АИ #47 (177)
Статьи журнала АИ #47 (177)
Strategy of formation of information systems security architecture in Turkmenist...

Strategy of formation of information systems security architecture in Turkmenistan

Научный руководитель

Чарыев Гурбанберды


Информационные технологии

Ключевые слова

information systems
protection of computer systems and applications

Аннотация статьи

The conducted research on some aspects of the formation of the security architecture of information systems in Turkmenistan indicates the effectiveness of the measures taken in this direction. We have to come to the conclusion that it is necessary to attract talented students studying digital technologies to address issues in the field of information security of our country.

Текст статьи

In the modern period in the Central Asian region, cooperation between states is actively developing in various areas of information and communication technology security. In turn, independent and neutral Turkmenistan has demonstrated its commitment in these important areas [1]. Thus, in 2019, a Cybersecurity Law was adopted in our country in order to protect the national "cyber sovereignty" and prevent malicious hacker attacks. Currently, the ministries and departments of the country have special departments responsible for the introduction of information technologies and appropriate protection against cyber threats.

The State Cybersecurity Program for the period 2022-2025 was also approved. The President of Turkmenistan, dear Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in his speeches emphasizes that the legal state structures need to pay close attention to countering cybercrime and timely prevent illegal actions on the Internet and information systems.

As experts point out in their research papers, the cyberspace environment is understood as a conditional space that arises in the process of using electronic and electromagnetic means in order to preserve, modify and exchange data in computer networks and related physical infrastructures.

Cyberspace is considered as the fifth spatial dimension, existing along with land, water, air and space physical spaces. The cyber environment is characterized by the following defining characteristics: interaction around the world; openness to innovation; reliability, the ability to support the activities of the entire system; security that deserves the trust of people [2, 3, 4].

 In scientific papers devoted to the protection of computer systems and applications, it is noted that the main objects of information security are: 1) information infrastructure, which includes a set of technical means and systems for the formation, creation, transformation, transmission, use and storage of digital data; 2) information resources, which include both the information infrastructure and the information itself and its various flows.

Here it is necessary to note the "critically important structures", which are objects, systems and institutions of the state, the impact on which may have consequences directly affecting national security; 3) directly the individual, society, the state, as well as their interests.

The scientific circles of many countries of the world point to the need to organize effective international cooperation under the auspices of the United Nations in order to counter cyber threats. But to do this, the information problems of global security and sustainable development need to be more clearly defined, classified, and prioritized for their solution, that is, to conduct a comprehensive international study. It is advisable to create an international system of integrated information monitoring and forecasting of global threats to the development of civilization [5, 6].

It will have to provide state leaders, scientists and public and political figures with reliable information about the state, trends and predicted consequences of the further development of global processes in nature and society that may pose threats to the development of a safe and sustainable civilization. The level of modern science, technology and information technology allows, with appropriate funding, to create such a system within a few years.

Thus, the problem-oriented approach to strategic planning in the field of information security is based on the idea of selectively solving the most significant problems that hinder social development, or key tasks that increase the security of relations in the information space [7].

The strategic planning document, as a rule, is urgent, it indicates how long it is supposed to implement certain intentions that the state plans to take to solve problems, and the expected results. In the end, security is considered not as an absolute category, but as a specific protection against threats.

A Center of Excellence in Cybersecurity has been opened in our country at the Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics, located in Ashgabat. The main purpose of the opening of the center is to support the government in its efforts to improve cybersecurity and to assist the Institute in preventing cyber threats. It is equipped with new technological digital equipment, which will allow solving issues related to cybersecurity in the future.

Despite the importance of cybersecurity as a field of professional activity, the standardization of knowledge and educational standards on cybersecurity began relatively recently [8, 9]. In this connection, the urgency of developing a modern professional image of a cybersecurity specialist in the form of an appropriate model of digital cybersecurity skills, which could serve as a guideline for systems for training specialists of the appropriate profile, has arisen. It is obvious that the most complete picture of the requirements for arming professionals in this field with skills can be obtained precisely on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of modern methodological solutions.

In the educational sphere, measures are also being taken to identify talented young people in the specialties related to digital technologies. Thus, Oguz Han Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan announced a cyber security hackathon among students of higher educational institutions of the country. Competitions for young IT professionals will be held on November 28 and 29, 2023. The hackathon is organized in accordance with the "Concept for the Development of the digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025", aimed at identifying talented specialists in the field of cybersecurity, as well as raising awareness about threats and methods of protection in the network. The competitions will allow students studying web programming and digital technologies to demonstrate their skills in the field of information security, solving various tasks of hacking and protecting computer systems and applications [10].

Список литературы

  1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan. Ashgabat: 2014.
  2. Колин К.К. Информационная безопасность как гуманитарная проблема // Открытое образование, 2006, № 1.
  3. Кастельс М. Информационная эпоха. М.: ГУ ВШЭ, 2000.
  4. The Global Information Technology Report 2015: ICTs for Inclusive Growth.
  5. Смолл Г., Ворган Г. Мозг онлайн: Человек в эпоху Интернета. М.: КоЛибри, 2011.
  6. Moore J.W. The Road Map to Software Engineering: A Standards-Based Guide, 1st ed. Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press; 2006.
  7. Friesen N., Roberts A., Fisher S. CanCore: Metadata for Learning Objects. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology. 2002.
  8. Peoples B.E. Innovative e-Learning: information technology and standards, a current and future perspective // Journal of East China Normal University (Natural Sciences). 2012. (2):1-12.
  9. Parrish A., Impagliazzo J., Raj R.K., Santos H., Asghar M.R., Jøsang A., Pereira T., Sá V.J., Stavrou E. Global perspectives on cybersecurity education // Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2018).Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA; 2018.
  10. Hawthorne E.K. Multifarious initiatives in cybersecurity education // ACM Inroads. 2013.



Аннамухаммедов Э.. Strategy of formation of information systems security architecture in Turkmenistan // Актуальные исследования. 2023. №47 (177). Ч.I.С. 31-33. URL: https://apni.ru/article/7560-strategy-of-formation-of-information-systems

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