АИ #10 (192)
Статьи журнала АИ #10 (192)
Modern teaching technologies in biology lessons

Modern teaching technologies in biology lessons

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biology lesson
learning technologies
development trends

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The requirement of modernity is the mastery of new learning technologies. One of the new learning technologies is interactive techniques and technologies. At the stage of development of interactive technologies, the main task of a teacher is to prepare modern educated and qualified students. The intensive development of informatization processes in society requires the formation of a personality of a new technology. The effectiveness of using new technology in biology lessons is to increase students' interest in the lesson, form a scientific worldview, and train competitive students.

Текст статьи

In the context of informatization, the amount of knowledge, skills, and abilities that students must master increases day by day, and the content changes. The development of students' competencies through the use of interactive techniques and technologies in teaching subjects the use of modern information technologies, electronic textbooks and Internet resources allows students to develop their creative abilities in the educational process. Since in pedagogical science the task of teaching and educating a child is the formation of a conflict-developed personality, the main part of the methodological system according to the new technology remains the purpose of learning. Therefore, cognitive activity should be activated to a certain extent. This requires that other parts of the methodological system also be changed in the relationship between the content, method, type and means of teaching. To do this, the following positions must be implemented.

The prospects for the development of a modern school are determined by the variety of volumes of information, which is constantly increasing with the trend of development of society. The use of new learning technologies in the education of students, work in an innovative direction are in demand today. The effective use and application of interactive techniques and technologies in teaching subjects in the educational process provides significant positive experience in subsequent years. Conditions are especially favorable for independent search, increasing students' interest in the subject, developing their creativity, forming a culture of educational activity, and organizing independent work [1, p. 39].

The problem of student development based on the educational process is an issue that has been causing discussion among many scientists, psychologists, teachers and practitioners for many years and still remains on the agenda. 8. Comprehensive development of students in the creative direction is the main requirement of today. From this point of view, the search for various methods and techniques of organizing the educational process is of particular importance for the effective use of new technologies. Our scientists say that there are more than fifty learning technologies in the modern world, some of them penetrate our education system and take a place in our experience. The great goal facing modern teachers is the upbringing of a free and comprehensively mature personality capable of active, creative activity in all spheres of life. Only a creative person can be able to solve a wide variety of life difficulties. To develop the student's creative abilities, several conditions must be met.

Before demanding creative activity from a kid who has just crossed the threshold of school, it is worth teaching him this. In this regard, I chose the topic "Developing students' creative abilities using new learning technologies." My goal in solving this problem is to develop creativity that allows a child to form his own attitude to the world from an early age using new teaching methods and techniques. It was M. Zhumabaev who for the first time introduced into the content of education an orientation towards the student's creativity. "Thinking is a very complex, deep matter of the soul," the teacher emphasizes, warning the child that he needs to make a lot of effort to learn how to think. There are the following types of initiation into creativity, organization of independent activity:

  • Generalization of the topic by content;
  • Discussion of one specific topic;
  • Essay, conversation;
  • Creating and solving crosswords;
  • Drawing with imagination.

Regular carrying out of such works has a huge impact on the introduction to creativity, independent search, revealing the student's talent, and enriching his imagination. The relevance of the development of students' creative abilities is presented below:

  1. Gets used to independent learning and work.
  2. Leads to creative search.
  3. There is faith in your work.
  4. Learns to be critical of everything.
  5. Learns to compare, draw conclusions.
  6. Creative activity increases.

As a result, a talented, capable personality is formed. I do it by finding my own mechanism of interest in the subject. It is important for me to feel the need for a subject in my life, to be in demand, trained, in demand. I can – confidence in my knowledge. Therefore, the relevance of the problem posed to me as a teacher is: the search for personality, its leadership, cognition and cognitive development of each student's creative abilities. The word "creativity", the etymology of "to produce", "to think". Hence, it should be understood that inventing something new, thereby achieving success. The philosophical dictionary explains: "creativity does not repeat itself, has historical social significance, high quality of discovery, actions that reveal." After all, every innovation, especially in intellectual terms, assumes that it will bring the child's psyche to a new qualitative level. This opinion satisfies the requirements of modern pedagogy. It is known that the development of students' creativity begins with the creation of conditions for the emergence of a common creative process. In subsequent years, the concepts of technology for the development of students' creativity, technology of education and upbringing arose in the educational process. When considering ways to form creative, practical skills of students, pedagogical methods of this process with psychological mechanisms are comprehensively analyzed and the problem of solving the problem of studying arises. Definitions of the concept of creativity include 10 human qualities that differ from people of their ranks in mental activity above children. 1 Basically, talent is characterized by a high degree in special activities. Creativity is the source of all existence, movement, development, in a word, life, in the phenomena of nature, society, consciousness, activity, the inner Self of man, the natural processes of creativity are continuously taking place. This process is developed by a certain system. Internal creative processes are controlled by nature itself. And the management and regulation of external factors depends on what the human mind is doing. The organization of thinking techniques through the design of a creative task solution is one of the ways to effectively solve it. The development of students' creative activity is closely related to the formation of their critical opinion. Education begins with school. The teacher's pedagogical skills also depend on increasing students' self-confidence, developing their creativity, and immersing them in a deep understanding of the educational material of the lesson. Each teacher's lesson must meet modern reading requirements. Together with these requirements, each lesson that the teacher conducts daily must be scientifically justified and its mentoring meaning comprehensively disclosed. Only with the reasonable fulfillment of such requirements, the student develops creative abilities, develops the student's desire for learning, knowledge [2, p. 31]. Only with the constant development of the student's enthusiasm, the ability to organize each lesson in a new way, apply advanced teaching methods and techniques, the student develops creative abilities. Introducing school – age students to biology is always an urgent task. The subject of biology is the first step towards a person's understanding of the beauty of his environment, to the correct formation of aesthetic taste. He cultivates the human mind, expands his knowledge, teaches virtue and beauty. He brings up the fight against negative phenomena encountered in life, instills love for his people, country, and land. Biology has a special place in secondary schools. Each student improves his creative abilities with the help of a biology subject, forcing himself to see the beauty of things in the environment.

The child who appears before each teacher also has different thinking abilities, for example, some think fast and work fast, some take the subject slowly and give him the opportunity to review the assignment (topic) again. In this regard, effective methods of new technologies can be used in biology lessons on the topics "structure and characteristics of birds", "circulatory system", "origin of life".

Currently, it is impossible to become a competent, versatile specialist without mastering advanced learning technologies. Even the new technologies used in the lesson can be implemented in different ways, depending on the skills of each teacher. The use of new technologies can not only increase students' interest in the subject, but also lead to more search and creativity. As a result, the student:

  • Language richness is being improved;
  • allows you to think freely and express your thoughts freely;
  • hones knowledge with the use of new technologies in the learning process;
  • forms a new learning process;
  • increases the ability to independently search, comprehensive search;
  • Information literacy and information culture are being formed.
  • develops intelligence;
  • increased creative activity;
  • fosters collective activity.

It is obvious that when every teacher learns using new technologies for high-quality student learning, as well as using a computer, an interactive whiteboard, student interest grows. "Nowadays, it is necessary to give young people new knowledge that meets international standards related to new technologies," the Head of State stressed, stressing the importance of optimizing and increasing the effectiveness of new technologies in the educational process on the way to educating the younger generation.

Список литературы

  1. Bulashbaeva A. Methods of new technologies. Biology and well-being are the foundation. 2006. №.6, p. 39-40.
  2. Ismanbetova M. Modular training. Biology and well-being basics. 2006. №. 3, p. 30-34.
  3. G. Zhunusovna. Methods of teaching biology. Biology and well-being are the foundation. 2003. №. 4, p. 9-17.
  4. Sagyndykov E. The use of national games in the educational process. – Almaty: Rauan, 1993. p. 76.



Terebaeva T. T. Modern teaching technologies in biology lessons // Актуальные исследования. 2024. №10 (192). Ч.I.С. 11-13. URL: https://apni.ru/article/8692-modern-teaching-technologies-in-biology-lesso

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