АИ #51 (181)
Статьи журнала АИ #51 (181)
To the issue of types and structures of institutions

To the issue of types and structures of institutions

Научный руководитель



Ключевые слова

legislative power
state institutions
multilateral organizations
executive power
judicial branch

Аннотация статьи

The article discusses the main problems of such research area of evaluation of rule of law institutions that public and scientific organizations to create their own policy and this area of experimental research. The author focuses on the issue because it is very important for society that every country has institutions that regulate social relations among the people who live there.

Текст статьи

Structure at this rule-of-law state holds there a leading role and represents a set of friendly legal norms that looks to a particular group or equal part of social relations. For example, there is the legislative branch: The Parliament represents the legislature and makes the laws and regulations that govern the life of the people. The Legislative Branch this is one of the key institutions of the rule of law, as laws and regulations are the foundation of the legal system. Parliament also handled the task of overseeing the activities of the executive branch. Legislative power operates with limits on what is permissible.

Executive: The executive branch provides the executive branch with the rules and regulations implemented by the legislature. The chief executive ensures the implementation of law and order in all aspects of civil society and is the point of destination for the activities of local authorities. Executive power structures vary, but in most countries the world president or prime minister.

Judicial branch: The judicial branch is represented by courts that administer justice and protect the rights and freedoms of citizens. The judiciary is one of the key institutions of the rule of law, as it provides justice and the protection of civil rights. The judiciary must be independent and free from the influence of other branches of government, and this guarantees equal opportunity for all citizens. According to this principle, authorities are supposed to operate globally.

Prosecutor’s Office: The prosecutor’s office is the government body that oversees the country to enforce the law and the rights of citizens. They monitor the activities of the country’s public institutions and also protect the rights and freedoms of citizens. The prosecutor's office operates strictly within its capacity.

Public institutions: Public institutions are important institutions for the rule of law, as they influence the formation of public behavior and provide control over the activities of government agencies.

State institutions are also effective in protecting the rights and concerns of citizens, including the rights of minorities and vulnerable citizens population density.

Independent regulators: Independent regulators are particular bodies covering various sectors such as telecommunications, energy, finance sector and services sector etc. Laws and regulations are enforced in these sectors and customers are kept in focus, this ensures effective competition, investment and balance between Consumer interests.

International Organizations: International organizations are important institutions for the rule of law as they promote international cooperation in the fields of law and human rights. They ensure compliance with the rights and freedoms of the world’s citizens and protect the rights and interests of minorities and vulnerable groups and create conditions for cooperation between national companies from different countries.

Each of these organizations plays an important role in ensuring the rule of law and protecting the public from сreason. The coordination between these institutions allows us to ensure that the rule of law functions properly, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens and at the same time, any effective institution must be considered based on its independence, its administration and compliance operations with rule of law principles.

Rule of law organizations typically stand in for state and federal organizations to ensure compliance with laws and regulations at all levels of society. The coordination between these institutions ensures the effectiveness of the rule of law and the protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms. Without active participation, rule of law institutions cannot ensure compliance with laws and regulations.

The public is an integral part of the rule of law, as it provides control over the activities of the regulatory authority and participates in decision-making in the public interest. Thus, it is important for the public to be active and involved in rule of law work organizations. The institutions of the rule of law are often the state necessary to ensure the rule of law and protect the public interest. The effectiveness of any organization depends on its independence, professionalism and adherence to rule of law principles. Active participation of citizens and citizens in the activities of institutions of the rule of law is also necessary, however due to this activity, the Russian Federation is being changed for the better. For example, they build roads, repair schools, and repair damaged buildings.

This is the essence of the rule of law society. This is the principle according to which justice is the supreme rule of law in society, and no individual or group of people can rise above rules and regulations that ensure consistency and predictability in law. The constitutional foundations of the rule of law are embedded in constitutional norms and form the basis of the rule of law. Let’s take a look at some of them:

Article 15 of the Russian Constitution stipulates that no legal acts can be contrary to the Russian Constitution. This means that the Constitution is the supreme Law of Russia, and all other laws and regulations must be respected when they are issued.

Article 1 of the Russian Constitution affirms that Russia is a legal state based on the principles of the rule of law and the people. This means that the law and the legal system are supreme in Russia, the people play an important role in security of civil rights and freedoms.

Article 3 of the Russian Constitution guarantees that the individual, his rights and freedoms, are highly valued in Russia. This means that the protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms is one of the primary functions of the state, and all other laws and regulations must be established and implemented.

Article 118 of the Russian Constitution provides that the independence of the judiciary is guaranteed by the Russian Constitution and laws.

Constitutional values, which form the foundation of the rule of law, play an important role in the rule of law. Includes: Laws and regulations beyond the Constitution. The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the supreme law in Russia, and no other law or regulation can conflict with its provisions. Furthermore, in Russia, law is the supreme normative function, and other legal functions such as decrees, orders, laws, etc. cannot contradict the norms establishing judicial independence. Judicial independence is an important principle in the rule of law, as it ensures that the courts make decisions based on the law and are not influenced by other branches of government or other individuals. These are the norms. The Russian Constitution holds that the individual, his rights, and freedoms are of paramount importance in Russia. This means that the state must protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens, and all laws and other laws must aim to implement them. In addition, the Russian Constitution guarantees fundamental rights such as the right to life, the right to liberty and personal integrity, the right to freedom of conscience and religion, and the right having to claim freedom of speech.

Laws that ensure equality and equality before the law. The rule of law provides for justice and equality before the law. The Russian Constitution provides for the equal application of laws to all citizens and institutions, without exception. This means that every person must be equal before the law and have an equal opportunity to protect their rights and interests in court. Rules governing liability for violations. The rule of law requires full application of the law and accountability for the actions of lawbreakers. The Russian Constitution guarantees everyone the right to the protection of their rights and freedoms, as well as values that establish freedom of expression of rights and freedoms without conviction without trial. Citizens have the right to express their rights and freedoms freely as long as they do not violate the rights of other citizens and are against the law. The Russian Constitution guarantees freedom of self-defense, the laws on assembly, association, religion etc. guarantee legal protection. The rule of law is expected to enable citizens to enjoy judicial protection of their rights and freedoms. The Russian Constitution guarantees everyone the right to a fair trial and the protection of their rights and freedoms. In general, the constitutional system of the rule of law protects the rights and freedoms of citizens, establishes rules that must be followed by both government agencies and citizens, ensures full implementation of laws. They make laws the foundation of the regime, for status and forecasting for the legal system.

Список литературы

  1. Theory of Law: textbook / ed. R.Z. Bra girl. M.: Norma, 2021. P. 190.
  2. Federal constitutional law of December 31, 1996 No. 1-FKZ (as amended on April 16, 2022) “On the judicial system of the Russian Federation” // Official Internet portal of legal information [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.pravo.gov.ru/ (accessed 03/01/2023).
  3. Grachev N.I. The essence of the state // Bulletin of SSLA. 2017. No 4 (117). pp. 11-24. P. 36.
  4. Rybakov V.A. Functions of the state: a systematic approach // Bulletin of Omsk State University. Series. Right. 2017. No2 (51). P. 17.
  5. Sokolov A.N. Institutions of the rule of law - in lawmaking and law enforcement in Russia // Rule of law: theory and practice. 2012. P. 70.
  6. Marchenko M.N. Theory of state and law: textbook. M.: Prospekt, 2017. P. 219.
  7. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993 (with amendments approved during the all-Russian vote on July 1, 2020) // Official Internet portal of legal information [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.pravo.gov.ru/ (accessed 03/01/2023).
  8. Theory of state and law: textbook / edited by N.I. Matuzov, A.V. Malko. M.: Norma, 2021. P. 137.



Gabdrahmanov A. I. To the issue of types and structures of institutions // Актуальные исследования. 2023. №51 (181). Ч.III. С. 6-8. URL: https://apni.ru/article/7852-to-the-issue-of-types-and-structures-of-insti

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