harmonizing their professional training as participants in network interaction with progressive pedagogy for the Arctic fleet.

Текст статьи

 Generalia praecedent,
 Specilia sequuntur
 The general precedes the specific follows.

The quality of training in the process of training and education for the Arctic shipping is a topic that is extremely in demand today for scientific research and a thorough analysis of each of its aspects in the process of university education in order to identify the most effective approaches and methods for training professionals. In itself, this topic is not new, but the content of the concepts of "quality" of modern teaching in general and a foreign language, in particular, and "education" are considered today from the standpoint of competence requirements, each of which has its own specifics, in relation to diverse, diverse and multi-level requirements ‘society. The fulfillment of these requirements means the creation and preservation of conditions for the development and stability of society in the economy, politics, country and the world. In this set of requirements of society, one can single out the main one, which contains the goal of development, methods and ways of its implementation in development as guarantees of the stability of society and the individual, and results that meet the demands of a multipolar world. And this is a quality education. High-quality teaching of a foreign language in the system of higher education contributes to the formation of an intellectual, comprehensively developed personality professionally prepared to solve engineering, economic and social issues in the context of communication, including international communication. And this is a strategic task.

The purpose of this work is to identify and specify the main directions and content of the harmonization of vocational training in a foreign language with pedagogy, which is designed to ensure high quality professional training for Arctic shipping and fulfillment of the basic requirements of society. This requirement, as the main request of a developing society, is based on improving the quality of education and the educational process as a whole as a guarantee for providing it with highly professional specialists in all vital areas of displaying their skills - technical and humanitarian, economics, politics, engineering, etc. This task always remains the most important, structurally and consistently solved at different levels of teaching and education in the system of higher education. Today, special attention is paid to modern trends and information technologies in the language training of students, which, to a large extent, enriched the very content of the educational environment to the level of the area of responsibility to ensure the high quality of the learning process as a whole. In this regard, the search, verification by action and analysis of educational opportunities in the area of responsible learning, as well as the developed methodology for control and evaluation tools in the professional education system, confirmed the importance of competence-based learning. In practice, this is nothing more than mastering the basic principles of state policy in the field of education with their approbation and application in the professional activities of the higher education system. It also testifies to the culture of language teaching. The Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation Mishustin M. approved the plan for the development of the Northern Sea Route until 2025. The implementation of the expected results of this task in life involves, first of all, the renewal of the learning process in the system of higher education. Now the widespread use of multimedia and traditional teaching methods in the updated educational environment in the implementation of the components of the content and the process of language training is intended not only to meet the conditions of informatization of society. High-quality language teaching in modern complex geofields. In the current conditions, it should contribute to the solution of political, economic, geophysical and social problems while guaranteeing the security of the maritime borders of the state.

 Research in the field of Arctic shipping shows that for many years the role and importance of the Arctic region has been constantly increasing. The Arctic Fleet is a significant maritime transport hub and a place of concentration of geopolitical interests of a number of foreign states geographically remote from the richest Arctic region. In this regard, the build-up of the permanent presence of the Arctic Fleet in the area of responsibility should ensure an operational regime favorable for Russia in this region. The presence of unfriendly neighbors at times increases the importance of security, maintained economic stability and political superiority. All this is nothing more than maintaining the strategies of Russia's advantage from the standpoint of using a wide range of opportunities in the rich geological Arctic region. The strategic planning document approved by the President, the Maritime Doctrine of the Russian Federation as a maritime concept of the Russian Federation, defines the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of maritime activities, the use of resources and spaces of the World Ocean. Among the main goals of the national maritime policy, the document recognizes: “the creation, maintenance and implementation of military and civilian basic and critical technologies. Ensuring the creation, production and repair of currently in service and advanced models of shipbuilding, naval equipment, as well as providing technological breakthroughs or creating an advanced scientific and technological reserve in order to develop fundamentally new types of weapons, naval equipment with previously unattainable capabilities" [1, p.28]. In this regard, the constant replenishment of the most carefully selected new information for updated educational programs of higher education for consistent implementation in the educational process becomes relevant and certainly mandatory. [2, 300]. This approach is designed to help ensure the global competitiveness of science and the state.

Arctic shipping as a meaningful aspect of the educational environment is a favorable factor in expanding educational opportunities based on the concentration of pedagogical and methodological efforts in the sphere of solving the main tasks focused on the qualitative level of foreign language proficiency, corresponding to the conditions of informatization of society [3, c.75].

The analysis of scientific sources and existing practical experience within the framework of solving the task set contributed to the possibility to determine the Methods for solving new problems at a new stage in the development of the training system. In the process of teaching a foreign language, a competency-based model of personnel training is implemented and formed on the basis of scientific and methodological support for continuous training at the University, taking into account the requirements of the customer - the Arctic shipping. This is a module, in the content of which is building the structure of the Scientific and methodological support of continuous learning at the University. Research methods for the general task set should reveal the content of the dual modular scheme, considered simultaneously as areas of responsibility for teaching a foreign language and a factor in expanding educational opportunities based on taking into account and implementing the most important principles of logically verified interaction of all learning areas. This approach is based on the implementation of program-targeted modeling of the teachers and students ‘ activity as a design for the introduction and provision of students with new learning technologies. With the growing flow of information increases the importance of forming students' analytical approach to the selection of information, as well as the skills of orientation in a large flow of information [4, c199].

 The introduction of a competency-based model of training highly professional personnel for the Arctic shipping creates a favorable educational and methodological environment for activating, along with all others, one of the main tasks of the teacher: - a differentiated approach to the contingent of trainees. Such an approach to teaching a foreign language today is considered today not only from the standpoint of determining the level of learning and the speed of mastering new material. New requirements for learning as a prerequisite require the introduction into practice of a number of pedagogical actions to identify of the complex of communicative needs of the contingent of students in relation to which this pedagogical content is projected. Accordingly, the mandatory structural elements, functions, goals and objectives of each of the stages of scientific and pedagogical activity for the language study of the topics of the Arctic shipping and the Arctic region are determined.

Scientific and Methodological Studies of the process of ensuring uninterrupted teaching of a foreign language and education for the Arctic shipping include the following subtopics, which can be designated as vectors of the updated educational process. They are:

  • Study of the educational environment and development of mechanisms for formal, non-formal and informal continuous learning of a foreign language.
  • Integration of teaching technologies depending on the needs of the Arctic region.
  • Development of a modular-competence program for the retraining of teachers.
  • Creation and implementation of pedagogical innovative methods of combined learning [5, p. 63].

The study of project topics involves the interaction of the University with enterprises of the Arctic profile and purpose, which, by definition, should contribute to close interaction with the basic departments of the university. Seminars, conferences, university-wide English Language Day and other events with students should be carried out with the involvement of specialists from enterprises of the Arctic profile. The implementation of course and diploma design based on the applications of enterprises, as well as the defense of theses in English, testify to the correct didactic support of the learning process, the correct methods for conducting classes with a distributed audience based on electronic educational resources and rational schemes for constructing individual learning trajectories.

In the new circumstances of the competency-based approach, special requirements are imposed on teachers from the standpoint of their ability to master behavioral, socio-psychological, personological, andragogical and cognitive theoretical approaches to students in the process of advanced training and constant professional practice. This becomes possible only with the constant improvement of knowledge in the field of pedagogy, psychology, valeology. Professional interest in special disciplines taught at the university as profile ones allows improving the skills of selecting special professional vocabulary, expanding the scope of using the types and forms of classes, strengthening communication opportunities for joint classes and extracurricular activities with colleagues from graduating departments. In practice, this means the implementation of network variable parts of educational programs for Arctic shipping in the process of teaching a foreign language as the very first stage of professional internship for students in various areas of their chosen career guidance [6, p.57]. This technique, mentioned in the works of domestic and foreign researchers, has received the approval of practicing teachers from both technical and humanitarian universities, civil and military.

Harmonization of the professional training of students as participants in network interaction with progressive pedagogy includes an understanding of the essence, the acceptance of mandatory conditions and requirements for the structure of the modular competence program for teachers and trainees. A number of mandatory parameters testify to the importance of the approach itself and the mechanisms for their implementation in the learning process and education in general [7, p.49].

The interaction of managerial, pedagogical and student subsystems on general issues related to the self-regulation of the activities of university departments in the testing of modern technologies of education and upbringing creates a favorable environment for monitoring and diagnosing the state and development of these technologies and the provision of materials for the development and development of new programs. As mechanisms for introducing innovations, in addition to the requirements for the use of information technologies that have already been established in the practice of teaching, no less important can be identified: the creation of educational and methodological literature of a new generation and the use of scientific research reserves in education and pedagogy for the Arctic shipping [8, p.41].

The modern vision of the educational environment implies content that makes it possible to implement problem-oriented and student-centered learning, the possibility of choosing an educational trajectory and individual educational strategies. In this regard, one of the important tasks of a teacher's personal professional growth is the ability to identify and introduce an individual learning style into the learning process as part of testing the created individual teaching projects [9, p. 174].

Let's denote teaching a foreign language for the Arctic Fleet as a module of international communication technologies in the field of education and science. Acquaintance with these technologies means for students the opportunity to solve educational problems with high personal core motivation for obtaining personal professional results that are in demand on the labor market in a multifaceted, multi-valued and multi-level field of interaction for the Arctic shipping.

In practice, the solution of educational tasks by trainees means: 1. The ability to use deep theoretical and practical knowledge about modern Arctic shipping, the climatic features of the region, the geophysical structure and the importance of geological research for the modern economy of the country and stability in international economic relations, about the media partners of the International Arctic Forum 2022 and the leading role of Russia in maintaining stability, regulating strategic decisions and ensuring security and technological development of the Arctic region. 2. To navigate information about the declared topic that exists in the world community in the context of globalization and the information society. 3. Continuously replenish professional knowledge based on the use of original sources, electronic and in a foreign language from the field of international cooperation in the zone of the Arctic region. 4. Use information technology to solve typical professional problems.

Teaching a foreign language involves a priority choice of technologies that are directly related to the content of professional competence, which is in demand in the humanities technologies of engineering and technical universities. In the classroom, these are practical exercises, problematic lectures, round tables, seminars and discussions, as well as the implementation of research projects. Outside the classroom - writing annotations and essays, portfolios and mini-projects, preparing abstracts.

An approach focused on the development of students' critical thinking is manifested in the ability to define specific tasks, build strategies for their independent solution at the level of analysis and formulation of independent conclusions. It is during the harmonization of the educational environment that its content corresponds to the implementation of the information process, when the teacher focuses on the individual cognitive needs of each student. In practice, this is embodied in the study of content materials of different levels of complexity and methods of assimilation in reading, translating, listening, writing essays, etc. Group and pair methods of work involve brainstorming, mutual consultation, exchange of opinions, mutual learning [10, c.22]. The range of issues, themes and problems related to the Arctic shipping is extremely wide and complex in content. Each action performed by a student in the process of learning a foreign language to solve specific problems on the stated topic implies the acceptance of individual responsibility for the quality of learning a foreign language for high-quality professional activity in the field of Arctic shipping. The formation of Soft skills ("soft skills", "soft skills") as supra-professional competencies - determines their approbation in the process of teaching a foreign language. Subsequently, in the professional practice of graduates, the skills acquired in the learning process are embodied in the necessary and demanded qualities – goal-setting, self-presentation, business communication, emotional intelligence [11, p.54].

Multi-level and multifaceted testing, various forms of pedagogical experiments, joint project activities of teachers and students on maritime issues at certain stages of study at the university means an effective contribution to the integration into the implementation of the main tasks of a comprehensive state policy in the field of domestic shipbuilding and shipbuilding and expedient maritime policy in regional areas: Atlantic, Pacific, Caspian, Indian Ocean and Antarctic [12, p.31].

Improving the quality of education and teaching a foreign language for the Arctic shipping is an urgent request of the time and society. In the space of already mastered inexhaustible forms of digital opportunities and proven traditional teaching methods that have proven their effectiveness, this process is developing successfully and consistently. Education in the higher education system, including due to the specific characteristics and special significance of the region, is an independent area of responsibility for teachers and trainees. This responsibility lies in the maximum return in the process of training all intellectual and personal abilities for the formation and education of highly professional personnel for the Arctic shipping in the framework of ensuring the implementation of the national maritime policy.

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Азаренкова М. И. Quality of learning in training and education for Arctic shipping // Современная парадигма социально-гуманитарного знания : сборник научных трудов по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции 31 января 2023г. Белгород : ООО Агентство перспективных научных исследований (АПНИ), 2023. С. 53-59. URL: https://apni.ru/article/5535-quality-of-learning-in-training-and-education

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