АИ #46 (176)
Статьи журнала АИ #46 (176)
Возможности электронного обучения английскому языку в высших технических учебных...

Возможности электронного обучения английскому языку в высших технических учебных заведениях

Научный руководитель


Филология, иностранные языки, журналистика

Ключевые слова

обучение английскому языку
инновационные методы
програмная LMS система Moodlе

Аннотация статьи

Показана необходимость и высокая практическая значимость использования програмной LMS системы Moodlе в целях обучения студентов английскому языку в технических высших учебных заведениях. Благодаря своей универсальности данная система доступна для комплексного анализа успеваемости студентов, что дает возможность организации более эффективного учебного процесса обучения иностранному языку.

Текст статьи

When teaching English in technical higher educational institutions, first of all, a comprehensive analysis of the features of the specialties in which students are trained is necessary. The introduction of innovative methods of teaching English has also proved its effectiveness, which include the active use of multimedia tools such as computer training programs and electronic training courses in the teaching process [1, 2, 3].

The closest interactive interaction between the teacher and the students being trained is possible when developing specialized training courses using the Moodle software LMS system. To use it, you need to have a web browser. Thanks to this system, the teacher systematically monitors the students' performance of practical tasks, sets the points they receive and gives detailed comments on the work done. This system allows you to supplement the content of each lesson with a variety of texts, auxiliary files, colorful presentations and video files.

The use of the Moodle software LMS system allows teachers to freely manage the software settings of the course being studied, including electronic monitoring of student attendance. It also creates an opportunity to download the necessary educational information at a convenient time for the teacher, which also becomes available to students.

An important feature is the organization of educational consultations on this electronic system. Messaging systems are used to communicate between the teacher and students. For group communication, the use of forums and chats is provided. As additional means of communication, it is possible to use specialized video communication software.

As practical research shows, consultations help students fill in existing gaps in the development of certain topics. Consultations also help the teacher to get to know students better, first of all in mastering theoretical material, methods for solving certain tasks. According to their scope, consultations are divided into individual and group. Consultations are conducted on the basis of voluntary attendance of students or in the form of compulsory attendance. Voluntary attendance is based on the student's awareness of their gaps in the development of the course and the desire to fill these gaps. The student turns to the teacher for advice on these issues, as well as for help in preparing reports, abstracts. Mandatory consultations are held, first of all, for underachieving students. In this case, the consultation is used as an additional control over the mastering of the material by such students.

It should be emphasized that the correct organization of pre-examination consultations allows students to better understand the structure of the course and the logical relationship of individual topics. There is a methodology for conducting two consultations. One of them is held at the end of the semester, the second-the day before the exam. At the first consultation, the teacher talks about the organization of the exam, recommends literature that needs to be studied in preparation for the exam, highlights complex topics that need to be paid more attention to. The teacher gives recommendations on the best organization of preparation for the exam, gives advice on the working day during the session. At the second consultation, the analysis of unclear issues that occur when studying certain topics is carried out. The teacher answers students' questions, explains difficult or incomprehensible questions to students. Two methods of organizing answers to questions are the most common. The first method involves answering questions in the order in which they are received. The second method involves collecting questions in writing, systematizing them by topic in compliance with the logical sequence of the course being studied [4].

Passing the exam in electronic format allows you to conduct a survey of a significant number of students and prevents possible copying of exam assignments. The high speed of automated task verification allows you to significantly increase the objectivity of the assessment. In order to identify progress in the assimilation of educational material, a test is used to determine progress during training.

It has different requirements than the test for determining the level of knowledge of the language, because it does not so much test the knowledge of students, as it gives the teacher feedback – how much the lesson material has been mastered, to what extent the application of the selected techniques has been successful. Progressive tests are most often compiled individually, taking into account the characteristics of the material passed.

There are also test tasks of the type of choice from several options. Currently, they are not very popular, but nevertheless they are used, since open questions require strict objectivity when checking, which is unlikely in case of possible spelling errors. But the task of the listening test is determined not to identify such errors, but they in any case reduce the positive impression of the answer that is correct in essence. And the more detailed the evaluation criteria are, the more difficult it is to pay equal attention to all aspects and nuances.

Unlike progressive, language tests, or tests to determine the level of knowledge of a foreign language are clearly standardized. First of all, they rely on a system agreed at the European level, –Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR: Common European Framework of Reference). This system of English proficiency levels was developed with the aim of bringing the methods of assessment and teaching of foreign languages to a common standard and recommended by the Council of the European Union for the creation of national systems of assessment of language competencies.

Let's consider the most common types of test tasks. The entrance test is given at the beginning of the study of the topic and is aimed at preventing academic failure associated with the presence of gaps that prevent the successful assimilation of new information. The intermediate test is given after studying the new material. The main purpose of this testing is to check the correctness of reproduction and understanding of definitions, rules, algorithms by students, since productive creative learning cannot be from scratch, without reproductive training. Tests of the third type, intended for final control, are given after training exercises for the application of new knowledge. This test includes questions to determine the depth of the theoretical material.

Practical research of specialists leads to the conclusion that the best results in the process of teaching English to students of technical universities can also be achieved with a strict sequence of methodical steps of the teacher. That is, it is considered expedient to gradually move from elementary mastery of language means to the formation of basic speech skills [5, 6].

Список литературы

  1. Justi, R.S., Gilbert J.K. Modelling, teachers’ views on the nature of modelling, and implications for the education of modellers // International Journal of Science Education. 2002. № 24.
  2. Басев И.Н. Проведение экзамена средствами MOODLE // Обучение и воспитание: методики и практика. 2015. № 18.
  3. Минеева О.А., Даричева М.В. Организация тестирования в системе MOODLE.
  4. при обучении иностранному языку // Научно-педагогическое обозрение. 2016. № 3 (13).
  5. Коваль О.И. Особенности преподавания английского языка в неязыковом вузе // Актуальные проблемы гуманитарных и естественных наук. 2012. № 6.
  6. Гальскова Н. Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам. М.: АРКТИ. 2003.
  7. Сидикназарова З.М. Новые методы изучения английского языка // Вестник науки и образования. 2021. no. 5-3.



Хыдырлыев Д.. Возможности электронного обучения английскому языку в высших технических учебных заведениях // Актуальные исследования. 2023. №46 (176). Ч.I.С. 86-88. URL: https://apni.ru/article/7486-vozmozhnosti-elektronnogo-obucheniya-anglijsk

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