АИ #9 (191)
Статьи журнала АИ #9 (191)
Theoretical foundations of mastering the Kazakh language with the help of critic...

Theoretical foundations of mastering the Kazakh language with the help of critical thinking technology

Научный руководитель



Ключевые слова

Kazakh language
critical thinking
arousing interest
cognition of meaning

Аннотация статьи

In teaching the Kazakh language in accordance with the principles of the new educational program. Academic knowledge and functional skills are not enough to bring a student to such a level. The methods used in the educational process and the work performed should guide students to independent work and lead to critical thinking. The content of the education system should be identified with the demands of modern society and aimed at the formation of a person who is creatively thinking, actively acting, and inclined to self-developing life activities. The article examines the methodological foundations of mastering the Kazakh language through the technology of critical thinking in universities, suggests principles and effective ways of mastering the Kazakh language through the technology of critical thinking.

Текст статьи

Today, the task of improving the quality of teaching Kazakh language subjects is acute, which is one of the foundations for the formation of such personal qualities. At the same time, professional service in the modern field of education, the ability to put scientific research and research into practice, combining theoretical foundations in practice is one of the requirements for students. The research work provides for the introduction of new technologies into the educational process, complete informatization of the education system, and an increase in the level of education. It is assumed that new technologies introduced into the educational process will allow applicants not only to study, but also to form them as independent, professional specialists.

In the process of teaching the Kazakh language, one of the main tasks is not only mastering the basics of theoretical and practical scientific knowledge, but also developing the creative potential of students in the educational process, increasing competitiveness, learning the ability to independently search for and apply information in their practice and the formation of communicative competence.

It is known that at every stage of the development of society, the mind and attitude, knowledge and understanding of people change. This is a natural phenomenon. Changes in social relations, changes in the content of education also have a direct impact on the meaningful nature of education. Therefore, in the modern education system, much attention is paid to critical thinking, comprehensive development, and self-education of the student.

Critical thinking is a pedagogical concept that is important for the development of education in Kazakhstan. Critical thinking is a technology for developing reading and writing, thereby thinking. A technology that encourages a student to communicate freely with a teacher, class students, to argue, listen, respect each other, overcome difficulties, looking for ways to solve an urgent problem [1, p. 39].

We must understand that the program for the development of critical thinking is the joint work of students from all over the world. The project is based on the theories of J. Piaget, L. S. Vygotsky. The goal is to teach students of all ages to be critical of any content, to choose one of two judgments, to make informed decisions. However, the problem of critical thinking cannot be related only to the transition to the updated content of education in recent years, including. The formation of a child as a person, his comprehensive physical, mental and aesthetic development, the development of cognitive abilities have been talked about since time immemorial, which can be seen on the samples of Kazakh oral literature.

In the works of the Kazakh educator I. Altynsarina paid special attention to the issue of the formation of a child as a person. I. Altynsarin, writing the Kazakh Anthology, noting that "Kazakh children need contemplative stories, meaningful riddles," warns of the need to raise children attentive, intelligent and Altynsarin believed that in order to form a child's intelligence, it is necessary to develop thinking. The scientist says that a child can be developed by investing it in correct thinking.

Great attention to A. Kunanbayev paid attention to the issues of parenting and offspring. In his word 19, he is in tune with the idea of developmental learning: "a person born of parents is not born heard: hears, sees, catches, tries, recognizes the good and the bad in the world, as well as the one who knows, sees a lot." This is the basic principle of scientists-researchers of critical thinking technology, since no ready-made knowledge is given through critical learning. The child finds knowledge by himself in search of it.

Among the Kazakh scientists was a scientist, Professor K. Zhubanov, who, with the help of logical thinking, was able to figure out the problem of learning and even then began to write his textbooks based on the "new technology". He stressed that in conditions when science and education are beginning to develop rapidly, schoolchildren should practice science on their own - a method of teaching and upbringing. To educate an inquisitive child, the scientist taught him creative thinking and made efforts to maximize the development of brain activity.

In connection with the problems of teaching Kazakh language teaching methods in science, the methodological works of many methodologists deal with the development of thinking, thinking, language, creativity of children. In particular, the first candidate in the methodology of teaching the Kazakh language in a Russian school is Sh. Sarybaev, methodologist G. Begaliev wrote many methodological works concerning the development of thinking, the language of students in teaching the Kazakh language, and also outlined the issues of language development in the science of the methodology of teaching the Kazakh language. Scientist S. Rakhmetova worked closely with the teaching of psychology. He developed a methodological framework for the development of written and oral speech of students in doctoral research work. The scientist widely examines the issues of the development of thinking, cognition, collusion of children in conducting language work on the study of the Kazakh language. The scientist notes that the work carried out at the school on language development mainly pursues the following goals:

  • To develop students' observation, thinking abilities and language, worldview, to teach them to compare each thing and draw conclusions independently based on comparison;
  • To give students the skills to correctly record their feelings and thoughts, in accordance with the norms of the Kazakh literary language;
  • To teach students to work creatively on themselves, as a result of which they draw their own conclusions [5, p. 149].

The attempt to reveal the essence of developmental learning from a critical point of view is manifested, in particular, in the research work of a stream of scientists who joined in subsequent years. Scientist Umirbayeva K. O., noting that in the process of developing a child's speech, it turns into cognitive water under the influence of pedagogical activity, attaches great importance to the student's introspection in learning, his own conclusions [4, p. 103].

In research papers, scientists show that critical thinking consists of the stages of awakening interest, cognition of meaning, and contemplation. The goals and objectives of these stages were discussed in detail in the research paper.

Arousing interest. The learning process consists of a combination of previous knowledge and new knowledge. Students are focused on the educational process, pay special attention, and are motivated to learn new material. The student complements, expands new concepts, concepts, his previous knowledge with new information.

The second stage of this program, aimed at thinking and learning, is cognition (understanding) It makes sense. At this stage, the student gets acquainted with new information, works on the topic, and performs tasks. Conditions are being created for his independent work and activity. There are learning strategies that help students work on a topic.

Reflections are the third stage of the program. In the daily learning process, the student learns to organize excitement, to be critical of himself, to another, to give an assessment. Students can express their thoughts, the information they notice, in their own words. At this stage, students learn from each other by studying the various tables of others in order to impressively exchange thoughts, exchange thoughts, create their own learning path, their own schedule. This stage of learning is the stage where you review your thoughts and make new changes. Contemplation with different creativity leads to a target structure that will be used in the future.

Considering the above works of scientists on developmental learning using critical thinking technology, we notice that it covers important issues related to developmental learning from a critical point of view. In particular, critical thinking is a method used to understand, evaluate, analyze, and synthesize information obtained through observation, experience, reflection, and reasoning. Then we can conclude that critical thinking is a person's ability to explore, comprehend and freely express their thoughts in any situation.

It is known that mental activity is activated for the realization of language communication. And when does a person start to think? Firstly, when some problem arises in front of him, to which there is no ready answer, or new information that has not yet become familiar. Secondly, when a person tries to find an answer to this problem or tries to understand something new and achieve his wealth.        When a person reflects, he analyzes many solutions, reflects on them, weighs and weighs his values and ideas, intuition and needs, tries to achieve the richness of the problem. After that, the person chooses for himself, rejects the desired solution exactly as it is, considers it comprehensively, distinguishes between its right and left, in addition to citing flaws, looks for evidence to motivate him, finds the answer, asks the question again and now looks for the answer, not satisfying him and continues to dig. He's looking for answers. Continuous search and research.

This incessant type of thinking is called critical thinking.

The most optimal way to present the methodology of critical thinking is to motivate students to attach importance to arguments in their practice. Critical thinking involves developing skills such as gathering evidence through observation and listening, taking into account the context and using appropriate criteria to make decisions. Therefore, it is necessary to provide students with the opportunity to develop the skills of observation, analysis, inference and interpretation.

Список литературы

  1. Omirbaeva K. A. Speech development of 5th grade students in schools with the Russian language of instruction through level assignments. Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. - Almaty. - 2001. - 132 p.
  2. Aimauytov J. Collected works in five volumes. Volume 4. Psychology. Almaty: Nauka, 1998. - 447 p.
  3. Kirillova G.D. Features of the lesson in the context of developing learning: Textbook / G. D. Kirillova; Leningr. state Pedagogical Institute named after A. I. Herzen. - Leningrad: LGPI, 1976. – 147 p.
  4. Sarybaev Sh. From the experience of teaching Kazakh in a Russian school. - Almaty, 1940
  5. Begaliev G. Problems of the Kazakh language methodology in primary school. - Almaty, 1950. - 192 p.



Kyrkymbaeva M. T. Theoretical foundations of mastering the Kazakh language with the help of critical thinking technology // Актуальные исследования. 2024. №9 (191). Ч.V.С. 6-9. URL: https://apni.ru/article/8585-theoretical-foundations-of-mastering-the-kaza

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