
Педагогика и психология

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Good writing habits as mastering is necessary good contribution to a wide personal development in intellectual, professional, social and cultural spheres responsible for personalities’ establishment in accordance with the demands of modern society and individual needs.

Текст статьи

“Your thoughts, speech and actions will bear a seed of full confidence, if you are sincere in all your tasks”
“If knowledge is wealth, ask yourself “How wealthy am I ?”
“Time is life. Wasting time is wasting one’s life”
“Do you UNDERSTAND the Tree of Life or you simply STAND UNDER it’s branches?”
 (Indian Wisdom)

The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion”
(Thomas Paine)

Writing is one of the most important habits and "items of knowledge" working on all students career. Teaching English to grade school and high school students needs much time to make possible for those taught to recognize the importance of writing. Not only as a skill to write letters in order, but write as express an intellectual volume of education as professional readiness and personal perfection. Teaching writing from this point of view needs much time to commit this time to working towards explanation and effective practical steps in the very teaching and learning writing. Of course, first of all we motivate ourselves to overcome all difficulties in learning writing through own achievable goals that fire us up. Why do we need act in this way? It is because being highly motivated we will find a creative way to make the time to work on our career with the help of excellent writing as well. It is known, that the most significance core before and into the learning process is finding the time and momentum to make it happen. It works absolutely actively with approach to writing as a process of working on the students’ career.

When we turn a corner of our brain to the writing, first of all we remember freewriting, questioning, listing, letter writing, clustering as prewriting techniques. The specialists in this field of education consider all these items to be structured activities aimed at stimulating thoughts. It means, that when we think about our writing our mind work on the task coming to us not ibn a perfect form but just as the written idea – generation techniques. So, what are we doing at this moment? We just are seeding of good ideas for the future excellent writing.

The whole process of writing consists of two parts. The first one is the so called prewriting and includes collecting information about generating ideas: the process itself, defining essay’ topics, searching for ideas worthy of inclusion, defining idea – generation techniques, mentioned as freewriting, listing, questioning, letter writing, clustering, thinking without writing [1, c.23].

The second stage of the whole process may be defined as very important, because we deal with the authors’ feelings, intentions, willing, understanding and sharing or not the author’s ideas.

The teachers’ task is to learn those beginners in this business how to structure the Essay in connection with the author’s willing and interests. Each author wants to know how each reader shares his feelings, Ideas, experiences – supports or neglects; is the information from the issue useful for a reader as a new block and volume, or not; does the author want the reader to think or act a certain way as in an essay; was it possible to entertain the reader or not.

The third stage of writing is exercising in determining purpose (as the main one), establishing audience and generating ideas due to the author’s general one. This stage is creative, imaginative and inspiring, needed a special approach, oriented to science and art at the same time. Only this sum will be useful and productive for defining the volume and quality of result got from reading an essay.

Practical tasks are very effective for constructing habits and skills of writing for prolonged time, are interesting and contain a wide range of interesting word’s wealth – vocabulary a true treasure of each language collection.

The most meaningful aim is to prepare our students for the kind of English used by and for native speakers. A wide range of material intended for speakers of English is in demand. In practice it is a great amount of vocabulary as terms of any kind, idioms, professional terminology, poetic ones, dialogue and monologue’ schemes for a real practice of communication, models of special grammatical schemes and instructions for different spheres of communication, writing skills, listening skills and so on. As an example, we proposed the students a short text to read and discuss in a long oral and written activity. Our aim was to compare the author’s general idea with private student’s one, to describe the both ones, to estimate, to add something personal vision, if necessary. Let us read, translate and discuss a short text:

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think, or say, or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company… a church… a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past… we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do it play on the one string we have, and that life is our attitude is 10 % what happiness to me and 90 % how I react to it. And so it is with you in charge of our Attitudes”.

On reading the text we can include in our discussion targeted research on class and independent ways in link to demonstrate benefits of bringing together reasons for the present emphases on vocabulary, creating a sense of need for a word, list of habits and skills. We take into account individual work and work in a team, influencing the final result of self-education as self- realization already on the stage of studying.

It is important to stress, that in order to enrich listening to each other and discussion from the point of the author’s view and personal attention to the material being worked out, we added some sentences, which functional sense was to get more definite and bright personal resumes on the text proposed. There some of them to read, translate and discuss:

  • If you realize that everyone is an individual with his own unique part to play, then the power of tolerance is easy to develop. Mistakes are caused by lack of attention, then there is tension.
  • There will always be the opportunity to learn for those who desire it.
  • When the mind is filled with virtues, they will be revealed in our actions.
  • Humility makes the heart honest, big and clean: it enables one to be cooperative.
  • You are what you think. When you are angry, a great deal of energy is used up and wasted. Use energy wisely.
  • Patience teaches us to pace ourselves.
  • A disciplined mind means a peaceful and happy one and never gets disturbed.
  • There is great beauty in simplicity. That which is simple is close to Truth.
  • If you always do your best, you will be free from regrets.
  • To use punctuation marks on paper is easy, but can you put a full stop to waste thoughts? [2, c.35].

While listening and then speaking the students have to demonstrate their abilities to try to give more than just basic answers and give examples to show what they mean.

The main teacher’s advice, one of the most convenient in situation of scientific communication mastering may be like this one: “Do not wait; the time will never be “just right”. Start where you stand and work with whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along” (NAPOLEON HILL, American motivational writer on wealth).

Список литературы

  1. Barbara Fine Clouse. The student Writer. Editor and Critic. New-York, 1992, c.23.
  2. Азаренкова М.И. Специфика обучения иностранному языку в современном техническом вузе как условие социализации и воспитания личности лидера. В сборнике материалов межвузовской научно-практической конференции «Гуманитарные дисциплины в структуре инженерного образования: традиции и новации. Петергоф - 2015, С.35.



Азаренкова М. И. Thinking about writing for personal development // Особенности современного этапа развития образования и науки : сборник научных трудов по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции 13 июня 2023г. Белгород : ООО Агентство перспективных научных исследований (АПНИ), 2023. С. 47-49. URL: https://apni.ru/article/6514-thinking-about-writing-for-personal-developme

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