АИ #42 (172)
Статьи журнала АИ #42 (172)
How do you measure the impact of electric vehicles?

How do you measure the impact of electric vehicles?


Технические науки

Ключевые слова

electric vehicles
EV impact
social impact
economic impact
Life Cycle Assessment
Energy Consumption Calculation
environmental impact
energy saving
automated electric drive
variable frequency control
energy efficient electric motor

Аннотация статьи

This scientific article seeks to explore the question: How do we effectively measure the impact of electric vehicles? Examine the current state of research and practices surrounding the measurement of electric vehicles (EVs) impact.

Текст статьи

The rapid proliferation of electric vehicles (EVs) has sparked a dynamic shift in the transportation sector, promising substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and a departure from fossil fuel dependency. However, to fully understand and quantify the impact of electric vehicles on various societal and environmental aspects, it is imperative to establish rigorous methodologies for measurement and analysis. This scientific article seeks to explore the question: How do we effectively measure the impact of electric vehicles?

Measuring the impact of EVs requires a multidimensional approach, considering diverse factors such as energy consumption, emissions, infrastructure development, economic implications, and social dynamics. Accurately capturing the benefits and trade-offs associated with EV adoption requires comprehensive assessments that span the entire life cycle of these vehicles, from manufacturing to charging to end-of-life disposal.

In this article, we delve into the current state of research and practices surrounding the measurement of EV impact. We review existing methodologies employed by researchers, policymakers, and industry experts to evaluate the environmental, economic, and social implications of widespread electric vehicle adoption. By critically examining these approaches, we aim to identify their strengths, limitations, and opportunities for improvement.

Key challenges in measuring the impact of EVs arise from the dynamic and evolving nature of the technology and the associated infrastructure. Considerations such as the source of electricity for charging, the grid's capacity to support increased electric vehicle adoption, and the impacts on public health all require careful examination. Additionally, the assessment must account for regional variations in energy production and charging infrastructure availability, as well as the diverse behavioral patterns and preferences of EV users.

Ultimately, the goal of this scientific article is to contribute to the ongoing dialogue surrounding the measurement of EV impact. By providing a comprehensive overview of current methodologies, their applications, and their limitations, we hope to guide researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders in developing robust evaluation frameworks. Achieving accurate and standardized measurements of the impact of electric vehicles will drive evidence-based decision-making, support sustainable transportation planning, and facilitate the continuation of the electric vehicle revolution.

Electric vehicles (EVs) are gaining popularity as a greener and more efficient alternative to conventional cars. But how do you measure the impact of EVs on the environment, the economy, and the society? In this article, you will learn about some of the key indicators and methods that electrical engineers use to assess the benefits and challenges of EVs.

The impact of electric vehicles can be measured by various indicators and methods, depending on the perspective and the goal of the analysis. Some of the common aspects that electrical engineers consider are:

Environmental impact: This refers to the effect of EVs on the climate, air quality, and natural resources. EVs have no tailpipe emissions, which means they do not contribute to local air pollution and smog. However, they still depend on the electricity grid, which may generate carbon emissions depending on the energy mix. To measure the environmental impact of EVs, electrical engineers can use tools such as life cycle assessment (LCA), which evaluates the emissions and resource use of a product from cradle to grave, or well-to-wheel (WTW), which compares the emissions from different fuel sources along the entire supply chain. According to a study by EPA¹, EVs typically have a smaller carbon footprint than gasoline cars, even when accounting for the electricity used for charging. The study also found that EVs can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 60% compared to gasoline cars in regions with high renewable energy penetration.

In Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), several formulas and calculations are used to quantify the environmental impacts of an electric car throughout its life cycle. Here are some key LCA formulas and examples applicable to electric cars:

1. Energy Consumption Calculation:

To assess the energy consumption during the use phase of an electric car, the following formula can be used:

Energy Consumption = Electricity consumption during charging × Charging efficiency

Example: If an electric car consumes 15 kWh of electricity during charging and the charging efficiency is 90%, the energy consumption would be:

Energy Consumption = 15 kWh × 0.9 = 13.5 kWh

2. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Calculation:

GHG emissions are typically calculated based on the electricity mix used for charging and the energy consumption of the vehicle. The formula is:

GHG Emissions = Energy Consumption × GHG emissions factor of the electricity source

Example: If the energy consumption is 13.5 kWh (from the previous example) and the GHG emissions factor of the electricity source is 0.5 kg CO2 equivalent per kWh, the GHG emissions would be:

GHG Emissions = 13.5 kWh × 0.5 kg CO2e/kWh = 6.75 kg CO2e

3. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA):

The overall LCA calculation combines different impact categories, which can include GHG emissions, energy consumption, acidification potential, and resource depletion. Aggregation methods such as weighting and normalization are employed to calculate the LCA indicator.

Example: If an electric car's LCA includes GHG emissions, energy consumption, acidification potential, and resource depletion, the individual impacts in each category are calculated separately. These impacts are then weighted and aggregated to determine the overall LCA indicator result.

It's important to note that LCA calculations are highly dependent on specific data inputs, including the electricity mix, vehicle characteristics, materials used, manufacturing processes, and assumptions made throughout the assessment. It is imperative to rely on accurate data sources, regional-specific data, and well-documented assumptions to ensure the reliability and accuracy of LCA results.

Performing a comprehensive LCA analysis of an electric car would involve considering multiple life cycle stages (raw material extraction, manufacturing, use phase, and end-of-life treatment) and applying the appropriate formulas for the specific impacts being assessed.

Please keep in mind that the specific formulas and calculations used in LCA should align with the specific goals, boundaries, and impact categories chosen for the assessment. Additionally, LCA software tools like SimaPro, GaBi, or openLCA offer pre-existing calculation frameworks and databases that can streamline the process and ensure consistency with established methodologies.

Economic impact: This refers to the effect of EVs on the cost, efficiency, and competitiveness of the transportation sector. EVs have lower operating and maintenance costs than gasoline cars, as they use cheaper and cleaner electricity as fuel and have fewer moving parts. However, they also have higher upfront costs due to the battery and charging infrastructure. To measure the economic impact of EVs, electrical engineers can use tools such as total cost of ownership (TCO), which calculates the lifetime cost of owning and operating a vehicle, or return on investment (ROI), which evaluates the profitability of investing in an EV or a charging station. According to a study by McKinsey & Company², EVs can achieve cost parity with gasoline cars by 2025, as battery prices continue to decline and scale effects increase. The study also estimated that EVs could create up to 10 million jobs globally by 2030, as new value chains emerge in battery production, charging services, and mobility platforms.

Here's an example of how electrical engineers can use the total cost of ownership (TCO) tool to calculate the lifetime cost of owning and operating an electric vehicle (EV):

Let's assume that the initial cost of purchasing an EV is $30,000. The TCO tool can help calculate the total cost of owning and operating the vehicle over its lifetime, which includes factors such as fuel costs, maintenance costs, and resale value.

For instance, if we assume that the average lifespan of an EV is 10 years and that the annual mileage is 12,000 miles, we can use the TCO tool to estimate the total cost of ownership over this period. Let's assume that the average electricity rate is $0.15 per kWh and that the average fuel efficiency of the EV is 3 miles per kWh.

Using these assumptions, we can calculate that the total electricity cost over 10 years would be:

Total electricity cost = (12,000 miles/year) / (3 miles/kWh) * ($0.15/kWh) * (10 years) = $7,200

Similarly, we can estimate the maintenance cost over 10 years to be around $2,5005.

By using these estimates along with other factors such as resale value, we can calculate the total cost of ownership for an EV over its lifetime.

Return on investment (ROI) is another useful tool for evaluating the profitability of investing in an EV or a charging station. ROI measures how much profit or loss is generated from an investment relative to its cost. For instance, if we assume that a charging station costs $50,000 to install and generates a revenue of $10,000 per year, we can calculate the ROI as follows:

ROI = (Total revenue - Total cost) / Total cost * 100% = ($10,000/year * 10 years - $50,000) / $50,000 * 100% = 100%

This means that investing in a charging station would generate a profit of 100% over its lifetime.

Social impact: This refers to the effect of EVs on the safety, convenience, and accessibility of mobility for people and communities. EVs can improve road safety by reducing noise and accidents, as they have lower speed limits and advanced driver assistance systems. They can also enhance convenience and accessibility by offering more options and flexibility for travel, such as car-sharing, ride-hailing, and autonomous driving. To measure the social impact of EVs, electrical engineers can use tools such as user satisfaction surveys, which collect feedback from drivers and passengers on their experience with EVs, or social network analysis (SNA), which maps the interactions and relationships among different stakeholders involved in the EV ecosystem. According to a study by McKinsey & Company², EVs can increase user satisfaction by up to 50%, as they provide smoother rides, lower noise levels, and more features. The study also projected that EVs can enable new forms of mobility, such as electric aircraft and flying taxis, which could revolutionize urban transportation and reduce congestion.

From the scientific article, the conclusion can be drawn that the impact of electric vehicles can be measured using various indicators and methods. Electrical engineers often consider environmental, economic, and social aspects when assessing the impact of EVs.

  1. Environmental impact: This refers to the effect of EVs on climate, air quality, and natural resources. Environmental impact can be measured using methods like life cycle assessment (LCA) and well-to-wheel (WTW) analysis, which evaluate emissions and resource use throughout the product's life cycle.
  2. Economic impact: This refers to the effect of EVs on the cost, efficiency, and competitiveness of the transportation sector. Tools like total cost of ownership (TCO) and return on investment (ROI) can be used to calculate the lifetime costs of owning and operating an EV and assess its profitability.
  3. Social impact: This refers to the effect of EVs on safety, convenience, and accessibility of mobility. EVs can improve road safety, enhance convenience through car-sharing and ride-hailing, and enable new forms of mobility. Tools such as user satisfaction surveys and social network analysis (SNA) can be used to measure the social impact of EVs.

Overall, the impact of electric vehicles can be assessed by considering their environmental, economic, and social implications, using appropriate tools and analysis methods.

Список литературы

  1. Electric Vehicle Myths | US EPA. https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/electric-vehicle-myths.
  2. How electric vehicles will shape the future - McKinsey & Company. https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/themes/how-electric-vehicles-will-shape-the-future.
  3. Electric Vehicle Benefits and Considerations - Alternative Fuels Data .... https://afdc.energy.gov/fuels/electricity_benefits.html.
  4. The Impact of Electric Vehicles on the Automotive Industry - unsustainable. https://www.unsustainablemagazine.com/impact-of-electric-vehicles/.
  5. Economics Of Going Electric: Cost Saving & ROI In Commercial EV Adoption. https://news.abplive.com/technology/economics-of-going-electric-cost-saving-roi-in-commercial-ev-adoption-1611451.
  6. Improving electric vehicle economics | McKinsey. https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/automotive-and-assembly/our-insights/making-electric-vehicles-profitable.
  7. Total cost of ownership of electric vehicles: Implications for policy .... https://wri-india.org/blog/total-cost-ownership-electric-vehicles-implications-policy-and-purchase-decisions.



Ибрагимов С. Д. How do you measure the impact of electric vehicles? // Актуальные исследования. 2023. №42 (172). Ч.I.С. 6-9. URL: https://apni.ru/article/7229-how-do-you-measure-the-impact-of-electric-veh

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