
Педагогика и психология

Ключевые слова

mental and intellectual development
psychological stability
educational sphere
interactive give-and-take relationship
applied research
prolonged professional development
opportunity to use new methods of effective teaching

Аннотация статьи

The article describes some items of theoretical and research base of the training process in context of personal approach to student’s personality and learning possibilities in context of taking into account all pedagogical and organization needs for training and learning English in the frame of creative approaches to modern science and literature issues’ involving.

Текст статьи

 “Make effort to uplift yourself; do not degrade yourself, for one’s own self is one’s friend and one’s own self is one’s enemy”
 “Be careful! Your each expression will leave an impression”
“Where wisdom is called for, force is of little use.
 I must change myself first right from my thoughts; then I can change the world.
If I am honest in all my dealings, I can never experience fear”
 “We all must face problems, but it is how you face them that counts”
(Indian Wisdom)

It is a great honor to have an opportunity of teaching at all, and English teaching especially. Each new academic year we consider to be one more start of a new one, that although all familiar circumstances and conditions – students, approbated plans and methods of teaching and upbringing are often reliable and beautiful in the eyes of us- they can take our breath away permanently. It is essential to realize the power of our so cruel and changeable world and treat it accordingly. What does it mean concerning teaching and upbringing? It means a lot. It means a prolonged process of teachers’ self-education, mental development as everyday practice in learning new information concerning teaching and penetrating through the most effective methods of those forwards all over the world. Not with fear, but with respect, and with awareness, that the very teachers are right. Educated teachers have to act as defenders, friends, parents, tutors, coaches, trainers, commanders and comrades – always leaders – for children, young people and adults. This right orientation to high results of professional practice and strengthening to future of the generation, as a mission, – explain, what do we mean, saying about mental and activity skills in English teaching. We take into account all compounding components of the definitions like enthusiasm, creativity, practicality, prudence, high energy, empathy – for forming team – orientation in a real activity of cooperation in the process of teaching English. Such organization of the work helps teachers not only foresee important changes in society but prevent everything to have been prevented in time. Teachers having high ethical qualities and habits and skills for working in team are able to build integrity in teachers’ common work (conferences, seminars, competitions, workshops, contribution excellent articles to educational periodical dealings with methods of teaching and so on), that improves automatically the socium (not less!) through the improved system of education.

When we say about mental skills, we mean a great amount of special English terms dealing with the subject of human mind, heart and soul, moral values, professional skills and stable personality’s terms, explaining the meaning of the personal definitions, determining the rate of changing personality itself. And Stamina. And Common Sense. And Good Will.

Terminological aspect is one of the most important in the ocean of lexicological variants. The important moment we are to take into account is the closest connection of the definite trend‘s words (in our case about maritime and inland shipping) with eternal terms, responsible for stability as a core of existence itself. They are Environment Protection, Living values as Peace, Tolerance, Honesty, Simplicity, Respect, Cooperative discipline and quality Parenting, Alcohol and other drugs prevention, Personal growth and so on. That is why teachers’ strict duty is to be reliable for the young’s and adult, fitting their vacancy absolutely. It is extremely hard work. It is mental and spiritual labor.

In the process of teaching English, those involved have been working up the high technologies and the traditional ones in a natural reasonable combination, that is a fresh insight in education indeed. Let us denote the insight as “Structured Sharing Method”, ever having been opened by Sandown high school in common approaches. And much remains to be done and have been doing for rather long period in direction to define ordinary, but unique and different methods of teaching at the same time. There are well known blended education already, high level of Role-Plays of any kind, alive and distant education in reasonable junction and so on. All educational space now may be denoted as a basis of the cross-cultural space. The UNESCO’ proposal about international communication may be called a laboratory of ideas for international mutual understanding. The approach to real education creating includes real base of basic sciences in the studies – programs, destined for all stages of teaching as professional, mental, psychological, evolutionary and ethic learning on the base of scientific materials and checked (examined) practices of all types and destinations. [1, p.8].

We have mentioned so many interesting international ideas of the great people in order to combine our common vision of our common world in a system of some right directions, methods of living, means of surviving and personal development. This great intention of English teachers to learn it more, to know more, to admire more the new approaches of our epoch to deep learning the language, connect and unite all those desiring to make the world better. It is especially important today to think about our future for generations of those after us. That is why the English language in active communication teachers and students lets us to give all to what is present maximally effective. The modern educational system proposes the reasonable modern students should adapt themselves to the world, not the world to themselves [2, p.74].

All new approaches to English learning are able to arise creativity of those taught. It is great that all our thoughts and ideas about good teaching the foreign language have much in common with those well-known educators of the world. In order to define the attention of our students to some new events, taking place in a modern world, we involve them in reading and discussing process of one of the urgent themes of today – “There is no way to Peace. Peace is the Way.” A very interesting experiment on reading and understanding about one of the most urgent problems of our modern world – “What Prevents Peace” happened to be successful and useful / The students admired, not less the two heroes of the book “Shadows of Ancient Ancestors. Rebecca and Ahmed”, Presented by Terrence Webster-Doyle, The USA. It is about an extraordinary Correspondence on What Prevents Peace from Two Young People Taught to be Enemies. When we ask our students about their imagination concerning two young people’s activity as necessary and demanded students’ approach to learning new information and transforming it into their real life, they demanded about their full solidarity with those Rebecca and Ahmed in their common strengthening to Peace and understanding. From the letters the students have known a lot about eternal values, common for all people on the Planet, different nationalities, historical and cultural traditions. Family values appeared to be common for all of them/ Let us look at those interesting correspondence from the position of teachers, trying to support and praise young people, strengthening to Peace in relations, being responsible, reliable, witty and industrious. Being real Personalities of the World, strengthening to Peace.

Ahmed. “Peace is there. We present it by the way we have been conditioned to think. The key prevention to understand peace is that we lock out the facts creating conflicts from out consciousness.”

Rebecca. “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. My love to you and your family. I wish you well, Ahmed. You have a friend in me. With affection. Rebecca”.

Teacher. “Find out for yourself. Then it will be truth. It is possible that under all the grund illusions there is a potential for the average, intelligent human being to really understand the problem, and therefore to resolve it once and for all – without the imposition of any religious, political or psychological authority. No More Image – No more enemy – No more War”.

Ahmed. “Until we meet. My deepest affiction to you. Your devoted friend, Ahmed” [3, p.117].

 The analysis of the material was very fruitful and let the teachers to have new information concerning new approaching to learning English. It looked as a formed base of new some problem-solving skills and dealing with charge we consider being the most important in the process of teaching as a whole:

  • I can identify problems and propose positive solutions;
  • I can find and use a range of information from different sources;
  • I can distinguish between facts and opinions;
  • I can evaluate different solutions to a problem and select the best one;
  • I can be positive when faced with a new situation that is difficult;
  • I can show I have the strength to adapt to a major charge;
  • I can imagine a Program of Action;
  • I understand what it means to possess problem-solving skills and dealing with responsibility (charge) curriculum [4, p.189].

The role of students becomes especially valuable when they are involved in the educational process as a whole through their contribution to developing courses and shaping the learning experience. In a real practice it means their frame of knowledge in special disciplines of humanitarian and technical sciences, maritime and inland shipping may be involved in a material being learned at the English studies (special texts translated into English, as well as humanitarian or technical projects, essays, reports, elements of qualification work’ defense in English and many elements of group work, etc.)

This mental work of everybody comes to adaptation in the space of existence: students’ group, sport team, art group, participant of a scientific conference, business or military sphere, family. Many of students aspire to a leadership position while learning and special professional practice, being informed already about such position of those happy ones whether within politics or governmental administration, family or group, school or university, business or maritime and inland shipping. Testing of different levels and kinds lets teachers and students recognize and approbate a method of leadership through learning and discussing the approaches as the best common findings of getting and using knowledge.

It means teachers’ great attention to necessity of arising the students’ intellectual possibilities, emotional opportunities, logical vision of the problems’ development in the direction of solution, feelings, leading or lead orientation in communication, type of personality, degree of skills and habits of communicative integration in small and big groups. Group sharing is encouraged. Skilled optimistic, innovative, effective and psychologically correct English teaching and upbringing is a core of an innovative education in our changeable world, opened to innovations for the sake of excellent development of a Personality, responsible for the Peace as a formula of Universal Happiness.

Список литературы

  1. Азаренкова М.И. Формирование коммуникативной и педагогической культуры офицера-специалиста при изучении иностранного языка – в сборнике материалов научно-практической конференции «Профессиональная культура личности офицера в современных реалиях» - Санкт-Петербург, Петергоф, - 2022, С.8.
  2. Иванова И.В., Малькова Е.В., Челлини Е.В., Другова И.А. Значение анкетирования в проведении мониторинга образовательного процесса – в сборнике научных трудов по материалам международной научно-практической конференции «Новые технологии в социально-гуманитарных науках и образовании: современное состояние, проблемы, перспективы развития – Белгород, 2018, С. 74.
  3. Shadows of Ancient Ancestors. Rebecca and Ahmed/ An Extraordinary Correspondence on What Prevents Peace From Two Young People Taught to be Enemies. Presented by Terrence Webster-Doyle. Atrium Society Publication, USA, 2021, P.77.
  4. Азаренкова М.И. Psychological method for Peace-Education in Multicultural Sustainable World – в сборнике «Экспериментальные и теоретические исследования в современной науке: проблемы, пути решения. Материалы конференции – г.Ростов-на-Дону, 2018, с.189.



Азаренкова М. И. Possessing mental and activity’s skills in English teaching // Естествознание, технические и гуманитарные науки: перспективы, тенденции, результаты : сборник научных трудов по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции 14 марта 2023г. Белгород : ООО Агентство перспективных научных исследований (АПНИ), 2023. С. 58-61. URL: https://apni.ru/article/5784-possessing-mental-and-activity-s-skills-in-en

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