АИ #15 (145)
Статьи журнала АИ #15 (145)
The Advantages of Fintech APIs over Traditional Integration Mechanisms in the Fi...

The Advantages of Fintech APIs over Traditional Integration Mechanisms in the Financial Industry. API and File-Based Integration



Информационные технологии

Ключевые слова

financial industry
traditional integration mechanisms
data exchange

Аннотация статьи

The financial industry has witnessed a significant transformation with the emergence of fintech APIs, revolutionizing the way financial systems communicate and exchange data. This article examines the advantages of fintech APIs compared to traditional integration mechanisms in the financial sector. The challenges associated with integrating different solutions from various vendors are discussed, including interoperability issues, lack of standardization, and security concerns. Tips for successful integration are provided, emphasizing the importance of thorough analysis, comprehensive integration planning, utilization of APIs and SDKs, and considering middleware solutions. Traditional integration mechanisms such as file transfers, batch processing, and point-to-point integrations are explored, highlighting their limitations in terms of flexibility, scalability, and maintenance. In contrast, fintech APIs offer customization, scalability, enhanced security, standardized protocols, and faster development cycles. Additionally, a comparison between API and file-based integrations is presented, focusing on data transfer, usage, challenges, and ways to overcome them. The conclusion emphasizes the increasing significance of fintech APIs in facilitating communication and data exchange in the financial industry, urging businesses to adopt these APIs to remain competitive and adapt to the evolving landscape.

Текст статьи


The financial industry has undergone a major transformation with the advent of fintech APIs. These modern application programming interfaces have revolutionized the way different financial systems communicate and exchange data. Fintech APIs are more flexible, scalable, and secure than traditional integration mechanisms, such as file transfers, batch processing, and point-to-point integrations. In this article, we will discuss the advantages of fintech APIs over traditional integration mechanisms in the financial industry.

Understanding the Challenges of Integrating Different Solutions

One of the biggest challenges of integrating different solutions from different vendors is the lack of interoperability between different systems. Each vendor's solution is designed to work with a specific set of technologies, data structures, and protocols. As a result, connecting different systems requires translating data between different formats and ensuring that the various components of the different solutions can communicate with each other. This can be especially difficult when integrating legacy systems that were built using outdated technology.

Another challenge of integrating different solutions from different vendors is the lack of standardization in the industry. Different vendors may use different data formats, communication protocols, and software development frameworks. This can make it difficult to connect different systems and create a seamless workflow. Furthermore, even if a vendor provides an API or SDK to make integration easier, it may not be compatible with other APIs or SDKs used by other vendors.

Finally, security and data privacy concerns can complicate the integration process. When different systems are connected, there is always a risk that sensitive data may be exposed. This can be particularly challenging when integrating legacy systems, as these systems may not have been designed with modern security standards in mind. Moreover, different vendors may have different security protocols, which can make it difficult to ensure that all data is protected.

Tips for Successfully Integrating Different Solutions

Despite the challenges, integrating different solutions from different vendors is essential for companies to remain competitive. Here are some tips to help you navigate this complex landscape:

  • Conduct a thorough analysis of your existing systems: Before attempting to integrate different solutions, it's essential to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your existing systems. This will help you identify areas where new solutions can improve your workflow and areas where integration may be particularly challenging.
  • Develop a comprehensive integration plan: A well-defined integration plan can help ensure that all components of the different solutions can communicate with each other. This plan should include details about data formats, communication protocols, and security requirements.
  • Use APIs and SDKs when possible: APIs and SDKs provided by vendors can simplify the integration process. However, it's important to ensure that these APIs and SDKs are compatible with other solutions you are using.
  • Consider using middleware: Middleware can help streamline the integration process by providing a layer between different systems. This can simplify data translation and ensure that data is protected.
  • It's essential to thoroughly test your integrated systems to ensure that all components are communicating correctly and that data is protected. This testing should include stress testing to ensure that the system can handle high traffic volumes.

Traditional Integration Mechanisms:

Traditional integration mechanisms, such as file transfers, batch processing, and point-to-point integrations, have been used for a long time. File transfers involve moving data between systems using files, such as CSV, XML, or JSON. Batch processing is used to process large amounts of data at regular intervals, while point-to-point integrations enable two systems to communicate directly with each other. While these mechanisms have been useful in the past, they are limited in their flexibility and scalability, requiring custom coding and can be difficult to maintain and update.

Deep dive into files:

On the other hand, fintech APIs provide greater flexibility and scalability, as they can be customized to meet specific business needs. For instance, a fintech startup may use APIs to connect with a variety of payment gateways, while a larger financial institution may use APIs to integrate with multiple systems, such as CRM and accounting software. Fintech APIs also offer better security compared to traditional mechanisms. They use modern security protocols such as OAuth and SSL to ensure secure transmission of sensitive data, which is of utmost importance in the financial industry.

Additionally, developers can easily access and integrate APIs into their applications using standardized protocols such as REST or SOAP, reducing the need for custom coding and speeding up the development process. Fintech APIs also provide a faster and more efficient development process, as developers can quickly test and iterate their code using sandbox environments, without the need for expensive infrastructure.

API and File-Based Integration: Challenges and Solutions

Based on analysis from Insart, who is FinTech CTO Club is a community of technology leaders who are willing to share insider knowledge of how to build and manage successful FinTech products and companies, there is comparison in challenges and solutions for API and File-based Integration [1]:

Table 1

API and File-Based integrations comparison from Insart.com


File-based Integration

API Integration

Initial Data Source and Destination

Communication occurs via a file

Communication occurs via cloud applications

Data Transfer

Sends a CSV file or a flat file

Real-time data transmission


Used in legacy systems where there is no accessible API

Advanced business systems


Limited exception handling on format mismatches, Manual failure recovery following network or system outages, Weak controls for file tampering and man-in-the-middle breaches, Time-consuming customer onboarding, Bulky file formats for enterprise resource planning (ERP) integration, Higher operating cost to run and maintain specialized software

Adoption and transition bottlenecks, A lack of API flexibility, consistency, and standards in services, Backward compatibility, Technical debt due to legacy code with multiple layers, Poor security and documentation, and Unclear integration requirements

Ways to Avoid Challenges

Use open-source universal identifier, standardize with Excel or scripts and APIs, utilize standardization software, utilize business rule management system, encrypt the stored and transmitted data, initiate file integrity monitoring, establish write once read many systems, integrate an integration platform as a service solution, break large data files into small enough chunks, connect to another product, choose only necessary tools, make the process consistent, document it, set security standards, infrastructure as code and containerization techniques, and thoroughly document the process of building an API.

Make sure running is easy and the process is clear, build the base for the future, come up with a strategy, document it, set security standards, communicate steps being followed in the integration process, infrastructure as code and containerization techniques can help you avoid technical debt due to legacy code with multiple layers, and put the application user needs first.

Based on another source from Tipalti one more comparison is coming [2]:

Table 2

API and File-Based integrations comparison from Tipalti.com


Flat-File Integration

API Integration

Data transfer method

Transfer sets of flat-format data using CSV files or other flat-file formats

Direct connection between two software programs in real-time via online API feed

Real-time data sharing

No, batch data transfer only

Yes, real-time data sharing

Required file format

Correct file format is required

Must be supported by all platforms


Requires an extra layer of encryption, such as SFTP

Secure connection between two systems, but can be limited by number of daily API calls

Suitable for

Payment processing and offline data usage

Real-time data sharing and integration with cloud-based systems

Finally Vlomni has the following comparison:

Table 3

API and File-Based integrations comparison from Vlomni.com [3]


Flat-File Integration

API Integration





Agreed upon by developers

Agreed upon by API itself


Known commodity

Dependent on the quality of the API


Limited by the file format

More flexible


Not built into the communication method

Built into the API


May not be detected until later

Detected immediately


More difficult


Integration Scope

Limited to legacy systems that support import/export

Supported by modern systems with APIs


In conclusion, fintech APIs have several advantages over traditional integration mechanisms in the financial industry. They offer greater flexibility, scalability, and security, are easier to use and maintain, and provide a faster and more efficient development process. As the financial industry continues to evolve, fintech APIs will play an increasingly important role in facilitating communication and data exchange between different financial systems. Therefore, businesses in the financial industry should consider adopting fintech APIs to stay competitive and keep up with the changing landscape. Furthermore, the widespread adoption of fintech APIs has the potential to drive innovation and create new business opportunities in the financial industry. By opening up their systems and data through APIs, financial institutions can collaborate more effectively with fintech startups and third-party developers. This collaboration can lead to the development of innovative products and services that enhance customer experiences, streamline processes, and address emerging market needs. Moreover, fintech APIs enable financial institutions to leverage the power of open banking. Open banking initiatives, fueled by API integration, allow customers to securely share their financial data with authorized third-party providers. This data sharing empowers customers to access a broader range of financial services and compare offerings more easily, leading to increased competition and improved customer outcomes. Additionally, fintech APIs contribute to the democratization of financial services. By enabling easy integration with third-party applications, APIs make it possible for fintech solutions to reach a wider audience, including underserved populations. This inclusivity promotes financial inclusion and provides individuals and businesses with access to affordable and convenient financial tools and services, regardless of their location or socioeconomic status. As the industry continues to evolve, staying at the forefront of API integration will be crucial for organizations seeking to thrive in the rapidly changing fintech ecosystem.

Список литературы

  1. Soloshchuk, V. API and File-Based Integration: Challenges and Solutions [Electronic resource] // Access mode: https://insart.com/fintech-cto-club/api-and-file-based-integration-challenges-and-solutions/ (Accessed: April 2, 2023).
  2. Cook, B. Flat-File Integration vs. API for Accounts Payable [Electronic resource] // Access mode: https://tipalti.com/flat-file-integration-vs-api/ (Accessed: April 2, 2023).
  3. Matos, V. (2022) Flat File vs. API Integrations: Which Is Better? (2022) [Electronic resource] // Access mode: https://vlomni.com/flat-file-vs-api-integrations-which-is-better/ (Accessed: April 2, 2023).


Zarubaika A.. The Advantages of Fintech APIs over Traditional Integration Mechanisms in the Financial Industry. API and File-Based Integration // Актуальные исследования. 2023. №15 (145). URL: https://apni.ru/article/6609-the-advantages-of-fintech-apis-over-tradition

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