АИ #10 (13)
Статьи журнала АИ #10 (13)
The training educational environment for instructional quality in teaching

The training educational environment for instructional quality in teaching


Образование, педагогика

Ключевые слова

educational environment
instructional quality
the effect of trainee choice
the type of learning involved
forms of support
feedback system
scale names

Аннотация статьи

The article describes some effective pedagogical methods of teaching English in instructional quality process on the base of modern educational environment as innovative space.

Текст статьи

Generalia praecedent, Specilia sequuntur
предшествует, конкретное следует
Art est celare artem
Искусство состоит в умении скрыть искусство
(Latin wisdom)

Teaching language is always in context. The context is the very educational sphere and educational process, directed to teachers and students with equal doze of responsibility for expected result. To expect result is to develop in both sides as partners the objective sense of honesty, justice and reliability in sharing all positive and negative skills and habits required. The trainers must be highly skilled, personally reliable, calm, patient and kind, loved in their profession as vocation. The students are to be open to everything new, to be ready to renew that is necessary to be renewed, calm and happy to feel themselves wanders walking through the obstacles and difficulties to personal success as a deserved award. If it is a partner’s process, oriented to positive effect, why do we say sometimes about rare negative result, what does it concern and what does it mean? The object is worth of being mentioned, because it deals with communication straightly, directly, definitely. Educational sphere for teaching-learning foreign language is an area of prolonged communication, which has been going for students through the period of their studying at the University, and non-stop continue after graduation from it in their memories, reminds, required skills, good habits of communication everywhere and with everybody they are to share their high or law professional possibilities. So, we come closely to the point. Only highly correct organized educational sphere by teachers while teaching foreign language can guarantee all-round positive personal and professional skills of the graduators from the University. For them it means effective prolonged education on the base of the main truth of understanding everything the new: everything what that we consider to be new for us has been already researched, investigated, described and explained by somebody interested in. This unique embodiment does not diminish the teachers and students’ unique contribution to protruding the universal knowledge to each sphere of life, a constant object for improvement. So, we’ll never get negative skills in educational communicative teaching-learning process if we agree to get instructional Quality knowledge from the both sides in the process of common intellectual, emotional and psychological work, being able assume a positive turn of events, remembering a wise phrase: “There is nothing better than to be sure in the rightness of your cause and its usefulness.”

The right communication comes to high motivation of the students, rejecting the factors diminishing the meaning of each lesson, each problem, each individual saying in the cause of common discussion. The researchers of the problem Wulfeck, Ellis, Richards. Wood, and Merrill present rules for analyzing training objectives and training tests, forming educational environment, and means of organizing informative base through definite resources. Let us name them and try to explain the necessary items for productive embodiment in a real process of learning foreign language [1, p. 202].


  • Physical (weather, time of day, lighting, and so on)
  • Social (isolation, individual, team, audience, and so on)
  • Psychological (fatique, stress, relaxed, and so on)


  • Given information (scenario, formula, values, and so on)
  • Cues (signals for starting or stopping)
  • Special instructions


  • Job aids (cards, charts, graphs, checklists, and so on)
  • Equipment, tools

Technical manuals In order to organize motivative, interesting and scientific (no less) studies on Environment, Information and Resources, united in a detailed worked out scheme of term schedules, some productive methods as role-plays we taken into account and analyzed on the finishing experiment on the theme” Training Environment and Instructural Quality.” Due to all aspects of the problem taught the most effective appeared to be “The Baloon Debate Game”, we are ready to describe partly. The aim of this role play is to widen and improve vocabulary by teaching students more dynamic alternatives to everyday words, concerning Environment, Information and Resources. The scenary looked like that: “Imagine that you and your group are travelling in a hot air balloon. Suddenly your start losing height and you realize that one of you must jump out to lighten the load and avoid disaster!” Each student must prepare a short speech about themselves emphasizing why his/her life is important and must be saved. Each student then presents their case to the group in turn. A teacher and a group of experts (students) examine the vocabulary the students have used. It is likely that there will be a lot of repetition and old favourites like “fantastic”, “amazing”, “beautiful” etc. will dominate. A teacher asks the students to repeat the exercise using the “ctivator” (a long line of special terms on the aspects of the theme declared), concentrating on keywords such as “impress”, “important”, “save”, “survive” etc. and the words used in these families. The students should then present their revised speeches to the auditorium using as many words as possible that they previously did not know.

The main demand is active participation, every student must express his opinion on the topic and answer the questions. The very motto of this role play motivates the students for active intellectual activity: “There is nothing does irritate me more than seeing other people sitting about doing nothing when I am working”. (Jerome Jerome). In abeyance of different colleagues’ opinions the students try to give a good account of oneself, “being air in the air”- accountable for somebody’s life.

 There are several different levels and forms of role plays, responsible for arising the best intellectual and moral feelings, and a great volume of special vocabulary, helping the students be red alert, alive and kicking, acting up to the teacher’s, as trainers and tutors qualified recommendations. Let us denote the most interesting of them among a long list of scale names, descriptions and sample items, being approbated by professionals in students’ groups (from different countries) and proved high results foreseen by teachers- participants, organizers, producers, experts, creative and imaginative natures, whose profession is vocation.

The effective teaching time let the student possibility and opportunity od recognizing and understanding the leading term, notions and truths of educational sphere and process like these:

  1. Resourcefulness (scale). It means, that communicant can think strategically, engage in flexible problem-solving behavior, work effectively with higher management. He / She makes good decisions under pressure with incomplete information; links his/her responsibilities with the mission of the whole organization.
  2. Building and Mending Relationship. It means to know how to build and maintain working relationships with co-workers and external parties.
  3. Compassion and Sensitivity. A communicant shows genuine interest in others and sensitivity to subordinates ’needs; It is willing to help (a group mate, a colleague, an employer) with personal problems.
  4. Confronting Problem Subordinates. He/She acts decisively and with fairness when dealing with problem subordinates; is able to fire loyal but incompetent people without procrastinating.
  5. Team orientation. They accomplish tasks through managing others. It is acting as if his/her managerial success is built by a team of strong subordinates.
  6. Balance Between Personal Life and Work. They balance work priorities with personal life so that neither is neglected [2, p. 336].

We use the term “managing” in order to stress the meaning of special abilities required and used while communication at different levels with auditoriums of different profile and aim-forwarding.

Why the role-plays of different types are so effective? All languages – a strong instrument, a real tool of communication. Irina Bokova called all languages “wellsprings of knowledge.” They are essential for the transmission of cultural diversity of our world as foundation of the professional English learning and teaching, and, as a result, a source of professional competences of the future high level specialists [3, p. 351].

Список литературы

  1. Hadley A.O. Teaching Language in Context. Boston, 2005, p. 365.
  2. Goldstein I.L. Training in organization, California, 1992, p.336.
  3. Azarenkova M.I. Role-plays’ using for increasing of effectiveness in teaching English // Научный альманах «Языки и культуры в эпоху глобализации: особенности функционирования, перспективы развития и взаимодействия», Москва, 2019, С. 351.



Азаренкова М. И. The training educational environment for instructional quality in teaching // Актуальные исследования. 2020. №10 (13). Ч.II.С. 114-116. URL: https://apni.ru/article/871-the-training-educational-environment-for-instr

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