АИ #50 (180)
Статьи журнала АИ #50 (180)
Ways of cognitive interest activization in language teaching

Ways of cognitive interest activization in language teaching

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Ключевые слова

cognitive interest
language learning
learning forms
project method
problem training
authentic materials
multimedia tools in language learning
games in language learning

Аннотация статьи

The article provides an overview of existing methods and tools for cognitive interest activization.

Текст статьи


One the main tasks of a teacher is organizing the process of learning in such a way, that it excites a need for new knowledge in students. Working on cognitive interest activization means creating an engaging and friendly learning environment, which can be done in many ways. This article is concerned with the variety of tools and methods used for cognitive interest activization. The problem studied here is the choice a teacher faces when dealing with cognitive interest activization which can be overwhelming due to development of technology. Our objective is to provide an overview of popular methods and tools used for cognitive interest activization. The methods and tools will be enumerated in the order from least popular to most popular.


While working on the stated topic, we used the following methods: analysis of literature on the study of cognitive interest activization and the notion of cognitive interest.


The least popular method of cognitive interest activization is usage of different learning forms, i.e. using various forms of grouping and sitting and various lesson types. The first aspect deals with classroom management, when the teacher organizes work in singles, pairs, groups, mingle, plenary, etc. The following lesson types can be used: conferences, seminars, lectures, competition-lessons, creative lessons [4]. This method of cognitive interest activization proves to be effective, especially with competition-lessons for teenagers, it helps include all students in the working process. However, this method requires a lot of time and effort on behalf of the teacher, which in modern educational system can be only occasional.

The second method deals with problem training. It can be used at any level of English, including beginners. The teacher gives students a question, which they attempt to answer. The question should arise concentration of attention, independent thinking and creative mobilization. Solving problematic tasks, students learn to interact with each other and the teacher. This technology as well provides opportunities for the formation of research competence and helps to create a new, exciting atmosphere at the lesson [2]. However, this technology can also be time-consuming, which in strict learning program limits can be difficult to implement.

The next technology of cognitive interest activization is concerned with using authentic materials in the studied language. Authentic materials are usually defined as those created by native speakers for native speakers. Such materials are classified in the following way: printed materials (books, magazines, comic books, brochures, etc.), audio materials (radio, songs, audiobooks), audio-visual materials (videos, TV shows, cartoons, advertisements, etc.), visual materials (pictures, photos, postcards, etc.) and realia (real objects). Authentic materials motivate the learning process as they bring the students closer to the L2 culture, which makes the learning process more exciting. In this case, cross-cultural communication is involved. However, there are few materials in coursebooks, so the teacher should find them him- or herself. Besides, some teachers can get carried away with the variety of the materials and start implementing them too much in the lesson which consequently becomes an assemblage of materials [1, 3].

One of the more popular methods is the project method. This method, with its complexity and multidirectivity proves to be very effective in cognitive interest activization. The students having received tasks which require active solution and creativity, acquire skills of independent work and thinking. The project method works best in a language learning environment when the project topics are concerned with the culture of L2. The duration of project work varies with the age of students as well [5]. Provided that all the conditions of project work are observed, this method proved to be effective for the learning process and not too complicated in terms of usage for teachers.

One of the most researched methods of cognitive interest activization is the usage of multimedia tools. There is a great variety of multimedia systems and products that can be implemented in the learning process – starting from the usage of a projector in the classroom and ending with modern web-platforms for creating one’s own teaching materials. This kind of technology gives us unlimited presentation capabilities contributing to better perception and qualitative assimilation of the educational material [2]. The only problem with this type of tools is the negative health influence when applied for a long time. Therefore, a teacher should not work with the computer or projection screen at the lesson more than 15 minutes. Besides, the preparation can be challenging ad overwhelming, as the teacher wants to make the lesson as interactive as possible, which cannot always be applied or realized [8].

The most popular method of cognitive interest activization undoubtedly is a game. Game can be part of every method mentioned in this article, therefore it is omnipresent. However, the majority of research focuses on gaming technology separately as it exists in various forms and can be used at any stage of the lesson [7]. There are multiple advantages of using games in foreign language learning, among which are activization of cognitive interest, development of skills of team work, communication skills and many others. They help relieve tension at the lessons, create a positive atmosphere of interaction. Games are a universal tool for language learning, which serve many objectives in the learning process.


The following methods and technologies were observed in this article: usage of different learning forms, problem training, using authentic materials, project method, interactive multimedia tools and games. Games and interactive tools proved to be the most popular due to the advantages that they provide in their usage and results. The choice of an appropriate method of cognitive interest activization should be based on the age and level of students and abilities and working conditions of a teacher. The most popular options are the safest choice, but the least popular options are applicable and effective as well.

Список литературы

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  8. Хайрулаева А.З., Бускаева Л.М. “Интерактивные методы в активизации познавательной деятельности учащихся” Мир науки, культуры, образования, no. 1 (56), 2016, pp. 123-124.



Лукьянова Д. О. Ways of cognitive interest activization in language teaching // Актуальные исследования. 2023. №50 (180). Ч.IV. С. 69-71. URL: https://apni.ru/article/7837-ways-of-cognitive-interest-activization-in-la

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