АИ #11 (141)
Статьи журнала АИ #11 (141)
The problem of education and employment of the visually impaired in Russia

The problem of education and employment of the visually impaired in Russia



Ключевые слова

All-Russian Society of the Blind (VOS)
disabled person
legislative and executive authorities
rehabilitation program for a disabled person

Аннотация статьи

The article reveals the organization of work with the visually impaired in Russia. The problems of the VOS are also revealed, proposals for introducing new aspects into the legislation in the field of social protection of the visually impaired.

Текст статьи

The problems of a professional society of the formation and employment of only disabled people in the conditions of disabled people in modern Russia are very relevant. This is recognized to be primarily due to the fact that the number of creation of people with various federal deviations and life history restrictions is increasing. Annually, graduates are recognized as disabled when about 3.5 million people arrange, including federal, more than 1 million for the first time.

At the same time, the subjects are solving an extremely important task of which is the creation of a modern other system of social protection of persons with disabilities, while promoting the area, much attention is paid to the practice of providing access to comprehensive disabled people to vocational education.

Let us consider the problem of obtaining education by disabled people. The basic rights of citizens in this area are enshrined in Art. 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: “Every citizen has the right to education. The general availability and free of charge of pre-school, basic general and secondary vocational education in state or municipal educational institutions and enterprises is guaranteed. Everyone has the right to receive higher education free of charge in a state or municipal institution on a competitive basis. If we analyze the above text, we can see that the law contains a guarantee of the rights of every disabled person to receive education to the maximum extent. Unfortunately, the practice is such that disabled children are far from always able to fully realize the right to education guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The specifics of their treatment and rehabilitation often limits their ability to receive a full-fledged education.

Individual classes are being opened for the visually impaired, special classes are being created in schools for disabled children, and higher educational institutions are recruiting into groups of the disabled. Libraries are equipped with special equipment, audiobooks and books in Braille are purchased, living conditions in boarding schools are being improved.

The education of disabled people is an essential element of comprehensive rehabilitation, which ensures complete independence and economic independence of citizens with disabilities.

 The main task of the teaching staff is to ensure successful integration of citizens with disabilities with society through the availability of vocational education. It is education that opens up fairly wide boundaries for the professional activities of disabled people.

Thus, one of the main tasks is to educate the visually handicapped, despite the serotypes that have become the main ones in our time, that the disabled person does not have the right to education, circles and individual classes for the disabled are actively created, and in schools classes for children with visual impairments, and higher In educational institutions there is a set in groups of invalids.

The purpose of vocational rehabilitation is the employment of blind and visually impaired people.

The task of vocational rehabilitation of the visually impaired is solved by institutions and educational and industrial enterprises of the VOS. The activities of VOS production enterprises and the employment of visually impaired people are becoming more complicated every year.

The BOC has monitored the needs of blind people in employment. During the monitoring, more than 5,000 visually impaired people from 69 regional organizations of the VOS who need employment were interviewed. More than 55% of the respondents are young people, that is, people under the age of 40. Most visually impaired people in need of employment from among the respondents are in the Belgorod region. About 60% of respondents said they would like to work at VOS enterprises.

According to the latest data, about 12.5 thousand visually impaired people work in the VOS system today, of which 9.5 thousand people work at enterprises, and the rest - in organizations and institutions of the Society. More than 15 thousand visually impaired people work in the open labor market. These are mainly specialists - a lot of blind masseurs, musicians, people of creative professions. Recently, there has been criticism of state authorities and municipal structures about the allocation of very significant amounts for these works.

Some believe that it is enough for potential employers to allocate between 30,000 and 80,000 rubles by regions for successful employment as part of programs to reduce tensions in the labor market. Businesses are hiring less people with visual impairments.

In fact, the problem is much deeper. This is a system process. Everything starts with primary education, from school, from institutes. To promote the employment of disabled people in the labor market, including the creation of jobs and ensuring the availability of jobs, as part of the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Accessible Environment" for 2011-2015.

In total, 17 programs took part in the competition, 5 of which were recognized as winners and included in the list of programs for co-financing from the federal budget in 2014. Funds allocated by the state in a number of large regional centers within the framework of the "Accessible Environment" program are about 360 thousand rubles. per job, and even more so, the allocation of about 850 thousand rubles from the Moscow budget, are criticized.

There are those who believe that this money is wasted in terms of carrying out the labor rehabilitation of disabled people and is used exclusively for business development at the expense of the state. The authors of such "passages" simply do not understand the basics of the process itself. With the funds that are sent to the employer from the Employment Fund, it is only possible to purchase special furniture and tools for the workplace of a disabled person, to create more or less acceptable working conditions. And how to provide a disabled person with the necessary loading? The authors are silent about this.

Coming to the conclusion, we can say that the general public judges the visually impaired mainly by the activities of the VOS. Therefore, one of the key tasks of the Society is to maintain its high prestige. In addition, we must not forget that the attitude of society towards the disabled directly depends on how the disabled themselves feel like citizens. Therefore, one of the areas of work of the VOS is the education of the blind in an active civic position and a sense of mutual assistance.

In connection with the difficult situation of the visually impaired, I would like to make proposals for improving legislation in the field of social protection of the disabled.

Firstly, it is necessary to initially increase the disability pension, reduce utility bills. It is also necessary to open a special school for the visually impaired, and when entering a secondary special or higher education, it is out of competition on the points of the certificate.

Secondly, it is necessary to allocate jobs for the disabled, with a gentle work regime, and where only the disabled can work.

Thirdly, to organize treatment for the disabled at the expense of the state. Introduce new technologies, equip streets with special traffic lights, markings at pedestrian crossings.

Fourthly, it is necessary to provide prosthetic and orthopedic assistance free of charge, to guarantee the free issue of devices for the disabled to move around the streets. Lonely disabled people are provided with a guide dog. Organize free visits to cultural events. In hospitals for the disabled, organize doctor visits or wellness procedures out of turn.

It is impossible to infringe on the rights of a disabled person, because this is also a person, and his disability is not an indicator of his inferiority, this category of citizens deserves respect and compassion from society, because all people are equal, regardless of whether you are disabled or a healthy person.

Thus, this category of citizens should increase benefits, increase the amount of pensions, and introduce new technologies in the life of disabled people to help them move, and introduce disabled people into society as much as possible.

Список литературы

  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation 12.12.1993) (as amended on February 5, 2014).
  2. Federal Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation" dated November 24, 1995 No. 181 - FZ. Adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation (as amended and supplemented on 02.07.2013).
  3. Federal Law "On Social Services for Elderly Citizens and Disabled People" dated 02.08.1995 No. 122 - FZ. Adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation \\ Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2004. - No. 35 - Art. 3607. (as amended and supplemented on November 25, 2013).
  4. Federal Law "On State Social Assistance" dated July 17, 1999 No. 178 - FZ. Adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation - 2006 - No. 48 - St. 4945 (as amended and supplemented on 07/30/2012).
  5. Federal Law "On Education": Adopted on December 21, 2012 No. 273. (as amended and supplemented on September 1, 2013).
  6. Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 2, 1995 "On Social Services for Elderly Citizens and the Disabled. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1157 of October 2, 1992 (as amended on September 24, 2007)" On Additional Measures of State Support for Disabled Persons "On the State Program of the Russian Federation "Accessible environment" for 2011 – 2015.
  7. International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 13, 2006.



Шахова Е. В. The problem of education and employment of the visually impaired in Russia // Актуальные исследования. 2023. №11 (141). Ч.I. С. 55-57. URL: https://apni.ru/article/5803-the-problem-of-education-and-employment

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